
>In 2011, 49.1% of the residents of the city proper belonged to a visible minority group,[138] and visible minorities are projected to comprise a majority in the Toronto CMA by 2017.[139] In 1981, Toronto's visible minority population was 13.6%.[140]

Blows my mind, honestly. How is this shit even possible?

White flight.

why are they still refereed to as minorities

Your starting to see what happens. It sucks ass

Oh shit! Wojak is the one that kills pepe!

reminder that feels guy will crush keks head when he tries to strike his heel

Why doesn't Canada have a right wing anti-immigration party? Even we have one, and we're just as cucked

Flooding of asians, pakis, niggers, and indians into high density urban areas where they feel comfortable because it reminds them of the shitholes they came from

I have no clue, it will probably start gaining traction in the next election, but by the election after that canada will be majority foreign hordes and at that point white people just need to flee.

We do. The Nazi Party and some other one.

What do you mean? Aren't whites a minority in Canada now compared to Chinese

Do they have any seats?

I know you're just being a fucking australian
But white flight occurs and greatly accelerate demographic changes

Yes Chinese are 42% whites 32% rest is mostly east Asian plus our abbos


>white people in north america complaining about unwanted immigration

go back to your euro ghettos all of you

Bullcrap, this can't be real

We have a left-wing anti him migration party, it's the Bloc Quebecois. They only care about reducing immigration in Quebec though. And they're socialists.

Anti-imigration, fucking autocorrect.

>canada is so cucked even their devices won't let them utter the words anti-immigration

Can we bring all our stuff with us?

It's gonna be 2017 soon, you gotta start doing something against wrong-think.

dont forget cuckgary too

Can confirm, so many whites in Sault Ste Marie compared to Toronto.

Come to Windsor Ontario. The only visible minority we have is Christian sand niggers like myself.

>America DOESN'T have an immigrant sponge to take some of the pressure off the rest of the country

How is Toronto crime wise these days then? Compared to say 1967

>je suis un partisan de jean-francois lisée

it's not, azns are 14% total population and that includes actual asians, poo-in-loos, pakis, and bangladeshis combined. still too much tho

*For Vancouver

Anti-him migration sounds like a good policy though. Tell Trudeau there should be affirmative action in favor of female immigration to make up for past wrongdoings towards womankind.

What's wrong with an Anti-imigration socialist party? If you care more the economy than your race then you deserve everything you are currently getting.

More mutt children isn't the way. Better but still not good.

Socialism is a disaster and destroys a country, what good does it do to be monocultural but with a Venezuelan style economy? Just because they want to run towards a different cliff than the rest doesn't mean they're doing good work. Also they only care about Quebec and only have representatives in Quebec and therefore can never win the election, their only goal is to give a voice for Quebecers in Ottawa. Also while they want to reduce immigration, they'd rather have Arabs and Africans who speak French than indians and chinks with some type of degree or economic value who speak English.

Why is the economic value of muds even a factor? Having the dumbest, most violent and retarded ones makes more sense since resentment builds easier, and thus resistance to immigration becomes stronger



Wait what. If you round up thats fucking half. Half of people are minorities? I mean I guess so. wtf

If you read "visible minority" in anything related to the Canadian census, interpret it as "muds"

This, take everything, leave no electricity, no running water, install some wildlife cams and enjoy the show.

It could be 99.9% and still be "visible minority"

It's literally code for "muds" though. Trudeau will probably change it to "emerging majorities" or some gay shit eventually

How's that working for Sweden? They have grenade attacks and burning cars every week in Malmo, mass rape and the anti-immigration party is barely at 25%. Germany's only reacting so fast because of a massive influx in such a short time. With current immigration levels the people just slowly get used to being more careful in the street and having to make way for other cultures, it's only when you reach Sweden-level crime that it starts to build up when they realize they've lost their country and even then the birthrate of non-whites and miscegenation are super high and the nation's genetic heritage is already ruined.

You need to argue on the basis of the arguments, letting the boat sink halfway through just so people can realize it means it'll be even harder to salvage the situation.

I was having a conversation with some college kid a while back, he complained when natives didn't have electricity and running water we're "abandoning them" and when we go in we're meddling with their local affairs and have no business there. The government should stop all financial help towards reservations, if they want to live on their own, let them.


>monocultural but with a Venezuelan style economy?
Where fuck do you think you are? The reason Venezuela failed was more to do with its racial makeup than economic policy.
>they only care about Quebec
Oy vey, so they are a nationalist party?

>The reason Venezuela failed was more to do with its racial makeup than economic policy.
no. communism always fails in the long run

Chile and Argentina seem to be doing fine with non-socialist economies.

Also the problem about them only caring about Quebec is that it divides Canadian politics and doesn't help Canadians deal with their problems and until Quebec is an independent nation the anglo-french political divide will always be a burden for each.

