It hurts to exist

Please help me Sup Forums, I overdosed on redpills. I went to too deep and too fast into the rabbit hole. I want out. Before coming to this site, I was a naive idealist, I believed in the human spirit and the innate goodness in most people. I believed in Descartes. But, now that I've come here and swallowed redpill after redpill, I find that Hobbes was right. Humans are innately selfish and parasitical, sucking this planet of its resources. There either is no God or he is actively malevolent and set up nature in such a way that things work but only in the most twisted and cruel ways possible. The only way for a society to function is installing a figure of complete authority(benevolent or not) that suppresses certain individual freedoms to curb human nature. This realization has slowly sapped be of my capacity to be happy. Ignorance truly is bliss like they say but I don't want to go back to being blue pilled. Isn't there a way for a redpill to achieve happiness while knowing all these awful truths?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is Argentina white?

>I want out.
just think of the difference you could make in this world

didnt read

just kill yourself fgt lol

>There either is no God or he is actively malevolent and set up nature in such a way that things work but only in the most twisted and cruel ways possible.

In either case, this would mean that there is no such thing as objective morals.

>Humans are innately selfish and parasitical, sucking this planet of its resources.

None of this matters if none of it can be objectively immoral.

Yes my American friend

You're almost there user. Take the final red pill and accept that all existence is suffering. Strive diligently towards your own salvation and leave this world behind, never to return.

Nature is just inherently cruel and human morality doesn't apply. But it does matter when setting up civilization and I found that the only way of having a funtioning society is to control human behavior. This is whats scary

get out more you fucking faggot

The bitterest red pill is realizing desire itself is the problem.

Go have a beer with friends once in a while.

Welcome to the club. If you're wondering how to deal with this knowledge and live a fulfilling life, the answer is I don't fucking know.

The only fleeting chance at happiness in this world, is to be a young, attractive white kid in a middle class city of other white kids.
Here you will attend school and automatically be in the popular crowd due to your looks. You will fall in love with and fornicate with literally the top 1% of females on earth (beautiful teenage white girls).
You will spend your days playing with your buddies, putting maximum effort in to things that seem SO important such as sports games, learning to do tricks on your bike or something similar.
As you hit the late teens you will feel the orgasmic rush of adolescence. You're fit and healthy without trying. All the girls want you. When you find a girl that you like, you become blinded by love. Absolutely intoxicated by this female. Its a feeling that is never quite the same in later life.
Emotions are always running high. Music is insanely enjoyable and you relate SO deeply to certain bands and songs.
You do all the proper teenage things; trying weed, getting a license, taking your girl to the local hangout at night to have sex..

Daily reminder that if you missed out on this (i.e were a loser in high school) you missed out on the ONE real chance at happiness.

Happiness comes via flight from the world and the things of the world. The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.

the knowledge isn't the problem, you are. if you actually had a personal life, you would have other shit to do than go on the internet all day and wallow in your misery.

i was just gonna say kill yourself , before my other fellow 4chanists said it :)

Sounds like somebody needs to read Julius Evola.

Having a (((social life))) and being (((productive))) and ignoring the problems around us is just what the bluepilled system wants.

I kno that feel, my white friend. My life feels like this song:

your life is the only thing you have control over. politics and more global and transcendent topics are important to be aware of but it's also pretty fucking important to have interests, hobbies, a job, wife etc. you literally think like an edgy 14 year old, grow the fuck up.

friedrich nietzsche - beyond good and evil. read it.

Projection this much

emphatically seconded!

You cannot undo your redpill, OP.

Only rebirth will grant you a fresh start.

Kill yourself, and experience life anew. There is no exit from the mortal coil, until you have ascended and reached oblivion.

I'm with the rareflag on this one.

Once you've transcended the bluepilled nature of profane life, you may (and should) re-enter, conscious of the forces that drive and direct it.

If you're pretending you don't want a family and a nice home then you are seriously deluded my man.

I had all that though, and it was a pain in the ass.
I think it has to do with stages of life, or phases of life. You need to be bluepilled before you can take the red. But does lead to a "dark night of the soul".
For example:

>emphatically seconded!
nigga who the fuck says that

if you had all that and it was a pain in the ass, either you were doing it wrong or you're genuinely just a problematic and destructive human being. either way, betas like you is why the west is fucked.

>Western civilization is collapsing
>Hook-up culture has destroyed the American family, its just too early to see the effects on a massive scale yet.
>Election about to be stolen in US by Killary
>Nuclear Exchange with Russia imminent once missile defense shield is set up in Ukraine
>Global financial meltdown immiment once US loses reserve currency status

Are you fucking retarded? Get hobbies? What. The world is collapsing motherfucker. It's all ogre. What are we supposed to play catch?

