What the fuck was he taking ?

What the fuck was he taking ?

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Vaporized Pabst Blue Ribbon

Dennis Hopper is the Greek God of shitty movie villains.

This movie would have been even better if he had been huffing helium.

that was such a goofy idea

I think that was originally the plan.

Distilled lovecraftian lynchian screenwritings

cant forget speed

I've always wanted someone to make a fan edit of this. He's obsessed with tits the whole movie and calls Rosselini's character "tits". If he had a high pitch baby voice it would've worked on another level. Like hes a baby that wants milky
It was. Hopper talked Lynch into changing it

It would have been awesome. Pic related sounded like he had just huffed helium and he was scary as fuck.


>It was. Hopper talked Lynch into changing it
Why ? He didn't want to sound stupid ?

Imagine this scene with a helium voice.
He even calls himself "baby" and her "mommy"

>Pabst Blue Ribbon
Why can't I buy this in the UK? It was on tap in some bar I used to go to, and I really liked it. They got rid of the tap, and not a single store sells it.
I legitimately am stuck with Heineken

It actually might have been Lynch that didn't like it. Different sources say different things.

Probably because he thought no one would take Frank seriously.
It's a neat idea to think about, but I can't imagine it working that well. Would he even have a reason to go crazy on helium?

In several scenes throughout the film, Frank Booth (played by Dennis Hopper) uses a mask to breathe in gas from a tank, and what the gas actually was has caused considerable debate over the years. In the script written by David Lynch, it is specified as being helium, to raise Frank's voice to a higher pitched tone. On the DVD, Hopper explains that when he filmed Blue Velvet, he had just gone through detox and was clean for the first time in several years. He brought with him considerable knowledge of various narcotics, hallucinogens, etc, and told Lynch that he didn't feel helium would be right. Rather, he said, he believed that Frank would have a tank of amyl nitrate (also known as "poppers"), a drug used medically by heart patients to regulate their heartbeat, and recreationally in altered doses to relax the muscles and induce a state of euphoria. Hopper said that he had experimented with the drug, and that during his highs he experienced visual hallucinations of glowing objects in front of him. Lynch liked the idea and incorporated it into the film; hence Frank's "grabbing" motions in some scenes after he's been inhaling.

In the UK it's sold under the name "tapwater".

wtf I like poppers now

UK literally waters down their beer because they see having foam on top as being cheated out of more beer

what did they meme by this

