I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign. It's a disaster. When cameras are away...

I work closely with Hillary and her Campaign. It's a disaster. When cameras are away, she goes crazy and has child like tantrums until her doctor gives her a shot of Propofol. It knocks her out and sleeps for hours. She sleeps about 18 hours a day. Protofol also leads to memory loss which explains a lot of the gaffs like last night saying no one died in Libya while everyone knows what happened in Bengazi.

The whole campaign is on edge because of wikiLeaks email leak incoming in the next week or month. This will destroy her. We are working overtime to crest several responses to these leaks which may include recordings of Huma working very closely with the Saudi royals, pay to play, and referring to blacks as leaches.

When Hillary is not campaigning or sleeping, she is being tutored hours a day on memorizing speeches. This is why she sounds so robotic compared to 2008. Her ear piece is legitimate. She wears it all the time in public. She has a team feeding her sound bites constantly.

The Campaign is on the brink of destruction. We had some higher levels resign just today.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/When Hillary is not campaigning or sleeping, she is being tutored hours a day on memorizing speeches./

>We had some higher levels resign just today.


Its pasta

>The Campaign is on the brink of destruction. We had some higher levels resign just today.

Interesting. Who are those?

I also work for hillary and i can tell you. The constant egg hatching and incubation really gets out of hand. She spends up to 9 hours a day just sitting on her eggs.


>thank you for correcting the record $.05 have been credit to your account.

>This is an automated response, please do not respond. If you respond to this message Trump will win.

Sick role playing bro

it's actually not "pasta."

surprised you shills have picked up that bit of internet lingo, though. nice try.

Prove you work for the campaign. Time stamp of some sort.

saw this pasta earlier today and I think a few days ago
2/10 made me reply

nice try but it's actually not pasta. 2/10 for learning some new internet lingo, shills.

Is she still able to pay you for your efforts? Why do you support the hag?

Do you do it for the cash or because you actually support that evil bitch?

Damn shame.

Her people have corrected our record so well I don't know how I can ever repay her.

I don't believe it, I want to, but I don't.

This. All of it is 100% credible but without some hint of legitimacy it remains worthless.

this is the 3rd time today you've tried this, faggot
made me reply
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/When Hillary is not campaigning or sleeping, she is being tutored hours a day on memorizing speeches./

nice roleplay bro

I can fap to this.



looks like you fucking ctr shills got the memo. just call anyone claiming to be with the obviously-failing clinton dumpster fire nothing but "roleplay" and "pasta." how convenient you all use the exact some buzzwords.

protip: just because someone has posted the same thing multiple times doesn't make it false. this is often done on forums when one thread might not get any replies, or simply to get more visibility for ones message.

jesus christ it's like you shills' first time on the internet

this retard doesn't even know about ids and thinks i'm the OP.





>and her Campaign

English isn't your first language, don't pretend it is. Nice fucking try, faggot

says increasingly desperate woman for the Nth time

Donald unleash a Cleveland steamer in Hillary's floor and make her wash it down with toilet water. As you wish fellow American Donald replied.

thanks for corrupting the record.

>giving them (You)'s
it's like you want them to get paid for shilling

>When cameras are away, she goes crazy and has child like tantrums until her doctor gives her a shot of Propofol. It knocks her out and sleeps for hours. She sleeps about 18 hours a day. Protofol also leads to memory loss which explains a lot of the gaffs like last night saying no one died in Libya while everyone knows what happened in Bengazi.
This guy?


Thanks for the heads up. I've been on the fence about voting for Hillary and this makes me want to vote for Trump.