

Because it was a solid well made adventure movie with likable characters and not everybody is a perma-triggered whiny crybaby pussy.

>well made
>likable characters
>crybaby pussy
no. Critics obviously liked it

shut up, cunt

it's not a well made movie though. JJ is a terrible filmmaker

If you ignore the fact thats its a new hope its alright. If you want to have a hero's journey again thats fine but it doesn't need to follow ANH point for point . And that really is a much bigger flaw than defenders are willing to admit.

I honestly thought it looked pretty decent for a modern blockbuster, good blend of practical and cgi.
Overall I'd say its better than phantom menace, clones, and rogue one but that isnt saying much

>People actually dislike TFA because there's a "Mary Sue"
>Stranded on foreign planet for 20 years to learn basically everything
>Guardian is a ship and technology broker
>Stupid audience is surprised when Rey has more knowledge of ship (compressor) even though Han has missed it for x years and never ever seen that compressor before

>Rey is said to be strong with the force
>In the Star Wars universe, force users are empirically better pilots
>Mentally deficit audience is shocked when Rey manages to steer the Millenium Falcon
>Also pilots of the enemy factions in Star Wars are consistently conveyed as clumsy idiots, so TFA just follows previous set patterns

>Kylo is being torn apart mentally
>Just shot by huge, powerful lazer weapon
>Just killed his own father to feel evil even though he's not
>Retarded audience is shocked she can win even though all of these factors plays in

She's not even a Mary Sue, I can't believe world building by J. J. Abrams is too incomprehensible for you meme drones

the ridiculous hype, the fact that the movie didn't outright suck and of course nostalgia blinded people.
it took a few months until some realized that the movie is an unimaginative copy of ep4 and that rey is a shitty and boring character.

Stop it. You're not allowed to like this movie because the word of this board is law, and the critics are always wrong. If you just enjoyed the movie for what it was, then that's too fucking bad, you just have poor taste. Now fuck off and quit liking things.

6/10 made me reply

No actual arguments here

This is pretty awful damage control.

It honestly just shows that you shouldn't take critics seriously at all. They're prone to the Reddit nostalgic mindset where if it's a generic action/sci fi it goes from a 5/10 to a 10/10 just because it belongs to a franchise they like

I'd love to hear why I'm wrong

>likable characters
like who?

Autistic Sup Forums shut-ins are not representative of public and critical opinion.


I agree user, fuck the haters, they are just Sup Forums losers :3

By literally recreating a proven formula.
Plus it's a Star Wars movie.
Personally, I hate it. There are terrible flaws in the storytelling and the characters and I take issue with a retelling of the same story thirty years later.

>Autistic Sup Forums shut-ins

Non shut in, non autist here. Most everyone I talk to agree the movie was over rated and pretty shit.

Plebians would eat garbage out of a trough if the TV told them it was cool.

Because the masses are stupid.
And some of them are just smart enough to find this site.

It's the third highest grossing film in history, has a 93% on RT and a 89% audience score. The trailer for it's sequel has nearly 40 million views.

I believe that as an accurate indicator of the movie's popularity over what you claim mostly everyone you talk to agrees on.

Idris Elba was great.

i hate rt

93% of critics and 89% of audiences thought it was at least a 6/10 movie. It was a 6/10 to me

So can anyone here give an actual cohesive argument for why it's bad?
Most of you guys says it's bad because you want to fit in and be ahead of the intellectual curve



Fucked up the rating

Where's Attack of the Clones?

Eldris Ilba?

Not how, who


This is my order also.


>Rey is a terrible character.
>They copy the plot of ANH. (so many years and the best the came up with is a copy of ANH, come on, I felt robbed).
>The rest of the characters aren't good either. Finn, Poe... who cares about them.. mAZ kANATAAA le orange Yoda mamma...

Believe me, that movie was saved because of Kylo's coolnes, the helmet, the new lightsaber and little more.

>solid well made adventure movie
No, it wasn't. It was full of constant plot holes, plot convinces, too many unexplained shit and unanswered questions. It doesn't stand well on it's own. People looked past all this because of the constant OT references.
>likable characters
Probably only one character.
>not everybody is a perma-triggered whiny crybaby pussy
What is Kylo Ren?

V > IV > VI = VII > R1 >>>>>>>>> I >>>>>>> bantha poo doo >>>>>>> II = III

In the trash

I can agree that Finn isn't a good Star Wars main character, but Poe is great
For that minimalist role he plays, he sure as hell brought a ton of life into that movie

I've already posted reasons for why Rey isn't as bad as most people claim:
Other than this, she did an alright job for some alright material

As for the ANH-copy critique, it's undeniably present in TFA
I do not think it makes it a bad movie, though
TFA isn't as much about its plot (like ANH is) as it is about its tense action build-up, which pretty much distinguishes it from the one movie everyone adores

It's pretty great if you don't hate women nor blacks.

What is so special about Poe in TFA??

He's just another pilot, they don't tell us nothing more. I like the actor though.

>TFA over ROTJ


all it had to be was better than the prequels and the special editions. That was no difficult.

Return of the Jedi is basically prequel tier outside of the scenes with Sheev (so basically complete prequel tier movie)

>It's pretty great if you're a good goy


It's almost like autistic NEETs are a small niche and don't represent popular or critical opinion at all!

How did han and the black person just land the falcon on starkiller base then just walk inside the base
Star wars is basically the future and technology and warfare is super advanced
Could someone just land a plane in area 51 and then just walk inside?
It makes no sense .
Huge plot hole
Only retatds who cant think for themselves think its better than the prequels which were above average movies and original