The Orville

Ah, I see even comedy sci-fi needs what I call "space trials". Literally the worst episodes in any series, and it's unfortunately a staple in them.

Other urls found in this thread:

TNG had Mccarthyism allusion trial episode
Orville had some weird gender identity retardation trial episode
what will STD have?

Doctor Who had a space trial for the entire season so it could be worse.

The entirety of TNG was a space trial, and it's probably the best TV sci-fi ever made.

Does CBS pay you directly, or does a marketing firm that they hired pay you as independent contractors?

yea the doctor could be turned into an antiwhite marxist propagandist by his creaters.

I wish, I don't have a job right now

It was a reference to a high profile case about circumcision.

She lost as soon as The advocate pointed out that Alara was a Silean, right? Why did this get allowed? This is a great show, but they do these things so stupidly.

It seemed to be like it was some kind of "Muslims cut the clits off of their baby daughters and we can hate that and think it's wrong and try our hardest to change it... but that's their culture" episode.

Even in the end, they do not and cannot protect the girl-baby and they turn it into a boy, then there's tinkley sad music as everyone moves on.

>TNG had Mccarthyism allusion trial episode

And one where Picard sued a woman claiming to be the devil.

Is there a reason why this show jumps around? seems like after the pilot they just throw you into the middle of the series

Her entire argument was an appeal to "other species." She was a terrible space-lawyer.
Hey, men can be stupid. Here's an example, a stupid human man!
Hey, women can be strong. Here's an example, a strong Silean!

It was such a weak tactic I can't believe they even tried it. The smartest thing to do was go find a female Moclan, and it rightly should have been the first thing to do. They eventually did that, but only after weakening their case by citing other examples from other races/cultures. And the Moclan lawyer made the exact same observation as anyone watching: She lived alone in a cave as a hermit.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE, SHE'S ALSO THE MOST PROLIFIC AUTHOR ON THE PLANET!!! Quick, nobody ask how she publishes her work.

The Moclans did nuffin wrong.

It's old-style. No season-long arcs, as became standard in the last decade.

This episode was a parody and takedown of a "feminist utopia" where all men are eliminated because of toxic masculinity.
The fact that it went over so many people's heads and that they think it's about the exact opposite shows its brilliance.

Care to explain your theory? I don't see how it is as you say. And if nobody got it, then that's bad writing, not brilliant writing.

Exactly. It was really dumb. But I do enjoy the fact the idea of the trial can be tied to different viewpoints. Trans shit, circumcision male and female, that breast ironing thing. It's basically the Moclans and Union both shouting MUH CULTURE!

I love that. You can just jump in any episode.

What's wrong with that? I remember those trial episodes from BSG, they were fucking amazing. I don't know what your issue is OP.

All the arguments against having females are the exact opposite of feminist arguments against masculinity.
It's not that nobody got it. It's that ti is camouflaged well. You have to think about it and feminists tend not to do that or they wouldn't be feminists.
Of course the kneejerks don't think about it either. That's why I'm here.

he actually watched this whole terrible episode

Trial episodes are some of the greatest Trek episodes.

Measure of a Man
The Drumhead
Court Martial

You clearly don't know much about Star Trek if you're genuinely this retarded.

What a load of horse shit; this episode was ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE.

First of all, they complain that this type of medical procedure is unethical, and the writers' intentions are clearly portrayed in this act. The fact that they are imposing human cultural appropriation upon another species without any consideration is a massive hypocrisy against the liberal backdrop the rest of the episode plays. You CANNOT say they are doing that ironically.

Then, they bring up the good old circumcision argument, and jokingly imply that it's not the same thing at all. This is done with no hint of irony, which would clearly be the intent from an American (especially Jewish) point of view. However, I think you'd find that most European societies appreciate the unethical nature of male circumcision, and in this instance it is absolutely the same thing as this infant sex change procedure.

