Would Wonder Woman condone prostitution given the participants are willing and treated decently?

Would Wonder Woman condone prostitution given the participants are willing and treated decently?

Prostitution should be legal anyway. The only difference between prostitution and porn is that there's a guy with a camera filming you.

>given the participants are willing and treated decently?


Why wouldn't she? It's not like there's anything unethical about it.

Modern Feminism is against prostitution, dressing lewdly (the more skin the worse), and anything pro-sex (unless it's gay)

So no. If DC put out a message saying Wonder Woman was okay with women whoring themselves out, they would be destroyed by the media.

Feminists are retarded then because legalizing prostitution means there'll be male prostitutes as well.

Hell no. And frankly, you're retarded for even thinking of that question. Kill yourself, you fucking 12 year old.

>Modern Feminism is against prostitution, dressing lewdly (the more skin the worse), and anything pro-sex (unless it's gay)
no it's not, stop assuming the crazies you see on tumblr are the norm

That question must have did a number on your anus hole, huh?

Pornography and prostitution are the two things feminism will never agree on.

Some will say that sexual freedom is empowering and that women should have more sex with more partners and sexualize themselves because there's no shame in the human body.

Just as many will say that it is demeaning to women and objectifies them via male gaze and any form of female sexualization is morally wrong.

Feminists will never agree on this. Ever.

Next time on Wonder Woman; Wondy goes undercover at the Bunny Ranch to make sure the women are all being treated well.

it's because feminism unwittingly groups sluts and shrews alike.

all women want something, but only the extreme ends know what they personally want.

Given her origins? I could absolutely see that. Wonder Woman is a diehard pro-sex feminist. A ton of her early comics are about safely exploring your sexuality with a loving partner (even if that's exploring your submissive urges with a man).

Only way Wonder Woman would agree with that is if all prostituts were fit as fuck and the only way you can have sex with them is by beating them in a real Greek wrestling match

The harder the moves you can get on the girl the farther she'll go with you

Also hot work out sex is the best kind of sex

Not exactly, they want to have it both ways. They want to legalize and normalize all behavior for women but put harsh restrictions on all behavior of men. So like in Sweden and other like-minded countries, being a prostitute is fully legal and can't get you charged, but using the services of a prostitute, or running a brothel, is illegal. Dressing in skimpy clothes or topless for a woman is fine but if a man's eyes wander towards the parts of themselves they are exposing, that constitutes harassment. Women want to be able to have no strings attached sex with men but if they decide later they regret it, they want to be able to get the man in trouble if he didn't ask consent for every single act within sex, i.e. changing positions.

So that is modern feminism. 'Sex-positive' for women, restrictive for men.

That's the problem with feminism.
They can't decide as a whole if they are for dressing really slutty because it's empowering to women, or if it should be condemned because women are dressing like that to please men. Same train of logic for prostitution.
also not Sup Forums

She would become a pimp herself

Except they are...

It's why words like "Mansplaining" are now on the dictionary and actually being taking serious.
It's why people get banned from Twitter, lose their jobs or get jailed for disagreeing with a feminist on Facebook.

It's why a butt-hurt woman can claim you raped her with no proof and ruin your entire life.

>modern feminism is against prostitution

it goes way back to Gloria Steinem, and before her time feminists probably didn't even consider discussing prostitution

No, because it promotes rape culture.

Yeah. As long as everything is on the up and up. What many writers tend to forget is Diana comes from a distant culture with an entirely different value system. Now if an Amazon became a prostitute then I think we'd have a potential problem.

Kinda like the old adage "What's good for them is good for them, but I'd never let Amazon sell herself like that, after all we have better education, (or fill in whatever works) then they do.

It would be interesting to say the least.

LOL that's just because those cucks let mudslimes treat their women like pro bono whores whenever they like. At least those faggots will get nuked any day when the ISIS shitfucks start shit in a proper country, not just France.

The way I've seen it, not just on tumblr but with some 'new' RL laws, is that "Prostitution should be legal, but buying a prostitute should be illegal.
So the Prostitute did nothing wrong, but the guy paying her goes to jail.

Diana isn't a "modern" anything thankfully.

