Is this the most famous animal scene in TV or Film?

Is this the most famous animal scene in TV or Film?

Bear mauls lady

In the 90s is was pic related


The dog was in the wrong. Debate me.

>most famous animal

definitely Free Willy

even Lassie is far more famous


>dog wants to eat food
>gets punched while eating
>dog is in the wrong

The dog growled at him; he's trying to break the dog for the wimp Asian owner. The whole thing is stupid because once he's gone dog will be even more of a hardass and Asian will still be a wimp.

Also the dog bites him in the end so w/e

>The dog growled at him

and you wouldn't do anything of a creature was towering over you when you tried to eat in peace? what a cuck

I'm a human not a fucking dog bred to be docile and submissive. Never bite the hand that feeds you, or in this case growl at it. A properly trained labrador should be happy to let you stick your face in their food bowl and push them out of the way.

This. Really if you have a puppy or some shit you should take extra time to pet it while it's eating at least early on. Then it learns that food + you is good, it's a positive reinforcement thing. But don't let your dog punk guests either.

owner was preping for the baby. You can love your dog and respect his boundaries, but little kid is stupid and the dog can bite him

>says doggo is in the wrong
>admits the whole exercise eas fut

> eas fut ??

what do you mean by this


You're replying to a phoneposter.

It's called food guarding and it's a behaviour that needs to be trained out of a dog. Dogs are animals, not people, they need to be trained, Caesar was in the right.


fucking phonefags

That old dude didn't teach it shit. From the dogs point of view the old guy tried to steal his food then punched him in the neck. Dog is only gonna be more aggressive when hes eating now if anything.

He literally owns the dog now, she's fine

He is asserting his dominance, you have to tell that dog that they are not the alpha.

Ah yes, the 90s... back when they didn't care about the risks of a fucking orca jumping over a 12 year old boy

Yeah I agree but some random 'dog wisperer' coming in and punching your dog a few times doesnt actually fix anthing you mongs

Obviously it did though, because he owns the dog now

If I hit my dog that's OK

If someone else hits my dog i'll knock all their fucking teeth out

I grew up with calm dogs like newfoundlands and golden retrievers in my family and they never growled at anything. A dog isn't supposed to growl at you unless it's a street mutt.

What are you talking about he 'owns' the dog?
Lol owned noob wtf do you mean? totallly owned bro you got pwned. repeating the word owned doesnt mean anything im just watching the webm posted that that dude doesnt own shit. that dog could have fucked him up if it was serious

Man, I fucking hate dog lovers. I like dogs myself, but people who act like dogs are as precious as children and should basically be treated as such are fucking cunts. A bunch of the youtube comments for this video were whining that he shouldn't of kicked the dog while it was biting the shit out of his hand. Like are you fucking kidding me?

did he just punch that seal? what a fucking asshole

He called them. So they can cry more.


The gooks couldn't ultimately train it and were going to eat it, so the Dog Whisperer adopted it.



Eas fut Brutus?

Animal behaviorist here, the dog is not the wrong and here is why. The dogs been poorly trained, that is completely on the owner. The myth of "bad dogs" is something people just make up. There is no bad dogs in the same way that children are not born assholes. Some might be more inclinced towards it, but 90% of how a dog acts is there envioment, same with kids.

As for Cesear, he is a total fucking joke and disgrace to anyone in the profession. His show should have been shitcanned. The only reason you should EVER strike an animal is in self defense. This isn't a shitty hippy PETA thing, its a simple fact that hitting an animal does nothing. It doesn't train the dog to be better. Dogs do not understand why you are hitting them, and will not react well too it.

tl;dr The animals owner and Cesear is in the wrong, there is zero debate here.

cesar was an illegal, it occurred in america, therefore cesar even being near the dog instead of on his side of the border puts him in tbe wrong

haha what a fucking idiot

>implying they gave a fuck about the dog
they were about to put him down but instead decided to call cesar.


Given I've never heard or seen of this before, I vote definitely not.