Why do Polynesians hate Moana?

Any Polynesian anons care to explain what's wrong with it?
The person from this article says that Maui was shown as dumb and brutish, and there being no female goddess accompanying Maui like in their myths as some of the reasons the movie was inaccurate. But Moana was chosen by the Ocean and she is female. She is clearly the stand in for the female goddess from the myths. And Maui is never shown as especially dumb, just very exuberant.
And I get that they blended the disparate cultures quite a bit but they all share a root culture so why is it so terrible to blend the different customs together?

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>Why do Polynesians hate Moana?

Just as it's inaccurate to lump all Polynesian myth together - despite it sharing a source - it's also inaccurate to lump all Polynesians into one opinions. Some people like the movie. Some don't. Some people appreciate that Disney made the attempt at accuracy and understanding with the Oceanic Story Trust. Some people would rather they not have bothered if they were still going to do their own thing.

Have you seen (every Disney adaptation ever)?

They ALWAYS change stuff. Frozen is barely like the original story.
Anyone surprised by this is an idiot. This is an animated movie based on a folklore. Not a documentary on it.

It'd be like if there was a movie about an American princess and she had Canadian, USA and Mexican traits and culture. You're basically pointing at a place on the map and saying 'everyone that lives here are the exact same'. Hell, do it within the same country and you'll face backlash.

>A Smithsonian scholar and student of Pacific Island sea voyaging both loves and hates the new Disney film

>Why do Polynesians hate Moana?

Your title is trying to create a simple narrative about the response to the movie and ignoring nuance. I agree with

>Myths change over time

Disney is just another link in the chain

>implying that wouldn't be accurate

But the cultural genealogies in NA are all over the place, You've got French, british and Spanish culture. Whereas the polynesians are more homogenous.

This is why non-whites don't deserve "representation". Anything you do will be criticized so you might as well ignore them.

If a group gets colonized I think they earn the right to dislike a Disney movie. Shit, everyone has that right to begin with. You make this sound like a huge inconvenience to you.

The point being you shouldn't group a bunch of different people together simply because they come from the same area or have a similar shade of skin. For example, making a story about a girl in the early 19th century that shares traits from Quebec and Ontario. 'She comes from Canada so that's all that matters' would be in the same vein. Representation of the different cultures is fine just don't mash them all together and expect people from said cultures to eat it up.

The most common opinion I've seen on it is "it's a good movie, and it's good that they had a board of native consultants on it, but it also badly misrepresents and conflates Polynesian culture a lot and exhibits some disappointing colonialist attitudes and ideas". So, "watch it but be mindful and don't act like it's flawless".

Welcome to the ethnic disney treatment, Polynesians! Enjoy white girls dressing as Moana on halloween and at cons! Lets not forget the new wave of idiots getting "tribal" tattoos

Now we're getting into something called the pettiness of small differences. Two cultures, both geographically and culturally similar will always find something to differentiate themselves and get mad about. Even if they are very similar.

Okay, go out to one island in Hawaii and point out the nearest one and tell somebody that the people on that island are the same people
People will think you have brain damage, best case scenario. Worst case they ironically sacrifice you to the local volcano.

Seems fair to me.

it's not like anyone is trying to learn something about polynesians through a fucking movie.

This is just a disney movie trying to entertain the whole family, not one of them has been accurate. Fuck people on the internet

Member when the Greeks got pissed about Disney's Hercules?

Yep, it was retarded then too.

Hi tumblr

People need to understand that Disney isn't responsible of getting cultural stories 100% accurate. I'm Hawaiian but whenever minorities cry for their own Disney movie it pisses me off when they don't like it. Especially, when they tell Disney to stop selling products to promote the movie like the Maui costume.

I thought Hercules was great despite it changing the story into a Superman origin. Great songs, great characters, great action.

>American princess
I don't think you understand how FREEDOM works. Where are you from? Maybe a demonstration is in order.

then why do people get so butthurt when the DCEU movies aren't 1:1 with their favorite version of a character?

You can complain but at this point people should expect disney to be a "broadstrokes" kind of adaptation. They even do that with modern american myth (superheroes).

Disney Princess doesn't necessarily mean 'daughter of a king'.

>post-byzantine greeks

>I thought Hercules was great
Opinion discarded.

