Why is being a house wife looked down upon amongst millennial women?

Why is being a house wife looked down upon amongst millennial women?






lol she put little dough smudges on her face to try and be cute plus thats that dumb gamer chick whore soe or something

Because the (((capitalist))) class wanted to double their workforce and drive down wages and worker's agency. To this end they propagandized women to seek man's work.

>Why is being a house wife looked down upon amongst millennial women?
Arbeit macht frei

Actually you will find that its actually mostly mra beta cucks who complain about housewives who "just want a free ride from a rich husband so they dont have to work"

Its absolutely hilarious. They complain that women are taking all of the jobs from them and at the same time saying just how shitty women are at jobs. Like why would anyone hire all these women if they werent atleast semi competant? No company wants to lose money, even if they are sjw's they wont survive if they dont make money. You cant just hire a bunch of dead weight.

See its cucks like this. Literally complaining that women want to work and then at the same time they go and complain that women are gold digging whores who just want a free ride. You cant have it both ways cuck

Why is woman wanting to work a bad thing? Why should they be spoiled?

Pretty much this, and when wages weren't tamed they moved to increase immigration. Just keep down the middle class by stagnating wages through manipulation of the labour market.


>an impressive home made dinner
fucks sake, make a roast or something

>Why is being a house wife looked down upon amongst millennial women
>house wife
>millennial women

they dont even know what a real house wife is or does day to day


>Leaf jew intellectual

Companies now have quotas to fill with women and blacks. They don't hire for competency anymore, only to improve their image.

said women are encouraged by propaganda, can't you read? Women want to work, but they are confused because they later realized working sucks and they'd rather marry into wealth and be a mom. Even if a woman has a great job, she'd still want to marry up due to hypergamy.

Also, woman detected. TITS OR GTFO

it's a dull existence

the real problem is that work went from 40+0 h/week/household to 40+40, when it should've went to 20+20 or 30+10

>1 post by this id
>picture of soe
>retards still respond and don't sage

>Companies now have quotas to fill with women and blacks

They could literally just refuse to do this if it was costing them too much money. How retarded are you to not understand that money controls everything and if they werent making money EVERYTHING would collapse.

If they are forced to hire women it means the women must be doing a decent enough job and making them money or EVERY company would be making a huge deal about it.

>Also, woman detected. TITS OR GTFO

Post your micro penis and il consider it.

>can't you read?
You are missing the point. Why shouldnt women be allowed to work? Why do you want every woman to be a spoiled cunt who has everything handed to her?


Water is shaped by its vessel. Garbage in garbage out.

Because a strong american woman isn't a servant to a man!

Better question: Why weren't millennial women taught to be housewives as children?

>no tits


It wouldn't be a full existence if women knew how to have fun for a change. If I got to stay at home with my kids all day I'd teach them cool things and play games and would relive the joy and wonder of childhood with them every step of the way.

Women stay at home with the kids and are basic bitches on faceberg lusting after Jamal.

i dont need to, but there is rule rule 37 so tits or GTFO u fucking cunt.

Why does she always make that same face?

Molyjew gave an interesting theory that anyone with a spose at home has an advantage in the workplace.

For instance if you don't need to clean your house, cook dinner and have someone that loves you waiting at home to reduce your stress youre able to invest more effort/longer hours and beat your competition, get promotions etc,

So basically women in the workplace or couples that both work cant compete with a married man with a house wife, so they lure women into the workplace to destroy the competition.

My mother went to high school with a woman who is currently a stay at home mom. Her husband makes breakfast and diner, then she just has to drop of the kids, pick them up and make herself lunch. The worst part is that she complains about how hard her life is

Because she's legally insane. She's an orphan and was molested in the orphanage & by foster parents.

I've noticed something interesting. I'm nearly 30 and the women around my age, maybe a little younger, who have done everything right (education, career, gotten married, and then chose to have a kid) are putting their careers on hold and choosing to be full time moms. They're making the decisions they think are best for them. It's only the insecure man-hating feminists online and in academia who are pushing this "liberation."

They're secretly jealous of other women with husbands and children.