Disregarding the painful penultimate act, the episode ends with NOTHING HAVING ANY IMPACT??? This is the most confusing 'twist', because the writers' are fervently against this practice for the entire episode, yet make no revelations about it in the conclusion?

What is the moral of the episode? If it's supposed to be that we shouldn't judge other cultures, it is massively undermined by the contradictory narrative that is zealously pushed throughout 4/5 of the episode. Or perhaps the moral is 'oy vey good goy don't try to resist against the system', which to be honest I wouldn't be surprised with except for the fact that the episode is a complete cluster-fuck from beginning to end.

"Captain Mercer, tell me about your penis."

>this is a great show
>everything is done stupidly

How can two men have a baby? Only females lay eggs.

I mean they have great ideas, and I like the feel of the show, but they execute the ideas poorly.

Alara is a cute. CUTE!

i bet the planet is full of altered female to male, genetically all of them are female and is why they lay eggs.

this is my head canon and makes a hell more sense than the show.

This episode is the perfect example.

The plot is something I'd expect to see in "real" Star Trek.

It was an interesting ethical and cultural problem approached from multiple angles.

But it's more comedic elements draw away from what is genuinely a good sci-if story.

Using "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" to convince Bortus to not alter his daughter is one of those moments that made me ask out loud if this was seriously what they were doing to make him see the Union point of view.

It was a dumb solution to an intelligent dilemma.

That seems to be a recurring theme in The Orville. Smart stories with dumb solutions.

Was a good episode. Even my redneck dad liked that episode.

And one where Q sued Picard for destroying humanity

That's not unique or interesting. Rednecks fucking love Star Trek. Even if they never admit it, they do.

Why don't you have a tail? The genes for them are still there, just "switched off."


I wasn't born in the 90s, I'm not trying to be unique nor interesting. I was simply stating a fact; no need to read more into something user, no need at all.

well they could have gotten really serious and delve into racial IQ and explain why we don't genocide everyone below a certain intelligence level, but i don't think that makes for good television even if it's true and serious

This is true. My friend's dad was the guy that turned us all on to Trek. He was like a 60 year old redneck that smoked a lot of weed.

>Dr Bill Nye the Cancer Guy

Sounds like Seth didn't think too much of Nye's new show

Just thought it was weird how it was wasn't brought up in the trial that most Moclans have never seen a female one, so how would they know anything about them?

Especially since it couldn't be proven that a male Silean would be stronger than a female one because there wasn't one present?

That sounds like a Picard tactic. Call for a recess until a male Silean could be produced, and in that time convince Clyden to let the kid be a girl.

I'm impressed with the show so far. Its hitting a lot of trek notes without being near-fucking-unwatchable like TNG was first few seasons.

Also, Norms booger penis joke made me laugh.

It was subtle but I audibly kek'd

>nobody ask how she publishes her work
>future space show with wireless transmissions
>what is having a pen name
The real question is how could she prove she wrote all that popular shit

Enjoyably of that joke aside. Why would he even know the name of a TV star from so many years ago. Much less think of using it in a joke that literally no one else would get.

Because he watches A LOT of tv from our era of humanity. It explains why he is the way he is. This was also explained in episode 2 when he gave the zoo all our reality tv shows from our era. Only he knows that stuff because he is a fan of Sup Forums

They do this all the time on TNG. with the preamble of "ancient earth historical"...

They also made a Dora the Explorer joke about Alara last episode.

Who the hell would know what that even is several centuries in the future?

Tom Paris?

Nice pull. Great example.

correct, Bortus is an altered female

To be fair, the also referenced Obi-Wan in the previous episode, and Captain Mercer has a Kermit the Frog stuffed animal on his office desk.

It seems like some aspects of 1970's to Modern Day pop-culture are alive and well however far into the future The Orville takes place.

Clyden. Clyden was born female.

Bortus is completely male.

There seem to be a lot of females if one is only born every 700 years, or what ever the robot said.

Perhaps we're living through a renaissance at the moment, and current pop culture will be referenced with the same respect and adulation as shakespeare or some shit.