I remember one Chinese said that "Kung Fu Panda" is against Chinese culture, because Po's eyes are green and this colour is a symbol of evil, so Po can't be a symbol of Chinese hero. As always people voted with their feet.

I was under the impression that Kung Fu Panda was immensely popular in China.


What's your fav cuck?

They seem to like jade a lot for people who think green is evil

>Maui was shown as dumb and brutish

That depends on which mythology. There's like 6 interpretations of Maui. You got a Maui who cares about humans, a Maui who did shit to show off to the ladies, a Maui who beated his wife and stole her face because she was prettier than him.

Is she best girl?

This movie is no more inaccurate to the real myths it is based on as other Disney movies portrayal of myths from other cultures

Kung Fu Panda is very popular in China. Some minor idiots are just sometimes extremely loud.

it was not retarded, what was retarded was how fucked up disney made the heracles story

I thought it was white that was considered evil
or at least had connotations of evil and death

>white people writing about their own culture is racist because they're excluding other cultures
>white people writing about other cultures is racist because of cultural appropriation or getting minute details wrong

The only winning move is not to play.

A Disney movie is inaccurate to the source material? No fucking way!
>the movie is about PoCs
Oh that's totally different then, das rayciss.

>I thought it was white that was considered evil
We are talking about China not Tumblr.

Even though Americans and Canadians will argue until they pass out that it's not the case, the two are very culturally similar.

>The only winning move is to play so much better than anyone else that their angry voices are inaudible from the top of your giant pile of money and achievement


In many Asian countries white is associated with death and funerals.

Even so, I still would raise an eyebrow at a colonial girl drinking a bottle of syrup while gleefully firing her pistol into the air to scare off the chupacabra.

>implying this isnt clickbait

The Chinese liked Kung Fu Panda so much that they questioned how it was an American studio that made the best animated films set in China.

Purple/blue was evil :^)

Thats just Texas.

Not just best animated but the most accurate when it came to the scenery details.

>I still would raise an eyebrow at a colonial girl drinking a bottle of syrup while gleefully firing her pistol into the air to scare off the chupacabra.
Have you never even BEEN to America? Because that's exactly what happens here

>Lets not forget the new wave of idiots getting "tribal" tattoos
That implies people ever stopped. C'mon Shaka Brah.

We should've gotten the Maui that died inside a giant vagina.

Thankfully President Trump is going to build a wall to keep the chupacabras away.

>Even so, I still would raise an eyebrow at a colonial girl drinking a bottle of syrup while gleefully firing her pistol into the air to scare off the chupacabra.
Leave my sister out of this.

Hi redit!

>A few people who make articles on the internet don't like
>Why do all Polyneisans hate it?
The answer is they don't.

Gonna have drone hangers in the wall send them out to scare away the Goatsuckers, and the Chupacabras

How did you like Lilo & Stitch?

Yet nobody in Europe is whining about the inaccuracies of Sleeping Beauty or Pinocchio.

Then why the fuck do they love jade so goddamn much? They place high value on the geological incarnation of evil? Your chinese associate sounds like a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about.

That's why you do talking animal stories.

i feel like we should decolonize them so they can return to their traditional lifestyles.

No we won't, however there are differences. Like how you need to walk them through making a simple plate of poutine god forbid they put velveeta on instead of cheese curds.
Fuck, how can a yank fuck up putting cheese on something so bad?

Or maybe you can take tgat stick out of your ass and be happy soneone is trying to introduce the culture to other people that only think Polynesians a grass wearing savages.

That was the case until it became clear the people protesting were just upset they couldn't market their panda themed products anymore. And all that bullshit was just an excuse to make their complaints sound just a tad more valid.

Then Japan would move in.

You just popped my ear by making me snort.

>Gravy on French Fries

You people are backwards savages.

>Impliying Amerifats are free

And if you put something other than Cheese WIz on a Cheese Steak. That's grounds for deportation.

Power of MAGA will set us free.

Considering how delicious, yet unhealthy, it is, I'm surprised that so few Americans eat it, let alone know about it. You think you'd see little children being fed it every day.

MAGA more like MASA

Brown Gravy goes on Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes, Also Turkey and Stuffing.

White goes on Chicken and Biscuits.

Fries, why would anyone have Gravy when eating fries. Not even the same Food Groups.