I literally know multiple people who voted for Harper just because he said he would ban that Muslim thing. We can be your friends if your political parties appeal to us

t. Quebec

>How's that working for Sweden?
What? The problem with Sweden is immigration not the economic policy.
Because it promotes a destruction of the nation state and free movement.
>until Quebec is an independent nation the anglo-french political divide will always be a burden for each.
Sounds like an argument for this party and its goals.



more qt gooks for me

>We can be your friends if your political parties appeal to us

Est-ce que t'as souvent été avec des anglophones? J'ai étudié à un cégep anglophone et il y a pas moyen d'être amis avec eux d'un point de vue d'ensemble, le niveau de dédain ou de haine qu'ils ont pour nous c'est quasiment comparable à celui que beaucoup de québécois ont envers les anglophones, juste parce qu'on est pas en train de se battre pour quelques instants ça veut pas dire qu'on peut arriver à cohabiter ensemble, depuis 1763 que ça marche pas d'avoir deux cultures dans un pays.

Immigration is the economic policy. How do you think they sold it? They'll pay for our social security and they'll do jobs we don't want to. No politicians sells the idea of high immigration rates on the basis of destroying their own culture, it's always for the sake of the economy.

>Immigration is the economic policy.
Which is also promoted by capitalist countries. The only difference is they us the economy and not morality as the their argument.
>they'll do jobs we don't want to.
Literally the argument the capitalists have been making.

No, because planned economies are a race to the bottom

Je sais, j’étudie présentement à un université anglophone et les gens font des commentaires anti-francophone très souvent, comme c’était rien. Je sais que la haine est plus sincère chez les anglophones, mais quand même il ne faut pas abandonner les Canadiens Français dans les autres provinces. Ça serait mieux de trouver une façon de vivre en paix dans la même organisme politique (note que je ne dis pas vivre ensemble) que de séparer.

Worse than a capitalist country with high non white immigration?

Worse than a country with a mixed economy and closed borders. Being white won't do you much good when the economy becomes venezuela tier and the saudis buy up your country

How would you define capitalism? Almost all western nations have state controlled currency, tons of government regulation and intervention. Those aren't capitalist policies.

Bof, d'après moi les canadiens n'ont jamais assez eux d'identité culturel pour qu'il ait moyen de les sauver, le meilleur moyen ça serait d'arriver à être autonome économiquement pour qu'on puisse se séparer mais entretemps quand ils continuent à importer des immigrants c'est difficile à garder une cohésion culturelle. Quant aux canadiens-français, c'est triste mais c'est la vie, ils sont les bienvenus s'ils veulent venir. Comme j'ai dit, depuis la conquête de 1763 qu'on arrive pas à vivre en paix les uns avec les autres, je pense pas qu'on va y arriver aujourd'hui. T'es à quelle université au fait?

Concordia. Je l'aime tellement que je recommande à tout le de monde de choisir n'importe quel autre université que Concordia.

Pourquoi t'y reste? J'ai vu récemment les festivités de la rentré à Concordia et McGill, de ce que je vois le monde est plus content de se saouler que d'aller apprendre à l'université. Je suis content de pas y être aller. T'es en quoi là-bas? Au moins c'est pas si pire, ça doit être mieux que l'UQAM.

l'UQAM c'est dla merde.

>Those aren't capitalist policies.
If you want to be pedantic than i would characterize the west as a mixed capitalist system. There is nothing within capitalism that contradicts free movement. Look at fucking Garry Johnson. If anything control of borders could be viewed by some as state interference in the economy.
>Worse than a country with a mixed economy and closed borders
I doubt this "socialist" party is pro a planned economy. I still think at this moment race is more important than the economy.

Garry Johnson is in favor of a carbon tax, cares more being PC than the rule of law and call illegals what they are and he wants to force businesses to serve gay weddings, he's nothing of a libertarian and barely a capitalist.

And there is something within libertarianism that is in favor of controlled borders, if you want a libertarian society, how do you plan to achieve and uphold it with tons of immigrant hordes who want a big government? Also borders are integral to libertarianism, not necessarily state borders but private borders and the concept that each owner has the right to decide who to let in their property rather than obey the government is one of the core ideas of private ownership rather than state coercion. So the same would apply to the state, if the people don't want immigrant hordes it's their right, unlike what Juncker has to say, you can buy rice without needing to invite some Asian farmer and all his family to live next to you.

>at this moment
Well that's your problem, burning down the house to get rid of a spider isn't a viable solution.

>And there is something within libertarianism that is in favor of controlled borders
Yes and the the same is true for those that believe in state involvement in business.
>if you want a libertarian society, how do you plan to achieve and uphold it with tons of immigrant hordes who want a big government?
That implies that the libertarians would accept that is indeed what they want.
>Well that's your problem, burning down the house to get rid of a spider isn't a viable solution.
Did you read OPs post? That spider is a giant venomous Tarantula.
Id rather have a short term mess than my race destroyed. Whites are better at building new homes.