I understand fellow user. It's hard, it's hard for all of us. But there are some solid truths that bring me some hope. I am alive. Somehow in this completely absurd universe against all odds, I exist. I am conscious. We may not know why we exist, but have hope. Find joy in the little things. The setting sun, the beauty of the sky, music. These things are beautiful, not all life is suffering. Keep the faith brother.

>"what are we supposed to do play catch?"
>sits around and cries on Sup Forums all day about how sad he is and how doomed we are.

yeah man, you're right. we should all be a little more like you.

Welcome to Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.

Says the man on a Mongolian basket weaving board complaining about people who complain on Mongolian basket weaving boards. Please show us how to be the epitome of manhood, accomplishment, and happiness in life. Oh wait, you live in shitty third world country. You don't even what happiness is Ser'ge.

What I'm suggesting isn't that revolutionary of an idea, you retard. Maybe the happiest life for a man is to, you know, be a fucking man- find a girl, reproduce, and take care of your fucking family. You'd be shocked at how happy that might make you.

inb4 "yeah but that's what (((they))) want"

Once you start combining fringe scientific topics

with fringe right wing topics

You become something like a monster. I dont even remember the last time I managed to talk to someone who even remotely though like me on these topics. Super, nihilistic, traditionalist, evolution, science loving, volkish guy here. I think I am alone in this world

You forgot the first and most important red pill, needed in order to consume further red pills without spiraling into madness; leading to almost certain death. That pill being the absolute and redeeming truth of Christ Jesus. Let the light and the sacrifice of the lamb free you from your shackles. The wages of sin, is death; but in Christ, there is life.

You can spend your time searching this world for things that will bring you happiness and peace. But the ultimate red pill is that it does not exist in this world, but in the next.

Ive been suspecting Buddhism and enlightment is the key to happiness. However, i dont think im ready to become enlightened yet. I still have a strong attachment to lust and anger, base emotions that impede me from becoming enlightened. However, I will also look for guidance in religion. I hope Jesus can save from this dank pit of despair I'm in...

Whoever wishes to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for my sake shall find it.

Seriously dude you get to a point where you accept your pretty much already dead and everthing is pretty much fucked. everything becomes kind of ironic and almost funny at this point. Choose to follow rules you have to, head up like a proud prisoner, instead of letting them subconciously program you. be on the look out for others to subtly share the insanity of the whole situation. Subtly trolling rediculous capitalist pitches with a couple of witty motherfuckers helps keep me sane.

Pick a fight and commit to it:
1. Continuation of your genes
2. Wage a war against humanity
Those who picked (1):
Get married, have children and move to a suburb/ rural area (even better, another country with people you agree with) and live a fulfilling life
Do green-ish things to save to environment
Raise kid well and balanced
Those who picked (2):
Go scorched earth
Spend, pollute, trash, hoard
Do a little evil everywhere you go
Annoying office-mate organized a little green program, you commit to bleaching a tree in response that you Jesus? I didnt know the son of God was American

nah people on this board made up their mind before they even knew about this site

No, and I'm not really sure this is time for jokes. Your life is at stake.

>Whoever is not against us is for us
>—Mark 9:40

>He who is not with me is against me
>—Matthew 12:30a

O-oh... ok Jesus...

You're not white though

To re-emphasize, accepting doesn't mean submitting. It is going from stressing about a subject to taking the piss out of it, undermining its integrity. Stand your ground. Subtle disobedience that isnt fuelled by panic.


I don't get it. What are you confused about?

claiming that literally worshiping a jew is the ultimate redpill is kinda staggering when you think about it

Don't ask Sup Forums for advice on anything for fuck's sake

Argies should know better than this

Nothing that you've stated should keep you from living your life normally. What helps is being able to find comfort in the prospect of oblivion. You either know the truth or about to face it head on. Take solace in the fact that you're actually stronger than you initially thought you were. Most people need hope of some kind in order to properly function in society. Ideals, values, dogmas. You don't need any of that. You are now in complete control over what makes you happy. So go be happy.

>I went from gullibly believing everything the media told me to gullibly believing everything Sup Forums told me

sorry, your retardation is terminal

Seems like he's saying:

>If you are not with us, but not actively working against us, then you are actually helping us by letting us be

But then he says...

>If you are not actively helping us directly, then you are actually against us.

Just wait it out a bit longer. You don't want to miss the grand finale.

Society is not your problem. Just do whatever the fuck you want mate and stop allowing your family/friends shaming of you (subtle or outright) to control your decisions.

If you are going to kill yourself just do it like a rockstar, slowly and doing whatever substance or whatever activity you want. Just don't do anything illegal and you'll never have to deal with those dickheads again.