Don't forget her creator used his self-actualizing and career-focused wife as a heavy basis for Diana and kept a live-in girlfriend who used to be a student of his and when he died the wife and the girlfriend stayed together and raised their collective children of his.

Wonder Woman's original views would shock and offend many over the top feminists.

She IS a whore, so yes

how's the weather in your personal information bubble

Remenber when Wondy faced islamic fundamendalists?

Nowadays a comic like this would be called Islamophobic and oppressing of non-western cultures.

it doesn't work when he's actually right

I think she'd mostly just be confused by the whole idea of people having sex for reasons other than they want to or making babies.
Once it had been explained she'd probably feel bad for for the customer but basically be okay with it as long as it was a genuinely equatable trade

>Feminists are retarded

They're political radicals who base much of their theory on assumptions about gender that are completely divorced from what modern science knows about the subject, and who's tactics are generally just various forms of harrassment.

Yes, they are retarded. And yes, they will come up with some bullshit excuse to have some sort of double standard that just boils down to "men are icky and deserve everything nasty that happens to them".

>boys are icky
So their brain hasn't developed past first grade. I see.

That has never happened once in all of history.

>internet discrimination monitor literally said muslims calling for gays to be beheaded on Facebook wasn't hatespeech because their motivation is religious

We used to just use this shit as hyperbole 10 years ago. I never thought they'd actually become stupid enough to come out and say it.

Radical feminists believe men are useless, and that women should practice lesbianism as a rule. These are your Dworkin types, with the SCUM manifesto and such. People will say they don't represent all feminists. And they don't. Loads of feminists hate their guts. But the Western intelligentsia tolerated and lionized them, so they had massive influence. And I will keep bringing them up as examples of feminism.

But yes, those people definitely have a very juvenile mindset.

So overcast, then?

Feminism also have slut walks and white knight women sleeping their way into a career.

>People believe religiously charged hatespeech isn't hatespeech
What a funny world we've come to.

Could be interesting to have a story where Wonder Woman encounters Catwoman/Holly Robinson/Speedy working as escorts, with any of the latter being perfectly fine with what they do.

Remember, you can only be bigoted if you're a white male!

I mean what I said. This is exactly the sort of thing people would use as an exageration. Like, some judge gives a muslim less time because something something culture, and you'd go "oh, but OF COURSE muslims can't commit hate crimes! They're all perpetual victims! We forced them to attack us with all our tolerance of gay people and women having rights!"

And now reality has overtaken the joke. They're not a government agency, so there's that. They have no executive power. But they do refuse to log hatespeech perpetrated by muslims, and they do publish hatespeech figures as if they are fact. Most likely when you hear something like "three times as much hatespeech this year", it's people like this making the claim.

You can already see how damaging it is. If I know they operate like this, why should I give two fucks about what they say about hatespeech? I can't tell the fake from the real, so I will automatically assume a political component even when it's real.

Ah well, but this isn't Sup Forums. I'll stop talking about it now. I just fear that the hyperbole that post made about no longer being allowed to do a comic like that might already be truth, or will become truth very soon.

Just a reminder that prostatution is legal so long as you're filming it, at that point it became an 'audition' or a 'modern art film'.

It's the same case in regards to racism. It frustrates me being black and listening to other blacks be the most racially/culturally biased fuck assholes within even their own communities, then cry about "racism is about power" and demonize any human being below a certain hue of color. But you're right this is Sup Forums shit.

Someone dump that KrashXX

>Now if an Amazon became a prostitute then I think we'd have a potential problem.
Well, shit, now I DESPERATELY want that to be a story!

>It frustrates me being black
Sure you are, my fellow negroid.

You saw through my ruse. My words were probably too coherent. You got me.

Semi related, does anyone have that screencap of a tumblr post where some SJW said that all gay men are sexist because they're afraid/disgusted by the vagina?

>Would Wonder Woman condone prostitution given the participants are willing and treated decently?

No. Prostitution is men getting woman to do what the want with money. Women are willing because of the money, not the experience. WW would be against such forced decision making.

I guess she might see it that way.
But it would be fucking terrible if she actually made that kind of argument, since the same thing could be made about close to every other profession out there.

