The christening of pheasants

Is this retarded custom only popular in our country?

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Janez, koji se bre kurac ovde desava?!

Highschool freshman getting a treat. No such thing in Serbia?

Nope, we just spray each other with water at the end of the school year. At least that's why my generation used to do. I onda mi Srbi ludi...lele

I'm not sure what I'm seeing in this video. There don't appear to be any pheasants, just normies with markers and eggs.i expected a weird thing eith birds.

pheasant is high-school freshman (our terminology)

a "treat" fucking degenerate puting F˙s on tits and ass

wtf is this?

Some throw water mixed with flour at you. Yea, this shit is just shit.

So basically this is upperclassmen beating up freshmen?


Yea, mostly the "čefurji" are doing it.

Si resno mislil da so drugje tudi tako retardirani kot mi ?

In America we just sexually assault or sodomize people while holding them down. It's all in good fun. Never see this shit, what's the point.


I can't wait to import my next wife.

But she has to be slovenian, not a bosnian/serbian mix.

We just used to do shit like that in the last school year of highschool. Hiding in the bushes with waterguns/balloons/eggs


we do that in america too.

except we won't get dysentery from it.

what int he actual fuck is going on here?

balkan niggers being balkan niggers

Why don't you guys become more open minded?

Surely that can't be our invention, eh?

It's high school hazing and it's pretty dumb desu kids write Fs over each others bodies and throw corn and eggs around,
pretty much shows you how much of an agrarian society Slovenia still is even after a century of "progress".

I agree with OP, zadeva je skrajno neumna.