Or you can take YOUR stick out of YOUR ass and consider maybe I actually don't care but am an impartial observer of native canadian descent who's seen the worst of this already happen with a 12 year old rape victom that died over seas.
Moana is just mythos they're fucking with, Poccahantus was actual history being white washed. So no stick up my ass, you overly sensitive fucking retard. Just a swearing issue that people mistake for anger via text.

How the fuck else you gonna melt the curds?

Not film that is animated the best, best film that is animated.

>Cheese WIz on a Cheese Steak
Tourist trap pls go. Provolone or bust.

I didn't know this, does it have to be brand name? Like we have any other form of it available aside from Kraft... we have a lot of Kraft here.

What if mashed the fries?

why are you eating the part of the cheese process not good enough to be cheese?

Chedda and Chili you Northern Peasant.

Mashed potatoes are just fries that took the easy way out.

You never had steak with and potatoes?
You only eat monogenious meals?
The fuck is wrong with you?

According to Philly, yeas.

It's the same reason that people got butthurt over The Princess and the Frog.

No matter what they did, someone would find fault with it or claim that it isn't politically correct enough.

Have you had a poutine before? Like a really good one? I can get that someone wouldn't want to because it's not healthy, but if you like fries, cheese and gravy then what's stopping you from trying it?

>no stick up my ass.

You're right. The way you actively search for reasons to be upset show it's far bigger than a stick.

Anglos in general hav a pretty bad cheese culture.

Better texture. Ever eaten cheese strings its the same fucking thing. Remember this if you try to make it and can't figure out where the hell to buy curds.
Besides, do you have any idea how many recycled byproducts are put into foods?

>So no stick up my ass
>you overly sensitive fucking retard.

Good Gravy mainly. Don't want watery trash or thin drippings. Never been far enough north to find good ones.

As opposed to indiscriminately being butthurt all over everything?
Muh bumstick is better, m8

Just the people very familiar with Polynesian culture. Not all polynesians give a shit about this stuff.

If the movie was inaccurate, then the makers are in the wrong. It was catered to white people though, so being wrong is not their primary concern, however.

It's literally not the first time Disney has taken folklore, history, and myth, morphing it into a kid-friendly movie.

Seriously, Disney has never had an original 'princess' type movie ever, favoring to put their main budget into how pretty it looks.

This person is really just blowing hot air on things literally everyone has known about yet claiming it only happens to non-white cultures Disney looks at.

But also this person is retarded if they think Maui was depicted as a buffoon in the movie. Sure, he was very nihilistic but all of the was explained towards the end. Also,
>Critics have noted that this depiction of Maui "perpetuates offensive images of Polynesians as overweight."

Yeah, they clearly didn't watch the movie, let alone a trailer.
Though I do agree with the coconut people paragraph, I didn't know it was that bad of an offense but for me the whole part of the movie with those midgets just didn't work at all.

Otherwise, they're grasping at straws and claiming that it's so important that this happened to them when it Disney has done this to almost every culture at this point.

And as a Chinese observer that saw nothing wrong with Mulan, I still say you're full of shit.

Don't pull tgat non white crap with me. I'll match you
>muh native
>muh native


whoops wrong word, Narcissistic.

Go buy yourself a chunk of roast beef and give yourself an excuse to make good gravy. The rest of the recipe is easy and they can shred the fuck out of the beef for on top of the poutine.
If you don't have a heat lamp stick the plate in the oven for the same effect.

>As opposed to indiscriminately being butthurt all over everything?
Again, that sounds like you. My only gripe are asshats that take harmless stuff like Moana and use it as an excuse to preach bullshit like 'cultural appropriation' and 'rape of a 12 year old' or whatever the fuck you're demented mind is connecting this to.

Because they were totally just going to do 1:1 retelling of the myth with all the murder and whatnot. Pretty much no Disney movie is a 1:1 adaptation of the source material.. I don't understand why people are still getting triggered by this.

I'm mix race actually, Metis, officially i think we might be the only tribe in north and south america designated for a brand new people that resulted from race mixing.
You missed the part about me not actually caring. No sorry, intentionally ignored it. Anyway the comparison was to illustrate how Moana is piddly shit compared to what Disney's done already.

>and exhibits some disappointing colonialist attitudes

What, people sailing to find new (empty) lands?

Why are people so butthurt over the idea of exploration and settlement? Historical colonial periods sucked for some people because the areas being explored were places where some people already lived and those people got fucked over. There's nothing inherently wrong with going out into empty territory.