Logic in The Last Airbender

Wait a fucking minute here... so you're telling me that I have to stop going against my own nature in order to become proficient at something?

So Azula and Oozai were so good at firebending because they were fighting for their evil motivations which matched Azulon's personality? while Zuko fought against his good hereditary genes from his mother and his great grandfather - the avatar?
So he cared about not using the firebending soldiers as cannon fodder against the earth kingdom because he's naturally not a flaming psychotic douchebag like the rest?

Either that's the dumbest plot twist and development for Zuko just for the sake of advancing the plot and making him a good guy despite being a complete stupid, selfish, anti social creep throughout the show.
Or the writers just took the "like father like daughter, like mother like son" bullshit completely seriously.
Sorry, but that's like saying: You can't be good, because you're too much of a stubborn, stupid piece of shit like your father.
Instead of just saying: Stop being a stubborn piece of shit like your entire stereotype and oh voila you're a new man who stopped adhering to archetypal traits.

I dont know where do you took this shit from.

Anyway, there are genetic correlations between sociopathy or tendency to sociopathy, it can be literally hereditary.

Ugh look, I'll first make this thread about my ranting, then after I get enough good answers I'll delete it and let everyone else form their own opinion on what the fuck Bryke/or the writers were trying to pull there with that "You take it from your grand grandfather who was a good benevolent fella".
"While Azula and Oozai take it from your other douchebag grand grandfather who left his best friend die on a volcano just so he could conquer the world".

... what the fuck kind of writing are you pulling here, Bryke? You can't pull that genetics bullshit like it's 100% confirmed. For hundreds of years we've been educated that we can change ourselves through our own decisions, actions and perspectives on life. The only thing we can't change is our physical stuff like hair color, eye color, singing talents, etc.

Take your simplistic garbage out of here. We are not determined by genes. We can change who we are at any time through hard work and perseverance. What's so fucking hard to just not kill the kitten?
>I suck at being a good guy, well git gud faggot. You'll never get good if you wasted 20 years of your life being a douchebag who blames everyone else for his misfortunes.

At least a million people will say that you can form new neurological pathways and change your biology. You should be able to change who you are as you age up and experience the world.

>We are not determined by genes. We can change who we are at any time through hard work and perseverance
>What is Hjernevask

Awful and pessimistic as it sounds, genes take a huge part of who we are mentally. We can learn to get a hold of our personality traits and try to focus them for the better, to varying degrees of success, but those tendencies ARE part of us and won't go away.

The "you are different because you take on your OTHER grandfather" is stupidly simplistic, yes, but the idea that Zuko being kindhearted by nature struggled to follow the same style of brutal firebending that his father and sisters had an easy time with because of their aggressive and tyrannical personalities, an that moving on to a different style released him from all the stress he had been accumulating, is sound.

The Fire nation's foreign policy ideals were loosely based on Japan's in the early 20th century. Which is why they focused so much on making up villains that weren't firebenders in LoK.

It wasn't meant as a "My grandfather was a good person, that means I'm good too", instead it was to show that his ancestors weren't all aggressive tyrants, and that Zuko has the choice to go against the wishes of his family

>... what the fuck kind of writing are you pulling here, Bryke? You can't pull that genetics bullshit like it's 100% confirmed.
They're not pulling that genetic bullshit. You're projecting an entirely different argument onto what they're saying.

And his name is Ozai, not Oozai.

This. It's actually one of the biggest problems with dynasties, particularly in how inbredthey become.

I still say Fire Nation was Imperialist China, not Japan.

The Fire Nation is an island nation with a culture focused around honor. The islands even look like Japan. The Earth Kingdom represents China, what with having the largest land area and population, and Ba Sing Se being a direct correletion with The Forbidden City

I just hate how they threw away the rules of Lightning bending in the series finale and Korra.

Azula should have incapacitated herself attempting to Lightningbend, but lacking the emotional status repeatedly ingrained to be required to keep yourself from blowing yourself up.

Then when Korra comes around, you see 5 Lightningbenders just casually running a trolley.

I think that using lightning bending as a means of acquiring electricity was pretty amusing and interesting.

But I agree that the technique becoming so easily understood so suddenly was shitty.

firebending praticed in the firenation had become fueled by hate and rigorosity

Zuko and his uncle re-learned it with the dragons

Literally 100 year passed. Techniques that seem impossible can be taught. Zuko learned it really fast, just he lacked the temperament.

Why does everyone struggle with this, and not metal bending being common?

Yeah, I just kind of assumed Zuko made the dragon style the national standard and that lead to more natural balance for lightning bending.

Metal bending was literally just invented at the end of TLA, if anything had room for improved techniques and training it's that.

Zuko was emotionally conflicted because he didn't know what he wanted. Nature was not so much the issue

Gene expression changes through experience. You are determined by your genes, but your genes provide a fair amount of flexibility.
The real problem is that you don't actually have free will, but are a constant victim of causality

Get off the computer Void.

fire nation = japan
earth kingdom = china

I don't see the issue.

