Name the biggest problem with superhero movies

Name the biggest problem with superhero movies.



They exist

Individual film directors aren't given enough artistic influence as corporate suits are being more and more involved with the creative process. This creates a boring soulless cinematic world where everything exists solely to maximize its financial prospects.

Bad special effects even though they have massive budgets


juvenile material made to placate juvenile manchildren

Too repetitive

There, the biggest problems with superhero movies.

There aren't enough of them.



Caring to much about the shared universe

They aren't good

what retarded indian wrote that awful English on the left?

Quips, (yes, I know people bitch about them to kingdom come, but they really make these movies worse, or least make them appeal to people in the wrong way), very similar to each other, mostly uninteresting villains, and characters we can't relate to, and rarely having much depth.

Thread done.

>Name the biggest problem with superhero movies.

Marvel Studios

Sup Forums.

The problem is that superhero movies don't work in film format. Not to mention that Marvel are a characterfag company and don't have as many solid stories as DC do, seriously name me several Marvel stories that are as good as Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, Batman Year One, Fourth World, Sinestro Corps War and Flash Rebirth, etc.

they're all the same

>superhero movies don't work in film format
>critics heavily praise them
>audiences love them

So if movies aren't for entertaining audiences and pleasing critics, what are they for?

pretty much it. What studios could make good superhero movies?

>every movie is the same
>very little consequences if any at all
>Disney forces directors to stay in line with the rest of their movies so no creative freedom
>mostly unmemorable
>WB has no idea what the fuck it wants its movies to be
>Zach Snyder
>terrible casting

they are for refined kinosseurs who enjoy refined kino, such as myself

They're too "smart" that is to say they try too hard to be smart, and end up with retarded convoluted plotlines.pacific rim is not a capeshit movie but it perfectly illustrates everything wrong with capeshit movies, nobody went to see Pacific rim to see Idris Elba talking about boring bullshit. Nobody went to see Pacific rim to see stupid fake science "how do we stop them" bullshit, luckily Charlie day kind of saves it. Nobody went to see Pacific rim for a fight scene in a dojo between two characters where the stakes are 0

Studios dilute or flat out extract any creative originality to optimize their films for market friendly cinematic universes. It used to be that each cape flick had its own themes and stylistic choices in order to suit the hero. Now, they all pull from the same template, and it's painfully obvious to anyone who pays attention.
Studios need to set up the right properties to a fitting director, like with 1989's Batman and Tim Burton. I thought they were going to do this with Edgar Wright and Ant-Man, but then Wright was forced off the project.
The one capeflick I have hope for is the new Thor, which looks highly stylized from the look of the trailer. Hopefully, they let Watiti make the majority of the decisions for the films, rather than making him stick to the corporate formula.

We have too much hamfisted plot from people trying to make a movie universe that barely anyone cares about that'll die the second some suits decide it isn't bringing in enough money, and we don't have any wacky shit whatsoever. When i think of superheros i think of two wacky fucks in spandex duking it out, not two edgelords seeing who's a bigger fan of Linkin Park from the way they give their exposition. The edge-shit would work if they had any decent action scenes or plot, but the plot is trash and almost all the action scenes are dull. I dream of the day some suits get bored of making edgy shit and decide to give something like [pic related] a try.

Too much sameness in plot.
Uninspired directing

I agree fellow Sup user, the new Thor looks great and we all should go preorder our tickets right now!

They stink and I don't like 'em.

At this point all the marvel movies follow the same formula so you're seeing the same movie every time
DC so far hasn't been that great and for whatever reason everyone loves wonderwomen even though it plays out like a marvel movie

>Name the biggest problem with superhero movies.

>Deconstructed Character



Too much of a simple formula in too short of a timeframe. I like to compare Superhero movies to Bond movies - Each movie is going to have the roughly the same token moments you've come to expect from the franchise, the general storyline isn't going to be drastically different, and most of the variety between its siblings can be attributed to who the cast members, set pieces and product placement is this time around.

The key difference is that The Bond franchise has had 26 movies since 1962. By contrast, Marvels cinematic universe have had 16 movies since 2008, with another 7 to be released by 2020. Note that this does not even include the non cinematic universe movies, that would ballon the number to god-knows-what.

They're made by Jews.

source material