If Calgary is this infected then war is the only way. The sickness has spread too far.

Except that state involvement in business is destructive for business unlike libertarianism. Also I don't get your second phrase? I'm implying libertarians would accept that they want libertarianism?

Destroy the UK and see how that goes for you then, but if you want to fix the nation the best isn't socialism but instead to remove economic incentive, the fact that we offer welfare and social security is what attracts shitskins in the first place.

>Also I don't get your second phrase?
Many of the libertarians I have seen argue unironically that Mexicans want less state involvement and that is the reason for them leaving.
>Destroy the UK and see how that goes for you then
If its only whites left then we can rebuild but the influx of non whites is far more insidious.
>the fact that we offer welfare and social security is what attracts shitskins in the first place.
They'd still want move to the UK. I do agree that they'd come in less numbers but that wont be good enough.

>to move

Well those are clearly retards, the roman tradition is far more interventionist than the Germanic and especially the English common law. What kind of retard says otherwise? Just point out the fact that Latinos vote for the democrats in the US which is in favor of big government next time.
Essentially it's true, Germany was rebuilt more easily than Detroit was upheld but it's not a good path and not a (semi) permanent solution. The people come to the west for the welfare state, do you really think they would continue coming just in reduced numbers? Look at Calais, France does have a welfare state yet the migrants come to the UK which has a more generous welfare state. Same for Finland/Sweden, they didn't stay in Finland and went straight to Sweden. The immigrants would even leave were we to get rid of the welfare state. You can't get rid of immigrants when the economic incentive is for them to stay.

The world is moving forward and you're stuck in time.

>roman tradition
>do you really think they would continue coming just in reduced numbers?
Yes. This is my problem with you libertarians, you refuse to recognize that there is more to the west than its economy.
>UK which has a more generous welfare state
And less non whites than France. Non whites like being around whites.
>You can't get rid of immigrants when the economic incentive is for them to stay.
Yes you can by force.

Make Canada Great Again

What's the fastest growing minority in Canada, ie what will be the new majority?

That's the funniest part I find about demographic shift. As long as population growth among different ethnicities isn't equal, one will eventually dominate.

What then? What happens when Canada is 60% Chinese? 80%?

Roman and Napoleonic law are much more regulatory and interventionist, mexico despite being not too white they are based on roman law through their Spanish heritage. Same goes for Quebec/Canada, Quebec is based on Roman law and the government is more interventionist meanwhile Canadian law is based on English common law which is much more reactionary, not in the normal sense but that the people react to situations rather than the government try to be proactive.

I do recognize that the west has much more than a good economy but immigrants don't, otherwise they would integrate willfully. If you remove the economic incentive those who only care about welfare will leave.
Sure you can use force, I have nothing against that, but most people do, most people outside Sup Forums don't like SS style police to get rid of a certain demographic. But they do care about their money, so if you tug that string you can get them more easily.

They would probably get thrown in jail for hate speech

There is no single mass group of migrants

>Roman and Napoleonic law are much more regulatory and interventionist, mexico despite being not too white they are based on roman law through their Spanish heritage
You are more retard than i thought if you believe that the Mexicans crossing the border know or care about that.
>immigrants don't
They do but they simply abuse it. Sexual abuse and rape of women being the most visual examples.
>those who only care about welfare will leave.
Wouldn't be good enough because the demography has change to much and they breed like rats. The newer generations are far to disconnected from their roots to move back anyway.

It's bound to happen though. Immigrant populations are increasing, but one is surely increasing faster than another. Look over the horizon, Canuck. European societies (including ours and yours) have been ethnically white since our pigments first changed. Maybe in the next 20 years there won't be a "mass group", but what about 100 or 200? Unless racemixing goes crazy and we become coffee coloured, it's bound to happen, and it doesn't really seem like a single white country is safe.

When did I say they care about that? I'm pointing out their legal heritage and why it's illogical for any person to say Mexicans in general prefer small government.

The newer generations are disconnected enough, when the kids in France keep waiving Algerians flags despite never having been there they'll go back. You can use your stazi police when the people's on your side, in the meantime my solution is the only realistic one even if not the optimal perfect solution to you.

>why it's illogical for any person to say Mexicans in general prefer small government.
It is illogical but roman law has nothing to do with it. They dont view themselves as white.

There would still be economic incentives irrelevant of welfare.

It is relevant, it is tangentially part of their culture, and anyone who says otherwise is blind. Christianity became christian despite the fact that Jesus was a swarthy Jew, skin color isn't relevant to culture.

And what would be the other incentives?