Guardian Prime Storytime

This is something completely different. Comic Republic, a publisher from Nigeria, puts out all this stuff for free on their website. I'm storytiming it anyway

This is some 5 page intro to the character. Art improves, I swear



Read this page, or just assume he's Superman

Issue #2












That's pretty X-Treme, man.


If it's all free I wonder who's backing it

I sure hope this isn't implying what it seems to be implying about who the last Guardian was

Who exactly are you implying was the last Guardian?
It is Jesus isn't it?

This is pretty cool. It's always interesting to see how different cultures interpret superheroes and what they should be like.

You guys should check this out on their website. Every series they put out is free.

I don't usually storytime, but I figure they could use any exposure they can get.

Ads start popping up in later issues, sometimes really annoying, sometimes his you're used to it you buy physical.

>wears the colors of the Nigerian flag
>has a Nigerian accent
>Is he Nigerian?
Is this woman retarded?