You should read what Jesus had to say about the Jews. A few highlights: stormed into their temples denouncing them for their inequities and blasphemy against God. Flipped over tables and chased then with a whip. Called them sons of their father the devil and the synagogue of Satan.

Jesus was the ultimate force of exposing the Jews. Which is why they hate him so much and try to destroy Christianity to this day.

Hold on Sad Frog.

The debates are coming and you don't want to miss them.

Trump will dominate the debate stage so forcefully that Hillary will begin to feel (and involuntarily react to) the stress building up in her mind.

>Under the pressure of the debate, Hillary begins slurring her words.

Then she gets obvious hand tremors.

>Then Hillary gets facial tics.

Then she starts shaking so hard that she is vibrating at the podium.

>Before flopping onto the stage floor, Hillary hears Huma screaming into her earpiece to say something. "Anything, Hillary. Say anything, my love." But nothing verbal comes.

Other things begin to rumble in Hillary's bowels, though. The body is reacting to the sudden intense stress by preparing to void all solid and liquid waste.

> Hillary's bowels and her bladder release simultaneously as on-scene paramedics try to prevent her from swallowing her own bumpy tongue.

Based Trump stands there suppressing a grin and shaking his head.

RAMZPAUL did a couple of great videos on the seahag's health:

This one, from a few weeks ago:

And this most recent one, after the big reveal about Hillary admitting her brain damage:

And poor Dr. Drew got fired after he gave this straightforward bit of analysis:

You must have read it incorrectly. It explicitly says those who are not with him are against him just in different ways.

Stop overthinking and try to enjoy life. This site dont always tells the truth. You should know that there will always be evil and good people. You should not care about anything big that happening except it affects you. Just live a happy life. You should also know that the society's 70% at least are just usable workforce, and you only see the workforce people. Their society is what's shit. You should meet with some recent writer or artist or something. You just overthinked everything and thats not good. Not everything is true what U find on the internet. Dont be foolish here neither. There is no perfect way, take what you find good for yourself or your family,or friends. Noone is ruling the whole world. Yes maybe some people has more power then some ministers, but you cant get much power with stupidity. They wont start to kill everyone. I try to share all my thinkings with you to help you calm down, but thats almost impossible.

Seems to me that finding out society is degenerative and corrupt, the media is pushing its globalist agenda against you each time you watch tv, movies, etc, the various religions prevalent in society want to keep you stupid and superstitious, your leaders hate you and only seek to suppress you and control you and get rich off you, corporations don't care about anything but profit and power, college is nothing more than paying the liberal elites to indoctrinate you into Marxism, immigration is unchecked and people who aren't even wanted by their own country are flooding ours, the entire middle east is destabilized and ruled by fanatical madmen, and our government not only doesn't seem to care, but doesn't want to stop it, seems like realizing all of this, becoming "redpilled", would not result in you desiring to stay an active part of that society. In every terrible society or govenmental system, there are people who realize it is bad, and do nothing, and just care about living their lives.

Being "redpilled" and worshipping a jewish god, and having a wife and kid an paying taxes and buying iphones and stuff seems kinda contradictory. But then again I'm just an edgy 14 year old faggot, what the fuck do I know.

Make a family, settle down, farm the land, appreciate the simple things in life. I've never been happier, though the first few years of being redpilled certainly hurt. I contemplated suicide a few times.

But then I decided I was going to make life better, no excuses. I made a list of things in my life I wasn't satisfied with and gave myself 1 year to fix them or I was going to commit sudoku.

It took less than a year but it required diligence. Don't give in to despair. You can't fix the world but you can correct the course of your life. By fixing your personal world, you contribute to the health of the world around you and it allows you to help others.

Ancient magic kikes, or ching chongs aren't the redpill. They can lead you to it through intense devotion but keep in mind they just offer hints on the direction. Being the master of your life and being in the position to help others is the way forward.

Just nurture the seed of nihilism inside you, it'll help put things into perspective. Distance yourself from what's happening around you. Try to consider timescales longer than a human lifespan.
You are inconsequential, the entire world is inconsequential. You cannot save us, and we don't need saving. None of this should and won't stop you from living a normal human life, your pragmatic animal side always trumps existential bullshit in the end.
Do good if you want to, be evil if you think it's worth the risk.
Do as thou wilt.

>John 4:22
>for salvation is of the Jews.

Matthew 27:11
"Are you the king of the Jews?"
"You have said so," Jesus replied.
im not worshiping a jew, who agreed to be called king of the jews, in a book written by a jew tax collector

A classic example of ignoring context. Read the whole chapter. I recommend a different translation when starting out. The language is clearer and more refined, making it easier to understand and not get stuck in the "what did he mean by this?".

