Which is the best 90's sitcom?

Which is the best 90's sitcom?

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Even as a child I could appreciate Frazer almost any episode had one or two laughs in it, Seinfield was very hit and miss. Although I'm not American maybe that matters.

it does

being non-american you lack the intellect and credentials required to understand basic comedy


Frasier has a depth of writing Seinfeld can't touch. Seinfeld has some moments that are unlike anything else at a fundamental level, though.

Also, dark horse candidate: NewsRadio.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Frasier. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the arts, culture, and psychology, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Frasier's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Frasier truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Frasier's existential catchphrase "tossed salads and scrambled eggs," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Frasier's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

With sitcoms I judge on 2 scales: cleverness and heartfeltness (or the level of emotional investment yoi make in the characters).

Frasier is a 9/10 on cleverness and a 7/10 on heartfeltness.

Seinfeld is 11/10 clever and 0/10 heartfelt. I prefer Seinfeld, though both have their places.

>it's a "Niles actually isn't gay" episode
What a disappointing finale.


Frasier was overall stronger from start to finish.
Seinfeld's height is really good though, though it almost fetishizes Chekhov gun style of writing

>Seinfeld is 11/10 clever
I lost count of how many new girlfriend/boyfriends were on the show during its run. At least 100 if you combine George, and Jerry. That's hardly a sign of clever writing.

>Amercan "banter"

Both great. As a kid I liked Seinfeld more, it was so slice of life. Captured the 90s perfectly, and influenced the direction of sitcoms after it. However, as an adult I prefer Frasier. I really appreciate the farce-- the writing is so tight, an absolute master class in the long setup with the big payoff.

Holy fuck, I just checked the stats

Jerry: 66
Elaine: 56
George 47

Frasier: 53 Roz, Lilith, and Bebe don't count

Remember the episode where Jerry married a 16 year old?

Frasier was more smartly written but the cast isn't nearly as good as Seinfeld's.

fucking americans man

You articulated my thoughts exactly.

by that logic wouldn't it mean that Friends has superior writing?

That's part of the point. The only reason any character had a bf/gf in Seinfeld was for the jokes. No emotional investment, just cracks about sponge-worthiness or dry-cleaning.

The only exception is George+Susan, but she is killed unceremoniously and then played for a joke afterwards.

>but the cast isn't nearly as good as Seinfeld's.

No one in Seinfeld is likeable. They are all assholes that get what they deserve. Frasier constantly tries to help people or do the right thing, even if he suffers for it.

>No one in Seinfeld is likeable. They are all assholes that get what they deserve.
That's the point of the characters, so what's your shit point?

Being good vehicle for a joke is not the same as being a good character.

Relationships or dates? Seinfeld was prone to "here's the XYZ I've been seeing for a few weeks now and here's what's horrible/weird/not actually weird but it's totally weird about them, let me fetishize that for the entire episode them dump them/get dumped" every other ep, while Frasier was more inclined to a wide-ranging variety of catastrophic one-off dates that perpetually foiled his search for love.

>good characters can't be bad people
t. brainlet

You would have a point if anyone in Seinfeld actually grew.

Frasier life is more interesting even as a child if you did not get the jokes.
Seinfeld was hit or miss joke as a child.

When you grow older seinfeld become good and funny, but fraiser become better like a fine wine

The Larry Sanders Show

not those jew shits for sure


nor 90s, nor best in anything

>That '70s Show is an American television period sitcom that originally aired on Fox from August 23, 1998


>Executive producer(s) Michael G. Moye Katherine Green (1994–95) Richard Gurman Kim Weiskopf

Ur retard

>Dark Horse
The best fucking overall cast ever, peak Phil Hartman & Foley with up and coming Stephen Root
>Guest starring Mr. Show

They got fucked by networks and the grim reaper.

Seinfeld was written by comedians, Frasier was written by comedy writers. The obvious choice is clear to me.

frasier is literally sitcom schlock. the humor is idiot tier and barely a step up from the big bang theory

Frasier is a smart show written for dumb people.

Seinfeld is a dumb show written for smart people.

I loved both. Frasier was better but it dragged on too long. Jerry quit on top and that's why it's easier to remember it more fondly.

Seinfeld is better, Frasier is the contrarian choice.

Frasier had too many cancer-class character like Martin's girlfriends, Daphne family or that awful Frasier's girlfriend-turned-friend Lana.

Also, the decline in the last season is brutal and the last episodes with that new wannabe soulmate for Frasier is just... forced as fuck.

So, Seinfeld is the choice for me.


Formerly Chuckfeld.

the last season was way better than seasons 7-10 do you remember anything?

Seinfeld. This isn't even a question or debate.

And how could I forget Martin himself becoming more stupid and insufferable in every new season and ruining entire episodes with his imbecility.

>occasional wine and opera references
>nothing but pop-culture

Sure. Those episodes with daphne mood swings were great. And oh God! The christmas episode with Martin high was so hilariou, right?

And episode 13 when Frasier has to deal with Martin stupidity... such a great episode.

That awesome episode 16 with the clown plot.

And the final episode when every cancer character appears again... what a perfect finale.

I prefer Frasier, but I really think the show goes to great lengths to project itself as being a lot more intelligent than it actually was.

>0/10 heartfelt
On the whole, yes, but on the rare occasion it goes into feels territory, like the end of
The Keys storyline, it hits you on a really weird gut level in a way Frasier never does.

I started frasier recently and even before s2 it felt like the whole "sophisticated" gimmick was self-aware. Especially when they go to the "down-home" restaurant where Niles and Frasier are incessantly cracking jokes and end up looking like pretentious faggots.