What amount of sleep per night is the most redpilled?

What amount of sleep per night is the most redpilled?

7-8 hours is the most healthy. More makes you a lazy Untermensch, less makes you a cuck for your (((boss)))

Any multiples of 1.5 hours to optimize your deep sleep patterns for max lucid dreaming time

Sleep twice a day. Have around 8 hours at night and 1-2 in the afternoon.

Ive read humans up until only recent history (last 200 years or so) would get up in the middle of the night for a few hours, do some random shit, like farm work, and then go back to sleep, I believe the term was second sleep.

Intredasting concept anyways, considering when you have no life you tend to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, do some random shit, and then go back to sleep a few hours later.

>sleeping at night
Have fun getting your throat slit by your enemies.

>he body is still in the physical realm needing sleep

blue pill detected

>falling for the sleeping jew

>sleeping jew
Fucking kekkles
Love you pol

A truly redpilled person suffers from crippling insomnia and just spends his nights tossing and turning anxiously in his bed


6 hours of actual sleep.

fug that's me

>when some dumb nigger misuses the term redpill and you see he's German

I do that when I’m not tired as hell.



7 obviously

4 cycles. 3 for mind body soul and one for good luck.

Sometimes it takes a while to fall asleep or wake up so (((7-8))) is commonly heard

6-7 hours. more than that you get sleep fatigue.

Read some literature about a guy who picked up the habbit of sleeping 10 minutes every hour or something and said he never felt better. He stopped when he moved in with his gf. He was a writter and a studied animals and the environment.

I don't know about redpills, but because of his brown pill I sleep about 2 hours a night...

It's different depending on age. Babies need the most (12-14 hours). Kids need maybe 6-7. Teens need 10-12. Adults need 7-8. Older people need 6-7.

I sleep around 6 hrs/night on weekdays. I can function but I know I'd feel better getting 7-8 hours. But Sup Forums is too much fun to go to bed early.

Also, fuck DST.




You really like deer don't you

The one were you don't wake up

>tfw work + BaEng degree
>tfw I get 6 hours if I can

In high school you just want to be awake..
At uni, you treasure sleep


You're already in a deep, 24/7, sleep.

It's an evolutionary holdover from a time before artificial light sources. The average human needs only about 7-8 hours of sleep but night lasts 10-12 hours or longer depending on latitude and season.

Mostly they used those times for fucking, though.

>sleep 6-8 hours
>tired as fuck, usually need a nap

>sleep 4 hours
>awake for 22 hours without ever even yawning

What the fuck is wrong with me, guys?

That's how I function. I don't really have a set number of hours I sleep. If there's a lull in happenings, I'll sleep for 90 minutes and check on updates, then take another nap in maybe 4-6 hours. My full time job has me doing a moderate stretch of long overnight shifts with several days off in between, so it isn't an issue to live like that in my off time.

When I'm working, I sleep as long as I can between shifts, and after the final shift of a stretch, stay up until I crash catching up before returning to the nap cycle.

Doing this means you never go into REM sleep, which is the time in which your body is most able to repair any tissue damage (muscle gain, heal any wounds etc).

Also, this is impossible for anyone with a normal job.

7 hours is perfect for me, maybe 8. Anymore than a minute over 8 and I feel groggy and shitty the rest of the day.

Depression. Symptoms resolve with sleep deprivation due to decreased REM sleep. Too much REM allows the brain to ruminate on depressing thought and results in psychomotor depression while awake.

Kek, I can always count on one of these no matter the topic. Gg UK

Anger is the redpill. Let whatever makes you the most angry be your guide to truth, and get even more angry to find truth. Being angry increases your I.Q. by 20 points on average, the jews have worked hard to frame anger as a bad thing.

Get 4 hours of sleep a night to maximize anger and irritability. Spend the other 4 browsing Sup Forums

Some people don't need as much sleep as others, some people need more. You should feel glad because you're in the same camp as Donald Trump (and many other successful businessmen).

The question is, are you being productive with those hours spent not sleeping?

Nothing, every body is unique. I need a solid 7.5 hours of sleep. My husband works with 5.

Find your hours. You have to wake up refreshed. And a strict schedule is important.

h-how did you know about my anxiety :(

pretty sure someone could recognize if they're clinically depressed or not, also checked

>tfw fucked up sleep pattern
>tfw sometimes I feel okay after five hours
>tfw sometimes I can't get up from bed after nine hours

I blame Sup Forums. Staring at catalog up to 2 a.m. can't be healthy. even with f.lux.

hurr durr redpill me on thing