Autists defending mythology, why?

Why people are retarded at the point to want to believe in mythology as reality?
Why people want to have a religion and defend it as if it is the real world?
Please explain it to me.

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I hate niggers.

People are afraid there's nothing more to life than just living until you die so they believe in stupid bull shit

Hey i get it. Semetic religion is absolutely toxic (jews ver. 1.0, 2.0, 3.00). People want to go back to the connection with nature before the kikes arrived and made everything about guilt and sheckles.

Also fuck Filthy Frank--unfunny numale ironic millennial humor

What if people learned the everyone has an end but can continue throw theire descendants, with this concept constantly in peoples heads then maby they treat better theire loved ones and loose the fear of death

Semitic religions are shit, AND others are all shit too.
Filthy frank is funny in a filthy way, I understand if allot of people don't like that autistic fuck

Speaking about stupid mythological believes, do you want to play religious risk?

yeah but militant athiests are usually autistic as fuck faggots too...if you're not religious keep do everyone a favor and just keep that shit to yourself. No one on earth is hated more than atheists, even jews. Did you know that? There was a survey done here that said that people were more likely to trust rapists than atheists, and I believe it.

Like the myth of Troy. That was just a story it wasn't real.

M-muh I b-believe it.
Stop the mythological bullshit, religion should be illegal with the obligation to have treatment. Just stop the fantasy worlds already. Geeeee

They are interesting stories that could possibly tell things about different cultures along with seeing various scenarios that come up in mythologies from people who were geographically separated from one another.

Such as flood stories being about destruction and renewal of life.

>Why people are retarded at the point to want to believe in mythology as reality?

People do this?

>Such as flood stories being about destruction and renewal of life.

>flood happens
>Town is gone
>town is replaced with fertile mud
>Flora explodes in the area

Even so, people should not have it 24/7 in theire heads like paranoya, even if it was 1 second a day, people should stop that bullshit of " b-but I want to b-believe", no book is "the truth" , religion should be considered a mental problem related to paranoya and/or not having the notion of reality

*tips moortugese fedora*

oh my god be more gross and braziliany

Yeah Brazil and EUA and some regions of each country are a total disgrace with that cancer called religion.
Here in Portugal older people are catholic as fuck, it disgusts me.

seriously I challenge you to watch dawkins or the amazing atheist or whoever and not cringe. Those people are complete losers and faggots. The Odyssey is based. I don't believe in mythology and am an agnostic myself but I don't go around broadcasting it to everyone like some insecure faggot.


*tips fedora*

I've seen some videos of the amazing atheist, almost of what he says is pure cancer, I don't remember seen Dawkins.
I think these kind of you tubers do these kind of videos just too put they're rage while doing shekels and having some fame, like parasites.
One of my favourite YouTube's is darkmatter2525 but I only go there times to times

>watches filthy frank
>Criticizes people for believing something he disagrees with
>t. Edgy teenager.
You have to be 18+ to post here.


What is the problem of whatch filthy frank?
I'm not a bible fag "but the book, the book says..."
Yeah I criticise fairytails bullshit I don't want to live in the middle of retarded people.
Wow, not accepting a religion and criticises it is edgy now wow.
Bitch please go back to the church or the old nail man will catch you. Northerner dumbfuck

YouTube - darkmatter2525


>Resorting to adhominem's
Please, just leave. Seriously, it's starting to be pathetic now. People are free to believe in whatever they think applies most to reality.
You can't cope with that because you're a basement dwelling teenager that can't hear different stuff than from what you believe in.
>"Bitch please go back to the church or the old nail man will catch you"
I'm not even Religious. The difference is : I'm old enough to post here, kid.

Muh equality, muh freedom to choose what mythology
>I'm so smart and adult, my balls drop into the floor because of my so old adulthood

>insulting(using ad hominem)
>acusing the other of using ad hominem to refute the argument

for fucks sake at least hide your retardness a litle bit

You have to be 18 to post here.

Yes I know

Hi friend! >>Sup Forums is this way!

> atheist first rage against the system


> YouTube - darkmatter2525

You have to be 18 years old to post here.

Who the fuck told you that I have no more then 18 yo? I m 21

When you sit there and resort to namecalling and distractions like

>you have to be 18 to post here!

You're admitting you have no further arguments to make, and so must resort to attacking the speaker.

Stop acting like a liberal and just admit you're wrong

Fuck you faggot nigger kike cunt

Like a fucking liberal, name calling.



i r8 8/8 m8

>implying catholicism isn't mythological.

Because mythology is the mirror of ones race, the soul of your race and your people.

Through the passage of time the soul of the race has been put into it. It's all metaphors and reading between the lines.

I'm assuming you aren't speaking of religions like christianity or anything but the actual myths and epics of the folk.

Catholicism has taken over many aspects of european paganism. Hence why it can be considered "mythological".

the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
>boondocks season 1 episode 2
taken from
>pulp fiction
there are known knowns, there are known unknowns, and there are unknown unknowns.
>to me god is a known unknown
>yet to you he is an unknown unknown

>and,yet, you still this there are unknown knowns.

The profane do not want to understand.

>it ppl who don't know Joseph Campbell and the function of myths
>probably think myth means falsehood too

Hooooo fucking shit a triggered sjw like patrol calling to someone the same of what it is.
You must be very triggered bro

>>probably think myth means falsehood too
It doesn't desu.
Also what does Joseph Campbell write about? short tl;dr?

thank for actualy responding the question this what pol needs not more memes,the socratic method is the disrespected thing in europes heritage

They made a horse play flute like that. it was white.

sadly I don't have much proof for what I claimed though as I have not researched the topic enough. and yes, Sup Forums is too much memes and not enough actual discussion.

This is just an idea that I've been playing aronud with lately that generations through generations pour their races DNA into their myths, legends and all the rest of it.


Technology displaces mythology and without mythology people have to figure out things on their own which leads to many youths joining gangs and listening to rap to have an identity.

Joseph Campbell teaches that myths provide functions to our society. Specifically a metaphysical sense of awe of the universe, cosmological, sociological, and pedagogical function (guiding us thru the stages of life). Furthermore myths are to be interpreted metaphorically and not literally.

You fucks are missing out

>Furthermore myths are to be interpreted metaphorically and not literally.
Agreed, which I also said here.
He has loads of books though, which ones would you suggest to read? I have a long list that I'm reading already so I can't read them all.

At this point I don't know how anyone mildly aware of the current global situation can still be an atheist.
Have you not seen shit like the opening of the "tunel" in the swiss alps and world leaders giving the welcome to Lucifer himself? They seem to believe their shit pretty well, think they just put those things in stage worth millions of dollars for shit and giggles?
Anyway, carry on. Believe in Jesus Christ and be saved from all of that, or be fodder for their canon.

Nice. Metaphors are awesome
>Jesus ascending to heaven represents us descending inward into our consciousness
>Adam and Eve sinning represents humans developing egos and understanding we miss the mark

The power of myth


It's a dvd too if you prefer that medium

dvd? where?

The power of myth by Joseph Campbell bro

Get it at a local library or stream it somewhere


The Bible is real history.

Why do you think that science is anything more than the consensus of (((thinkers))) prominent in their current epoch?

found it in a huge database of other ebooks.

Because Jesus really was raised from the dead, therefore you are wrong.