What the fuck were they thinking with this?

What the fuck were they thinking with this?

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I don't know. I really don't know. Some kind of obvious gay ass penitent subservience metaphor. The alien looks ridiculous, oddly scaled, and breaks whatever logical evolution from the chest burster we know. The mimicking of David's out stretched arms is ridiculous and pretentious. Not to mention that there would be no reason for this creature to recognize David as anything. We are left to assume that these protomorphs respond to imprinting like ducks or some shit.

Ridley Scott lost me completely at this point and I just stopped giving a fuck.


How is babby formed?

I didn't hate this movie as much as I thought I was going to but only because it's a curiosity. A novelty. Otherwise everything can be summed with "science magic" and that's just lazy as hell.

Fuck you, that scene was kino.

It's a shame, I was sort of enjoying the movie up to this point. There was some goofy neomorph stuff but it was still good.
But this scene was jarring.


It isnt even consistent with the Alien lifecycle from Alien, the film Ridley himself directed.

I have a feeling that Riddly only made Covenant purely because he didn't want Bloomkamp touching the franchise. It's sorta unbelievable just how bad this movie is.

what about it was bad?

>tfw you need a degree in greek mythology and classical music to understand an aliens movie

Honest Trailers does an incredibly well job of summing it up.

Yeah the neomorph shit I didnt mind, when they got to the Engineer city it really got stupid.


Is that the faggot who thought he could become a transsexual ghost after he died?

Kek. Whites produce the most interesting psychopaths.

>that deer in the headlights dad
>that psycho grinning autist in the back

how could they not tell something was off about him

Why the fuck does it have arms? The chestburster not having any arms was established in the first fucking movie.

I really don't have the time to get into everything that's wrong with the movie. I will say one of my biggest grips with it is that it completely fucks up any meaning or point Prometheus had. How the fuck can you make the same mistake Alien 3 made? That feeling of catharsis and the wonder of the unknown that the ending had? Lol, just kidding. Now here's some shitty horror with characters who are dumber than rocks.

It was fucking kino, you pleb.

kino like kinesthesia?
yes just like touching my funny bone.

He never had it to begin with, he's a studio hack that shows up and films scripts. His own ideas are retarded and incomprehensible. The original Alien movie owns its iconic status entirely to the creative production team.

Which was put together by Dan O'Bannon

He did. And now FOX themselves are considering the future of the franchise because Alien: Covenant made only half of what Prometheus did.

>complains about the title


how girl get pragnent

>if u breev in th nose of a hors
>its ur frend

I knew the movie was shit the moment the neomorph kung-fu kicked the android

It's a different type of chestburster. David was still toying with the DNA. They were protomorphs, not xenomorphs.

>The best part of Covenant was gay fluting

So by the next movie the protomorph is gonna fuck something and make a xineymorf?

What movie was this ?

There is zero reason it should have come out like how baby horses do. Fully formed and cognizant of its general surroundings. What made the original chestbuster so iconic and unnerving was that it was driven by pure instinct to survive and GTFO as soon as possible to grow. The was pure animal with survival being its only concern. Whatever this thing was obviously had motor functions superior to the snake-like chesty. To be so dramatically different from its progeny is a hard pill to swallow.

Yet it looks exactly the same as the alien

lol i laffed when he said fingering haha

probably something along the lines of ayyy
and lmaooo

And the fact that it grows in a matter of minutes now

Ridley Scott is senile.

I liked it. Probably my third favourite of the alien films.

I thought the reason david could dick around with the aliens was because he was an android
like I'm sure it was established at some point that as long as an android doesnt get in an aliens way any more than the rest of the scenery does, they don't care
it's just that the asimov meme makes them attack the aliens, and then the aliens care
which is fine because walter has to punch an alien before it attacks him but then the protomorph engages with david instead of just ignoring him
nothing makes fucking SENSE

the virgin xeno vs the chad predator

Remember when they found the alien eggs on a spacejockey ship, rather than have them be the autistic rage-babby of a robot with daddy issues?

They either need to crash davids ship without trace, or have the spacejockeys capture it and contain the eggs. Otherwise the shining jewel of the series is officially NON-CANON.


>brown eyes & black hair
literally not white

oh right, yeah and how the facehugger that looks and behaves exactly like the original somehow now can implant an egg into you in a matter of seconds.

Why was Fassbender not in every scene? He was the only one with any talent. Why was Walters whole arc with him being ignored as a machine then seen as a person when the bitch's husband dies then going back to being a machine when it suits her and his response to her being a cunt just dropped?
Like they were going somewhere with him acting almost upset but not quite because he's not allowed to or whatever then he just fucking dies.



Christ I didn't even think of that

What a mess of continuity

How do you fuck up what was a basic life cycle

That means virtually nothing because there is more shit in the Alien franchise than there is good.

Bring back Jim

This sounds stupid to ask but it bothers me -- why were these aliens so aggressive? The lone alien on the Nostromo was just trying to hide and survive. The aliens on LV426 were trying to protect the hive and queen, and in alien3 it was staying close and protecting Ripley. These all seemed disproportionately pissed off. Someone bullshit me a good reason please.

>protect the hive and queen
then it's probably because these xenos don't have a queen.

david did kind of kill off every single living organism on the planet so I guess it could only find the people to eat
since the alien on the nostromo was in at the food stores to bulk up, I guess the protomorphs just went for the people instead

They're mindless monsters

too much wheat

>But the lone alien on the nostromo was only aggressive to be left alone and eat
>Eating is certainly important but every birthed alien in this movie was insanely aggressive past the point of hunter instincts (my opinion obviously)
But they aren't, they have shown levels of comprehension or at least curiousness when introduced to David

How did this meme start? I love it.

they're creations of Ridley Scott's id.

I mean yeah the excuse I gave isn't actually hinted at all in the movie and I don't think ridley gave a seconds thought to it

Then maybe it's because Ridley Scott is senile.

Let's go with this answer. Thanks user.