So last night I revealed my powerlevel to my bluepilled family and this morning my sister messaged me this out of the...

so last night I revealed my powerlevel to my bluepilled family and this morning my sister messaged me this out of the blue. I thought that
>hmmm, really makes you think
was a meme but I didn't realise this was something normies actually say.
how do I respond? pic related

Other urls found in this thread:

unless your trying to fikifiki her, why would you bother responding?

does lucy have big titties

Dig up one of those info graphics about howpolitifact is biased as shit, and send her an even linger hmmmmmmnnnnmnmmmmmmm

hmmm. . . her nudes
2.send her a text with a link to the Sup Forums page
>hmm rly makes u think

hmm. . .

Beat me by one second.


really makes you think

You don't user. They'll never treat you the same ever again. This election drove a huge wedge between my family and I, well I should say they drove the wedge. I've been a big Trump supporter from the beginning, and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins are all very liberal. Being a loving family member, I always forgave them for this, they've always been in my life and I love them. This feeling is not reciprocated from them unconditionally I came to find out.

My gf and I attended Thanksgiving Dinner they hosted last year and I "revealed my power level" AKA gave them irrefutable evidence that Trump was the best choice and debunked their every piss poor argument as to why he was unqualified with objective and varifiable facts at a level that Stephan Molyneux would have smiled upon me for.

Things have never been the same since. With his every win, with his nomination, with his every new success, they resent me more and more. They haven't seen my gf or I now for about 5 months.

Their liberalist programming has such a firm grasp on their minds that they are willing to let go of a loved one who doesn't go along with their tune.

My advice to you is just say "you know what you're right I am now #artilleryforhillary" and lie about it. Then vote Trump.

It's not worth it, they'll never accept your views

>See you later xx


Just say i dont like career politicians and link them Clinton Cash or something

must suck to have blue-pilled relatives.
My bro doesn't care which is much better than him being an SJW.
Most redpilled thing my mum has said is that she hates interracial couples.
Dad is kinda a cuckservative, which is to be expected from a banker.

>tfw I successfully unprogrammed the brainwashing that my mom was being hit by on the daily basis

She is a hairstylist and she is redpilled

I love it.

thanks lads, hopefully this will get my family off my back for a little while. I hate how all the young people in my country are diehard liberals, whenever I say anything positive about Trump it's always

Trump's glorious victory will cleanse your family. I'm blessed to have a father and many cousins who are voting with me.

That said, our family is divided. I know that feel.

Just message her going "Damn huh really made me think, guess I'll be voting for bernie sanders now"

If she cant detect the sarcasm shes retarded

Dont do this op stay the course. If they love their propaganda morw than you they are lost anyway.

Because Yuri was right.

The funny thing about blue pilled liberal families is that they have moved the goal posts so far as to what is inappropriate to say that mild dissent to liberal positions is treated the same as extreme views. I've gone from walking on eggshells to straight up calling people kikes at dinner and the reactions are not any worse.

These people are literally binary. This feel good...this feel bad...oogabooga. Saying you agree with voter ID requirements is met with the same criticisms as calling people niggers, kikes, and mudshits

You don't belong on Sup Forums faggot
You're a huge fucking Cuck HUGE FUCKING KEK
Why don't you stand up for your beleifs? Stop telling people to lay down this is why America is like it is now. FUCK YOU

It's not gonna be easy. You have to literally refute every bullshit story about Trump and that smear book that came out in the 90s. You have to explain what la raza is and how khan's wife was silent because of their shirty cultural, as well as involved in the clinton foundation and pro sharia law. Then you have to explaining why sharia law is bad. There is literally so much disinfo out there that you're not going to have an easy time. Really wish moly would come out with a 3rd untruths about trump video.

>Why don't you stand up for your beleifs?

Im not sure if you read what i wrote, but I did what I could. Also, because I'm not a seething NEET. I'm an adult and have adult responsibilities. I have better things to do than argue with my family every single day. There are better people to red pill than your own family, family is not something that should be divided if it can be avoided. I made this mistake

Nah dude you think they want to listen to that shit? The only thing you can really do is point out liberal double standards and learn how to avoid kafkatrapping and hope that they are self aware enough to plant the seeds of doubt

>trump said mean words and never got anyone killed

>hillary has experience getting people killed for over two decades

You just have to approach it from their viewpoint and paint the picture so a child could understand.

Also bring up the time Hillary forgot about Benghazi.

or the time a Veteran got added to her kill list

Politifact is owned by the Tampa Bay Times, which endorsed Hillary.
Enough said.

I'll have to see a pic of Lucy's asshole so I can provide you with the correct response here.

Wew, lad.

THANKS LUCY, REALLY MAKES YOU THINK...........................

I got ya senpai

You don't hit them with a red pill all at once. That alienates the brainwashed. You've got to first hit them with a purple pill.

"I've been reading through some of the leaked emails from the Hillary campaign, and I can't believe some of the stuff she's into. Devil worship? Secret illuminati-wannabe clubs? When she's telling her aides to hide the fact that some documents are classified so she doesn't have to follow the law... It *almost* makes we want to vote Trump just to keep her out, but I don't see how I could vote for Trump, for OBVIOUS reasons"

It's informational, non-confrontational, and it's available for them to pick up and run with without spitting out "b-but you know, Trump is worse!!!" because Trump hasn't committed high treason.

Later on, maybe the next week, you can say something like "I can't believe Hillary let Bill ride around on the plane with all those naked underaged girls so many times. What was she thinking? Wasn't she ever afraid that he would do something and one of those girls might come forward?" and shit like that, never standing up for Trump. Suggesting you'll vote for "Jill Stein, just to send a message and show my support for 3rd parties" softens the blow.

Then, you start with humor. When someone cuts you off on the freeway "Man, if Trump wins, I wish he would build a wall to keep idiots off the freeway instead of honest Mexicans out of our country!"

within a month, you'll have your once-bluepilled family chanting "Build the wall 10 feet higher Mr. Trump!" every time someone says something bluepilled. Hell, I've even got my illegal-immigrant father in law saying "Mr. Trump, man, he just wants what is best for his country, even if I don't agree with him."



What I would do in this case, OP, is I would "cede" victory to your family. Let them know that they changed your mind and you don't know what you were thinking.

Their smugness will take over and shit will go back to the way it was, mostly. Then work on the purple pill. You can still win this war and keep your family intact. The safest route, though, is simply NOT MIXING FAMILY AND POLITICS.

Show her this one too.

Why do you even care about American politics? I can't imagine how autistic an American would have to be to get in a fight with their family over UK prime minister candidates.

>fails to mention whites are murdered because blacks in poverty


>Tfw Girlfriend is a massive liberal and tries to bluepill me

U need to constantly deride her opinions and make her feel as stupid as possible or u have failed as a man

Me too, literally "trump is mysognistic" tier. I tried to talk to her about trump, she replied "he's a racist" I said how, she said she didn't want to talk about it. I kept asking and she eventually said "stop asking me that, why do you think I'm not as smart as you"

Fucking children

>>fails to mention whites are murdered because blacks are ignorant nigger animals.


>why do you think I'm not as smart as you

Because you can't form your own opinion.

Whoa, this one is most poignant.

My family all supports Trump.
My wife hates both of them but got me my official MAGA hat.
My mother in law is a shill for hill.
My father in law is voting Trump so he knows I'm his true ally since he is one of the few that knows my true power level.

>power level
Unless you are spreading awareness of the evils of democracy and espousing fascism you are bluepilled af