Also, Iroh was a warmonger at first but then he went against his genetic blood lust.

Why are you bitching so much about this issue?

You can't stop me Struggler, you can't stop anything.

Is OP really this stupid or bait?

This. Bryke are fucking hacks.

While I will admit that it was like a century in the future from TLA, I was a little annoyed over the sheer volume of every day joe's generating lighting. I could see if it was a more of an established technique in Korra, but they overdid it. I liked it when it was more of a rarity.

>"like father like daughter, like mother like son" bullshit
Is there something you want to talk about?

>So after all their friendship, after Roku spared him... he still left him to die?
>It's like these people are born evil.
>No wait... i think it meant that you have a choice
>It means you can choose, Zuko.
So what, Azula can't change because we need her for the plot?

Uh huh, ok. So why the fuck didn't Azulon, Ozai and Azula have a change of heart and any moral insecurity like Zuko did?
>Sorry, your evil DNA code was too dominant and you inherited 99% of your evil grandfather, while Zuko only inherited 50%, allowing him to not be a full blown psychopath who enjoys seeing people suffer.
I understand this is entertainment and not political-biology lessons 101, but... we have a lot of assholes in the world which refuse to change for the better and still prefer letting themselves geting ruled over by who they are.
So it's kind of important in knowing your whole plethora of genetical traits before choosing who you want to become in the end.

>Azula should have incapacitated herself attempting to Lightningbend

Bryke explained that what make Azula and Ozai Lightningbend isnt "peace of mind", but pure sociopathy that makes them dont feel conflicted while casting it.

I am kind of confused by this. How many jedis people thought that there were? I mean, you have there a class of 20 kids to represent an enormous portion of a galaxy.

I don't know. Maybe if Zuko was the alpha protege child and daddy's favourite then he wouldn't have felt so conflicted. If he wasn't sent on a life-changing journey then yeah he'd probably still be an asshole.
Azula also had mommy problems, but not daddy problems, not coping with being a failure nobody loves and not being sent on a life-changing event as a banished child who had to do an impossible task before she went back home.
> but she never would have gotten up and said "killing our own people is sick, what is wrong you, you fucking lunatic?"

But that doesn't explain why Ozai and Azula are batshit crazy and literally enjoy seeing one of their own family member get fucked over.
I think that trait is hereditary and nothing in their life would change their sadism. Unless someone wants to add something...

Some people change for the best, some for the worst and some people don't, that's something that happens in real life, all my relatives on both my father and mother side and on that generation are accountants and among my cousins you can count a high number of them too, but still you can find among them a marine biologist, a lawyer, a physicist and an architect, all of whom at some point considered also studying economy but at some point changed their mind for whatever reason and choose careers whose profiles are completely unrelated to that of the one for accounting.
Why this happens is beyond all human capabilities of objective and concise study; the entire "science" of psychology is based purely on speculation, and we could spend years arguing about it; but what we can ascertain is that it happens.
Or you know, you could also account for the fact that Zuko was always closer to his mother while his father was obviously always favored Azula, something that also happens in real life.

If you read the comics you would find that no one ever tried to correct Azula's behavior while she was growing up. Whereas Zuko was coddled by his mother, Azula would routinely break and destroy things that didn't meet her exceptionally high expectations, because she herself was being raised to reach exceptionally high expectations. Because of Zuko being babied, Ozai only scorned him, and that ultimately came back to bite him in the ass when Zuko realized he didn't need to get the approval of his father to be a good man. Meanwhile, Azula would continue to be praised and rewarded for doing things that we perceive as "evil" or "ruthless", which is why she wouldn't be able to change as an adult.

Also you sound EXCEPTIONALLY condescending and narcissistic so I think this is a bait thread.

The dumb thing about lightning bending generating electricity is that I can't imagine that it's more efficient energy wise than just a team of waterbenders making an artificial river to power a turbine, which would also make energy storage easier. Harnessing lightning is a fucking dumb way to power a metropolis.

not to mention they could have just used regular ol' firebending to power steam engines without the need for fuel

Pure sociopathy is a type of peace of mind. As you said, they have no conflict. That's what made it so interesting. Why the fuck Mako, some asshole who can't even decide what girl he wants to fuck, can lightingbend is beyond me.

The issue wasn't that there were so many jedi. It's that why are they all being taught using this technique that it seemed like Obi-Wan just made up on the spot for Luke. Or that little kids would have training lightsabers. Or that Yoda who's supposed to be the HNIC is teaching a bunch of dumb kids.

>If you read the comics
The atla comics are trash tier though.
It was just a stupid scene to establish that Mako can lightingbend. Bryke are hacks and didn't think about the implications. Much like everything that happened in Korra.