People work out of necessity way more often than pleasure.

Why are not mentioning the human trafficking element of prostitution?

>Modern Feminism is against prostitution, dressing lewdly (the more skin the worse), and anything pro-sex (unless it's gay)

stop deluding yourself just so you can harp on some made-up boogeyman

"Modern feminism," if we're talking about intersectional feminism, is the most sex-positive wave that there's ever been. Pro-queerness. Pro-polyamory. Pro-sex work, definitely. This wave is all about "who gives a shit as long as everyone consents," with a side of acknowledging personal, lived experiences instead of assuming that there's one blanket application of feminism.

The biggest internal issue facing this wave is what exactly constitutes consent. There's obvious givens like, children can't consent, but then there's debate over the rigidity of age of consent laws (decriers say that they're too arbitrary and that there's no meaningful difference in someone's psyche the day before and the day after they turn 18; supporters say it's a "safety net" and that a reasonable benchmark is better than none). Furthermore, debates continue about what the difference is between "empowerment" and "exploitation," i.e. are strippers in a club empowering themselves with their sex appeal, or are they being exploited if that's the only option they have to sustain themselves financially.

>disagreeing with a feminist on facebook
>not leading a systematic campaign of mass harassment including the leaking of personal information and data

shoo shoo

Because that's the type of sex work that almost always is presented in fiction, ignoring the cohort of sex workers who aren't trafficked.

Only so much that prostitution never does much for women and more are hurt by it than benefit from it.

If it's illegal, you have pimps and the police are more interested in arresting the women than their clients and the women have little reason to seek police protection except as a last resort. They're also setting themselves up for murder.

If it's legal and regulated, you have whorehouses/ranches/etc where the house takes a large share of the money, put some bullshit rules and regulations for women to follow and if they don't like it they're shit out of luck.

It's legal for prostitution businesses to do a point system redeemable for services that are treated like cash by the clients but of course women can't pay the bills with points. Client complains and has a bad time? He can complain to the management and get some points for a free handjob or something.

Prostitution is a necessary evil, not something for feminists to rejoice and to be proud of.

Ideally prostitution would be completely unregulated but moral guardians are sure as hell not going to allow that.

I understand the WW comics are always radically different depending who writes it but wondie in the dcau and dcuaom would not

>feminism is one school of thought

>If it's legal and regulated, you have whorehouses/ranches/etc where the house takes a large share of the money
Don't see why. What's stopping women from advertising on a website and providing service by themselves, on a place of their own? They'd still be taxed and regulated but would appear as self-employed.

It's also marxist, and believes that any act done for mone is coerced (can't live without money) so that makes prositution and pornography rape
really, ideologies are often just justifications you pick up to for what your natural instincts are telling you, and if you've been raised in a world where the people you were supposed to look up to werre constantly complaining about things like objectification your natural instincts are going to be very anti-sex

What is Wonder Woman's option on the SlutPride movement?

a positive one probably, its just sex opposed to some fairly convincing arguments against prostitution in here. If the sluts are keeping themselves safe then its cool

>where the people you were supposed to look up to werre constantly complaining about things like objectification your natural instincts are going to be very anti-sex
Or you could just grow up in america. Remember that the USA threw an ever loving shitfit that lasted for years, because a glimpse of a nipple was momentarily shown on TV during a superbowl. It was a huge fucking hysteria, hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines for the channels involved, the woman in question got blacklisted from the industry for a time despite having done nothing but stand there while someone else (accidentally) ripped her shirt off, claims of moral degeneracy rotting the USA were flying around everywhere, etc. etc.

All this shit that's going on now is largely a reaction to the ridiculous shit that went on in America a short while ago; the children of the baby boomers are growing up and doing what they understand, but in the opposite and rebellious way. Sex is still seen as a terrible and tyrannical thing, but this time they want to control it instead of hiding it. There is no healthy view of sex, it's still seen as being as disgusting and horrible as it was back then.

it should be
but no the main difference is porn is almost always between verified tested individuals in controlled situations.

Depending on the type of prostitution you're doing a lot of those assurances can go out the window.

Also generally speaking in porn you're going to be fucking people that actually can fuck

>fairly convincing arguments against prostitution in here
uh like what?

