We need an intelligence surge

>We need an intelligence surge
>We need to get a lot more cooperation out of Europe, out of Middle-east
>We need to better collect and analyse data we have
>We need to better combat ISIS online
>We need to work with Silicon Valley
>We need to work with the experts in our government
>We need to fight ISIS in cyberspace

Hillary has the best people, the very best!


muh internet trolls muh nazi frogs

>we need more surveillance of innocent people
>we need more control in Europe and the middle-east
>we need more people in the intelligence services
>we need to take control of the internet absolutely.

Did she actually say this?

at the 23:20 mark

>As little as 20,000 mostly untrained LARPERS in the fucking open desert, or holed up in specific, observable cities


If you wanted to fix ISIS, you could do it in a fucking week.

The existential threat of ISIS "influence" upon lone wolfs didn't even exist until AFTER Hillary let these Chimps beef themselves up into Gorillas.

If the NSA can't see what you're masturbating to Nigel, however will they stop a barely literate man in fancy dress from shooting people in Syria?

Leave Europe alone!

exactly this. same thing could be said about school shootings, they glorify and romanticize this shit.

Why hasn't Obama already done these things? Empty rhetoric as ever. She never even answered any of the questions asked.

>We've got to beat them in the arena of ideas!

Or you could just kill them. Which would be easier.


It's all a moot point. The U.S. supports violent Jihadi's.

There is no desire to stop them, just to contain the blow back.

It's such a fucking redundant conversation. Why the fuck did they not ask her;

>Why did you fund, arm and support Sunni/Wahabi extremists, and not think you would have to deal with the fall out?

Anything along those lines.

ISIS couldn't be any more than 50,000 rebels.

The answer is that we don't want them to win, but we don't wash Assad to win either.

Hell the current leader of ISIS was trained in 2014 by US and Turkmeni military officers on anti-terrorism.

We want Assad gone, mostly because we fear having to go in 5 years from now and do the exact same shit.

Also we have some deep seeded hatred of Baathists that hasn't really been aired publicly.

On the surface a secular-ish dictator who respects free trades and shoots extremists would be fine with us.



The ones who matter haven't, and won't consider it, until Assad is more worn down. If at all.

>Figured it out

I'm not saying they don't know what to do. I'm saying they don't want to "stop" ISIS.

They just want to contain it.

haha you know that is all a nutty conspiracy theory , simply a ploy by the racist mysogonistic alt-right to discredit a strong female



unironically wanting an intelligence surge and attacking the education infrastructure and dumbing people down at the same time.

Well, remove Hillary and insert Obama. It doesn't make a difference. They sell the policies. They don't formulate them.

Implying the US Gov wants to actually fix any of these issues.
Also implying they don't let them happen and encourage it.

Worried about ISIS when Iran is going nuclear and Obama is paying cash for hostages...awesome.

And considering that she's running against a total retard she won that one. If anything she can present herself unlike Trump who was basically:
1) China china china
2) They took our jobs
3) Make America Great Again
4) No, seriously - I know what I'm doing stop doubting me.
5) I have a great plan against ISIS.
Well what is it?
I was thinking of getting advice of my top generals, see what they have to say.
So your plan is asking other people for their plans?
No, no, I do have a plan :^).
6) When asked about amount of rape going in the military (typical one in four women bullshit):
Yes, yes, that's horrible, we need a good military court system to deal with these issues, and I do definitely understand your Daughter's concerns.
In 2013 you tweeted "23k rapes, 263 convictions, what did those geniuses expect when they put men and women together"?
Trump got BTFO. Hillary isn't perfect but she can at least present herself well to the media. Instead of stumbling around like an entry-level trying to get hired when asked about stuff he claims to know on his resume.

Come debates she'll pave the floor with him. You have to remember that composure means a lot. Obama got btfo during the first debate and that was the first popularity spike Romney got, after that he lost them both and plummeted.

Why do you think Trump wanted third parties at the debates? Because Jill Stein has a better chance of BTFOing HIllary than he'd ever have.

>t. I'll cough with her?
You do realize she is saying "We need all these people under control" for our Lord George Soros. "Follow me into the depths of Hell or I'll do as master commands and send you to Hell myself!"

thats why msm is on suicide watch because matt laure went so easy on trump and omg he's such a racist and misogynist, 'how could he call her hillary' 'he interrupted her SOOOOO much ' 'so many softballs for trump, and they attacked hillary god-ham clinton' 'OMG EMAILS, she dindu nufin'. msm has been trying their hardest to spin the forum , trump didn't even do that well during the forum , which shows how poorly hillary did, and how little faith the people supporting her actually have in her.

Saudi Arabia has the best intelligence agents



LIke... half of these are basic shit that should be standard policy(1,3,4). Two are the same thing (4,8), one is stolen directly from Trump (2), and one is questionable (5).

>justin timberlake cropped out

godham clinton 2016