I think it was every 75 years, or something like that.

I think Clyden being born female was just thrown in there to have a transgender character in the episode who went on to live a 'normal' life.

The episode was basically Female Empowerment vs Transgenderism, and I'm not quite sure what to think of how it played out...

That number is probably just the parents that allow their child to stay as a female and don't hide them away.

Or else how would the doctors be confident in their ability to preform the gender reassignment surgery that they would have never even seen be preformed.

ahh yes who could ever forget that kardashian play?

And thus began the downfall of that alien civilization...

>tfw when you realize the federation/union only won because of their cultural influence infecting other alien societies

... I like this theory

The pint was to get you to use your own fucking brain and come to your own conclusions. They are not going to lay it out on a table for you. But I guess free thinking is too hard for you. Just like discarding cultural conformity is to Muslims and Jews.

McFarlane is far left wing, there's no chance in hell he intended this episode as a feminism takedown

Tick tock Orvillosers. No one will even make a thread about you once STD master race takes over.

Infant circumcision is definitely unethical but it is not comparable to changing a babby's sex.

hahahaha no way that is a real article. that has to be sarcastic if it is

These headlines are amazing. I saw one that said "The Kingsman is better than every James Bond movie. Fight me."

>changing a babby's sex.
In a dymorphic species which Moclar clearly aren't. Female in a race such as theirs is a genetic throwback, a complete and unnecessary aberration. It would be like being born a human with a tail and fur all over. If a procedure exists that cures such ailment then do it. Maybe a monkey-human could lead a full healthy life (as a fucking alienated and shunned hermit who is also a prolific author despite knowing next to nothing about actual interpersonal interactions), but why bother? Normality > snowflakeism.

so your an intern at CBS. thats even worse, bro

Dropped this show hard. Watch it fade into obscurity over the next few weeks.

Really just such an awful show.

Only thing worse than the space trial is the space trial-by-combat. Bonus points when the protagonist bravely refuses to fight.


No early review because it's that good...

You do realize that review bans typically are more indicative of the studio being afraid of a wave of negative feedback, right?

>You do realize that review bans typically are more indicative of the studio being afraid of a wave of negative feedback, right?
sarcasm goes over your head? are you new to anonymous forums? do you want them to be exactly what you want them to be just to debate? consider they were joking and they actually think of it in your view, anonfag?

My dad was watching this episode, when they starting talking about circumcision I wanted to tell him how I was pissed he let them do it to me but I held back because he's old now and I don't want him to live with the guilt

my thoughts and prayers go out to you

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That's gotta be straight up sarcasm right?

And Measure of a Man

Somebody knows about dat Q.

Seriously, though. This episode of Orville is sitting kinda heavy. Obviously the decision came down the way it did to create sympathy for the viewpoint they were endorsing, but it was still an 'aw, damn...' moment.

All in all, I think it was a decent episode and not what I was expecting from the series in general.

'Probably because it's so good.'

I died. I'm fucking dying. Currently.

This was a good episode.
Before coming and reading, I tought was a great episode, but some user justly argues the bullshit shown, like the heavy use of (low) pop culture and yes, it's indeed a demerit.
I would also argue that the Orville should have an entire team of experts on the union customs aka space lawyers and space diplomats, but it's okay to use the blonde. It's gotta do something now and then, it's a main after all.
Anyway, it was still a good episode for the simple fact that was sci-fi heavy. The opinions were relateble, in a society who looks to progress and war, once you descover an asexsual method of reproduction womans, as inferior as they are, go into the trash. Spock would even say 'logical'.
Also nice, even if uneventful for now, the fact that the crew lost for the first time. And now they have a living reminder on the ship.

this show is pretty great

Same episode:
>It's like, white guy can go into Compton if black guy says he's cool.

>>I have no idea what that means, but yes!

i was expecting gay Worf to show his race the rudolph movie and have that change all their minds

mfw I actually prefer Dark Matter to Orville