Gary Johnson: "And what is Aleppo?"

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>the absolute fucking state of american presidential candidates

mfw didn't know what aleppo was until gary fucked up

>mfw I felt inadequate and insecure for not knowing either, and thus pretended I knew what it is, and was about to post about it in Gary's defense, without actually going into any kind of depth, before seeing this post which made me feel better and remember that there's no shame in not knowing everything

>Omg he didn't know what Aleppo was
>Mfw I didn't either
>Oh it's something to do with rapefugee shit
Nobody actually gives a fuck. The media certainly hasn't told anyone much so I don't think they're allowed to be that shocked at Gary.

>Oh it's something to do with rapefugee shit
Fucking nigger die in hell
It has something to do with based Assad who literally whole of Sup Forums supports

And they make fun of Trump for being ignorant

>mfw I get to hear a bunch of shitheads talk about how Gary "Feel the" Johnson didn't know about something as important as Aleppo oh my god when not only have neither Trump nor Hillary gone into detail about it, but they themselves only took a minute to read the wikipedia article before starting to talk shit

>all these retards who don't care abou the battle that will decide if syria exports refugees and terrorism for the next century or if it stabilizes


>american education

Also foreign policy is by far the most important category of policies, at least in a historical standpoint. How the hell could a fucking presidential candidate not know about aleppo?

>the fat Americans in this thread making excuses for how they have no idea where Aleppo is

Your school and media are third world tier

>all this Johnson shilling

what's going on here?

>what would you do five months from now about a situation that unfolded just recently?

This question was designed to stop Johnson from stealing votes from Hillary.

>as important as Aleppo

>The Syrian civil war, which began in 2011, "unfolded just recently"

>just recently
>the battle of aleppo started in 2012


This is why it's easy the herd Americans into war. If you know, you'll go. If you don't and it doesn't affect you at all, you'll still go. God send population. Bless.

>Is a politician running for FUCKING PRESIDENT
>doesn't knows what's Aleppo

Literally no excuse, shit's been on the news for YEARS, especially when ISIS is mentioned.

>the two party system has failed
>I still don't understand what the fuck is going on

Go feel your johnson, Gary.

>tfw you realise an anagram of Aleppo is Hola Pepe

Anyone with even a minor interest in Syria (which a presidential candidate should have) or has read basic history of the middle east would know Aleppo. There's no excuse for his ignorance

>interviewer "what is islamic terrorism"
>obama "i'm sorry?"
>"islamic terrorism"
>and what is that?
>your kidding, the thing we are fighting
>oh right poverty in the middle east got you

No fucking way. The American election are surreal.

You spastics right there. Do. Not. Fucking. Breed.

You'd have been forgiven for not knowing "what" Aleppo is up to 2013. Beyond then, no excuse.

>You are outnumbered hundreds to on on the polling booths by people how probably have trouble dressing themselves.
Pretty much right there, why there's no point in voting.

Agreed wtf. Historically Aleppo is a pretty famous city and before the civil war was basically the centre of tourism in Syria.

Any educated person should have at least heard of the city of Aleppo and where it is.

How could people not know about Aleppo? We have a Syria General thread on here every day. It was also a major holding during the Crusades and I thought we were all Larping Crusaders.

To be fair it's really not that important for libertarians. Libertarianism favors non interventionism so who cares about Aleppo?

A presidential candidate should know about it tho and desu idk how he doesn't even know what it is, because shit has been on the news over and over again.

If Aleppo falls, Damascus is guaranteed to follow. Once that happens, the only positive thing that could be taken from the hell that follows will be the deaths of ignorant tumours like you.

>my fucking face when ive been saying how much of a blithering retard this guy is and he says this

i cant help but actually laugh IRL when thinking of this cartoon looking fuck pausing, looking retarded and rubber lipped and stumbling out "and w-what is aleppo"

GJIDF in full force this morning

fucking retards, have you been under a rock for the past 3 years?

Calm down, Plato.

Unless you can derive the spherical electromagnetic wave equations, and solve them to find the general form of these waves, I do not care for your opinion.

>when when you recognize that Aleppo is in the epicenter of... negh, ALEPPO

Who gives a shit about Johnson anyways. Anyone who votes for him is throwing away their vote.

Anyone who votes for the non-winning candidate throws away their vote by that logic

You're not running for president


>Anyone who votes for him is throwing away their vote.
we need that for edgy college douche bags to cast "muh protest vote."

>Yer kidding?

Fucking BTFO. This is the end of the Libertarian meme.

I feel like the average European citizen is better informed than any of America's presidential candidates

This. It's been an important trade centre for centuries.


Remember the 80s when Americans were still informed?

