Kids movie

>kids movie
>Character misunderstands something and begins to explain sex in a sensual voice before someone cuts him off

>boys vs girls episode
that's it, just the the whole concept of the gender war episode

>episode where the characters trust the main villian for no reason

>boys vs girls episode
>girls win

>boys vs girls episode
>boys win in an overwhelming landslide juxtaposed against the girls' huge overconfidence

didn't Southpark do this?

Proud Family too, with a game of football.

>boys vs girls episode
>no clear winner in the end

Steven Vs. Amethyst did this, and it was a good episode

The Chaotic Animated Series did this extremely well. the boy character won, but only used girl creatures and the girl player he beat did the same with male creatures

>boys vs girls episode
>all boys just decide to act like dickheads and destroy everything for no reason while girls live in their pink clean behaving civilized wonderland

>An ancient evil must be stopped episode
>Main character tries everything to stop it, but the evil get unleashed in the end
>Episodes after it shows the ancient evil fucking shit up

>character explains something by using some widely known scientific words
>Whoa there, not everyone here speaks geek/nerd. Can you repeat that in english?

>boys vs girls episode
>boys disguise themselves as girls to invade them

>boys are literally better at being girls than the girls are in addition to being boys too

>Characters swaps bodies episode
>They keep their own voice

that's just a poorly disguised girls win episode.

I think DBZ abridged did that concept somewhat justice

It's bad when The Nutshack is the only series I've seen that did this right

>Foreshadowing of something bad will happen
>When it's do happen, it's immediately get stopped

I loved Yu-gi-Oh! too