Underrated post

>I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them."
Great, if im a good goy and follow the rules, I can in Magic Jerusalem with Godstein... neat

>falling back on the context claim
>context can be whatever i want it to be

Why are christcucks so delusional?

You simps could have been conned into literally ANY pseudo-religion you were introduced to. Anything.

matthew and luke can't agree on the name of Jesus' grandfather
b-but context!

>Isn't there a way for a redpill to achieve happiness while knowing all these awful truths?
Answer your questions on God because they're definitely not.

it's not that bad, buddy. you should only focus on what you can do now, and if you can do nothing, then don't let it worry you. the past or the future can't harm you.

>Here you will attend school and automatically be in the popular crowd due to your looks.
You should probably kill yourself you delusional fool, my god are you out of touch.


Sup Forums breaks you down. It shits on your morality and ethics and makes you reevaluate your identity.

Sup Forums is like being reborn. In all honesty I'm happier than I used to be, despite all the horrible shit we hear about of a daily basis I only find joy in things.

I think Sup Forums makes you appreciate the little things and the seemingly insignificant moments of joy in life. Dunno, that could just be me.

No, as far as I'm concerned I cannot magically change the words recorded in the Bible. A fine example of a non-argument issued from a stumped burger. It's not my fault you are incapable of thinking critically or absorbing the whole picture. Also the latter part of your "argument" doesn't apply to me. Atheist for many years until I earnestly and diligently studied the Bible. I would have gladly answered your question if you took the time to read the chapter, but I see you haven't. If you wish to think you can read one small part of a chapter, in any sort of literature, and understand what it means I feel bad for you.

this is not over yet filthy jew


>conflating 'critical thinking' with rationalizing inconsistencies within your own holy book of bullshit

The only thing you're absorbing is your own ego.

>Sup Forums is like being reborn
This is surprisingly true to me. I have changed so much after visiting here, I used to think it was for the worse but now that I think about it, it is for the better. I have a whole new perspective on everything, I can view things in completely different ways than I could before.

Ladies and gentlemen this is why you don't let your kids watch anime.
Sage for being a mastabatory edge lord thread with zero content aka the majority of neo Sup Forums. I recommend you kill yourself immediately

Another example of a non-argument. Congratulations.

>oh no someone corrected me!
>not an argument!

I thought summer was over

You didn't correct anything. But I'll bite, go ahead and explain to all of us what this inconsistency is. I'll wait.

If you are unhappy about being redpilled. What you are essentially doing is self hate. Red pill doesn't make you hate. you are responsible for how you use and cope with information.

If you want acceptance. Culture needs to change. You need to be in your early twenties to enjoy the seeds you sow.

It takes about Fifty years to change culture. You either stay in your lane or push for the culture. Red pill as many people as you can.

Because when the new curve meet and new version, redpills will replaced. That will be another 100 years.

Why is this happening? Life is a never ending cycle.

Both are saying essentially the same thing, just from different perspectives, Mark says if you are not A, you're B, and Matthew says if you are not B, you're A. The reason these have room for contradiction (since it basically denies staying neutral) is because of the writing and interpretation of the authors. Mark had a different handle on how to write than Matthew.

I think he's saying that it's still to believe in fairy tales and then accuse others of not using critical thinking skills.

There is no escape.

Alcohol is your only friend now.

Do you really need me to deconstruct your own flimsy fallacy?

There's no 'critical thinking' involved when considering the bible. It's largely a work of fiction. Pretty much ANYTHING you take from it and try to deduce some form of a lesson is YOU trying to find wisdom in fantasy.

Grow up.


OP, everything is going to be fine. The people are going to get Trump in and he's going to destroy the false song of globalism.

I've been slowly redpilling 3 of my coworkers of the last 6 months and my efforts have been successful. People are waking up and we are going to make America Great and with that we are going to make the World great.

Just hold out till November. We have a great future ahead of us.

I am not an oldfag but did people took Sup Forums or /news/ this seriously before?, all these punks thinkin they are better cuz they know memes and lookin comfort with strangers on the internet.

>Humans are innately selfish and parasitical, sucking this planet of its resources
literally the climate change bluepill

off yourself

or at least realize that your happiness isn't dependent on your lack of a gf

that's what this is really about, isn't it

Christ is the final redpill my white friend.

wtf you just post hottest girl i have even seen who is she?

>I want out
The ride never ends. This IS hell

Fuck off, Crowley.

We don't want you and your degenerate teachings that only appeal to edgy teens in here. Go take your nihilistic left-hand path somewhere else.

Fuck off Mohammed.

Fuck off, christnigger.

Weak bantz. Step it up Australia.

Don't let me down I need to know who she is. Science is important for a healthy mind.

If you actually end up killing yourself atleast do it in style.