To be fair libertarians give 0 fucks about foreign policy or what happens outside of their countries. But on the other hand Gary isn't even remotely a libertarian and wants open borders.

still voting Johnson, blind kraut who does not understand US politics

bush did way worse and he had two terms

>the average European is more informed than a former Sec of State and FLOTUS
>the average European is more informed than a multi-billionaire international business tycoon

Makes Corbyn look positively professional. The USA is a meme country at this point.

>into Hola Pepe
British Education, everyone.

Hillary is braindamaged and even she knows about fucking Aleppo.

>but they themselves only took a minute to read the wikipedia article before starting to talk shit
>Johnson couldn't even be arsed to do that

Gary must have a filter on his Sup Forums account

Fuck off back to Aleppo, Achmed.

Halperin follow up interview

i have no idea what that is or what significance tjat means to the daily lives of Americans.

if it was something actually important o might know something about it, but i have never heard of it until this thread.

>american education

Never heard of Aleppo. Still voting for Johnson.

I'm not familiar with Aleppo either. Can I get a tl;dr?

good point.

It's like not knowing what Tunis or Riga are, you don't need to be a diplomat for it to be reasonable to expect you wouldn't just totally blank on a question about them

It's the same as not knowing what Baghdad is, you dumb fuck.

Aleppo is a city in Arizona where they detected the first American zika outbreak.

I've never heard the news mention Aleppo. They just refer to Syria. Baghdad was all over the news.

Every president should actively look at sg

was it relevant 20 years ago for a farming town in the middle of nowhere?

>muh Syria!

Gary Johnson will rake up the Bernout votes, good on him.

A true patriot to take one for the team.

you are currently browsing a board dedicated to world politics and you still haven't ever seen it?

did you get here yesterday? or are you retarded?

He is stoned, that is why.


as if the average american knows what aleppo is

why the hell should a presidential candidate ln when trump wants to shoot people in nyc

double standards!

Cannot disagree with this. American schools are shit. Most people graduate with a middle school reading level.

Are you sure about that?

Maybe from your part of the country


Eh, I didn't jump on Syria general when it first sprang up and I feel like I'm too far behind to follow the day to day drama now

Still voting Johnson

When he's elected you won't need to know where Aleppo is. In fact, if you fuckers like Aleppo so much you should go there. Take Shillery and that dickhead trump with you!

How do you want your campaign senpai?


cringe af

Do you never open the news?

GJIDF in full force

don't even vote just fucking kill yourself

Have you not opened the daily Syria general ONCE in the last 12+ months?

>farming town in the middle of nowhere
The biggest city in Syria?

Anyone with even a little knowledge of the ME should know what and where Aleppo is. It's an extremely important and ancient city.

This is his Dukakis helmet moment.

This shit here is why so many people hate the media so much that they will elect the man the media hates most of all to lead them.

It's absurd to pretend presidential candidates are idiots becausr they don't know about Aleppo, just as it's absurd to expect them to know the molar mass of potassium benzoate, what outfit Lady Gaga wore to the Emmys in 2014, or any other specific piece of trivia that the media decides to pretend ignorance of makes a person unfit to exist, let alone run for President.

This is just one of the games the Inner Party plays, to control who gets to lead the Outer Party. Orwell explained it all in 1984, and it's coming to life before our eyes, just as it did before the eyes of every country in Eastern Europe as the Iron Curtain descended.

Trp is the last chance, not to stop it intentionally, but to make the Inner Party destroy itself trying to remove all the powers they have embedded in the Executive Branch before Trump takes over, or failing that, to hastily restore the checks and balances they eliminated when Obama was in charge.

Aleppo is a future city of Turkey.

Cap this post, the U.S. will let Turkey keep it after Assad is replaced.

Funny how the most "successful" libertarian candidate ever is not even libertarian and borderline retarded. Just goes to show that normies ruin fucking everything. Can't wait to see Kek's final solution to the normie problem.

Are you retarded?

Russia is gonna be extra pissed.

Crusade for Anatolia with Trump and Putin. Cap this post.

Is there another link to the video, can't play the snappy video on my phone?

here u go senpai

It didn't work. You have to go back.

I basically agree with you and that shit drives me mad. But anybody who even opens a newspaper to the international section would have at least read a headline about Aleppo. It shows that he might not be keeping up with international news to the extent a candidate should, which is troubling.

You'd be surprised
I've been keeping up with the news on a daily basis and I've only heard the word Aleppo thrown around, and that's only from sitting on Syria general for a few days

it's more that Hillary would never have been caught doing that because the media loves her, and Trump would have done the same thing, then posted on twitter "oh I thought he meant the dog food, I know all about Aleppo"


i never liked Johnson in the first place. just blow up libertardians

so 100% irrelevant

Thanks for the link famalam, take this with you it will keep you safe.

I dunno man, I read the Belgian papers in the train a couple of times a month and I've seen Aleppo been mention plenty.
It's the biggest battle zone in Syria for years now.

They're kinda faggy and have low energy memes. So no.

I want what he's smoking. Must be good shit.