>everyone ITT talking about the morality of sex control
>meanwhile, I'm just thinking about getting rid of STDs

Just wear a condom and wash your dick.

What I mean is that we're in the 21st century and people still don't have their priorities straight. In theory, STDs should be easy to control.

>No. Prostitution is men getting woman to do what the want with money. Women are willing because of the money, not the experience. WW would be against such forced decision making.
By that logic literally all transactions are mutually coerced because you want whatever you get out of the deal and so do they.

And that's why money is bad. United Federation of Planets when? I wanna be a holo-junkie and do nothing!

Capitalism is better than any other system available, the Federation in Star Trek only became socialist in Next Generation after the invention of matter replicators made them into a post scarcity society, in the original series they still used money.

I kind of agree and disagree. both industries take advantage of people even when its legal. also once you make it legal it opens the "well just be a ho" door which allows employers to be more shitty to people that work for them. same with allowing expired food to be sold, eventually it splits into normal food for the rich and expired for the ultra poor. instead of standards going up they go down
modern feminism has various branches with conflicting outlooks on everything

I know, even in TNG the Federation traded shit like raw materials and dilithium. (no idea if i spelled that right)

Advertising? Trust in a recognized brand?

Why would I take a risk at hiring some Craigslist prostitute who could be setting me up to rob/kidnap/murder when I could order one from McDonholes where I know there won't be any funny business.

And they surely must be on the up and up because how would they stay in business otherwise? The government would surely shut them down if they were treating them badly

How do you think prostitutes work NOW?
Women with their own place advertise on websites and their reputation is backed in forums by people who've been with them and share their experience.
...I've heard! Not that I know first hand or anything


Yeah but prostitutes aren't legal NOW

People use Craigslist and such because there is no option to get it legally.

But if they become legal, why fuck around with that if I can sign onto Amazon, sort through thousands of women, sorting by breast size/fetish/etc, pay with gift cards I can buy at my local supermarket, and have a prostitute delivered by drone in minutes?

And besides the girls on Craigslist are only there because they have STDs! The news reports said so; they wouldn't lie to me

>YFW DC puts out a message that Wondy is okay with prostitution as long as it's Femdom or men whoring themselves out to women

"mansplaining" and "manspreading" are some of the dumbest feminist buzzwords to popup

Given that her people arose from Greek antiquity I would assume she'd role with something similar to what they had. If the woman is just pawning off their body for a quick fuck then they're a whore. If they're a beautiful,charismatic and influential women that men flock to be around then she's a courtesan and a perfectly respectable member of society.

It's sort of like if they legalized sale of drugs but banned possession/use. How can they justify letting people provide a service which is illegal for the person using it?

Anyone up for a quick storytime?





That's all. Thanks for reading!

R.I.P. Darwyn Cooke

That would depend on the UN Human Rights Council's position on prostitution, which isn't entirely clear.

Yes. The only reason prostitution was outlawed in the US was due to a moral panic over white slavery. Nowadays anti-prostitution laws mostly just give cops an excuse to harass young women.

no its not and you know it. i would bet that makes up less than a third of the videos on xvideos

What a dumb comic.

These women paid very large amounts are so oppressed. Hey the men don't want to listen to my radical agenda. Let's beat them up to force them to my point of view.


She will condone whatever is trendy at the time which currently means whatever is convenient to the rich and political classes.

We need another revolution.

Keeping it illegal only lead to crime syndicates making serious money off human trafficking and prostitution.


Ugly women would get offended by it because they can't whore themselves

>it literally ends on "and that oppressed waitress? Her name was Gloria Steinem"

I shouldn't have even bothered with breakfast today, I see.

Wait, does that mean the whole "rabbit suit" thing is actually real and isn't something anime made up?

Bunny suits were made famous by Playboy

Well, that I know. It's that I only saw Playboy models dress like that and never waitresses.
>tfw poorfag

I mean technically speaking, we already do have enough food, shelter, and electricity for at least everyone in America, and maybe a pretty big piece of the world. The scarcity is kind of falsified.

There used to be clubs where the waitresses dressed like that, they died out due to protests