Am I evil?

>am I evil?
>worse, you are smart
> When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours.


Other urls found in this thread:

dude smoke weed and disregard trump

>all these people who don't understand that the show is ironic.

You're not supposed to idolise or try to emulate these characters. If you hadn't noticed no one in the series is happy even if they try to tell other characters that they are.

This is what actual lunatics say

it's the logic of a drug addict

>w-wow rick you're a-anus is pretty dirty, you know it uhh it stinks
>Shut the fuck *burp* up morty, my ass is fucking fine *burp* now climb into or I'll make you
>Gee rick I don't know a-about this
>You're a pussy Morty, *burp* just like your father *takes swig of liquor* god doesn't exist so why should you care about morals and shit
>Rick I don't know about this "anal vore" stuff I- I want out
>You don't get out morty you're gonna go up my ass abd you'll enjoy it
>*Rick anal vores morty and mortys screams are muffled as he goes into Rick's ass*
>*Burp* thanks morty my prostate can really feel that one *finishes liquor* WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB

Well, at least if you were unsure whether the show was reddit then now you know.

Yes, goyim. Nothing matters.

holy shit just watched the episode I can't believe Rick actually said "reddit".

This but unironically

Now i know exactly where he is lifting this from.

What’s worse is all the people who self insert as rick

Alright fine. I'll watch this trashy show just to be able to follow the memes.

i'm pretty sure the writers don't see it that way, it's apparent to me they take rick very seriously as well as everything that comes out of his drooling mouth

That's what makes the fanbase so fucking bad

>>all these people who don't understand that the show is ironic.
I think it's being deliberately over-the-top, which isn't the same thing as being "ironic," as the writers believe what they're writing on some level. Would that also apply to the political preaching, or feminism, because I failed to see the irony in being told that women make seventy cents on the dollar or whatever. Also, looking at the creators, it's much easier to believe the writers are being completely serious sometimes with the implications of their lines.

If this were true there'd be a character believing in God and morals and trying his best and having a good, fulfilling life and the other characters would sarcastically shit on him for not being "cool."
But everyone is unhappy and the character who's viewpoint gets pushed the most is Rick's. Stop trying to pretend this show isn't for children.

>being told that women make seventy cents on the dollar or whatever.
I'm so glad I stopped after the first season

This shit was kino. I gave an extremely impressed tip of my fedora when I heard that line.


>character believing in God and morals and trying his best and having a good, fulfilling life

Too unrealistic

I guess the universe really is yours dude

my 11 year old cousin told me this summer that he's a pessimist. I asked him why and he said nothing matters and that we're all going to die anyway. I asked him if it was worth doing good things for his parents and sister and he said that they were going to die too. Kids like him were raised on california nihilism, minecraft and parents that think russian bots hacked facebook and stole the election. This cancer of culture is not taken ironically by kids.

>it's a Sup Forumscuck forces politics with the subtlety of a hammer episode

>if you don't like suicide you must be a Sup Forumscuck

Read De Unibus Pluram, bitch. Ironic detachment is a cheap way to let the audience know the creators are "in on the joke". This works as preventive disqualification of any criticism while simultaneously making the audience not feel guilty for accepting the ideas being presented "in an ironic way but not really-- wink wink."

This show was a lot better when we weren't having to deal with Dan "self" harmon and his divorce related issues.

*E Unibus Pluram
Time for bed.




Dan changed the image for his production company

Why does Sup Forums feel so theathened by nihilism?

I'm started to feel like Rick is like Hannibal from the tv show, but less understandable because of his existentialism

intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor: the show

This. Rick and Mortey and its reddit fedora tipping thralls BTFO by the greatest American intellectual.

You see, smart people usually choose being smart over being happy, even if they know that being smart makes them unhappy.

>Dude Rick is so chillax! It's so cool how he is so philosophical, and he likes to binge drink just like my friends and me! He is so funny too!

based post



*burp* gods not real morty

Have you never heard Harmon speak? They actually believe the shit they're espousing.

>am I skizo?
>worse you are trans

who needs a school education when you have rick and morty

Just say no fellow pede. Who needs drugs when you have Kek?

You are asking too much from this site.

They think when the main character is giving the lesson of the day with the sappy music its supposed to be the message the writers are trying to push.

Bunch of retards

the point of education is to make you feel smart

that is indeed what the largest part of its viewbase takes from it, and that is the most obvious reason for which it is a demoralizing influence. even if it were 'purely ironic' and everyone took it for just that, numerous reasons have been mentioned in this thread for which that is sufficient reason to eschew this garbage.

yeah, man, ha ha. all those stupid doctors and shit and everyone else that's productive and keeping you alive just thinks their smart. ha ha. they should know everything already like you and I already do and always did. ha ha.

baiting faggot.

that's just stuff they're naturally good at, it's a form of privilege.

It's the antithesis to civilization.

And it's also just pretentious and gay

Last friday this dude who dropped out of college was hanging around me and wearing a wubba lubba dub dub hat. I said shit like this to him until he got uncomfortable and left.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Everyone already went past nihilism with Nietzsche.

But what if I'm literally Rick irl?
>wicked sense of humour

>Am I evil?
>Yes I fucking am

Read into Terror Management Theory
Brainlets feel geniunely threatened by nihilism

*tips fedora*

That fucking redheaded irish cunt ruined him. First time in his life he got near that brass ring of happiness and the bitch yanked it right out of his hand after she got her break.

>But what if I'm literally Rick irl?
Then use your portal gun to fuck off to a universe that cares.

It's like religious people refusing the accept the possibility of no afterlife?
It scares them to have no meaning to life, because then they'd be lost.

>burning for eternity
oh man, im spookd solid

You guys really feel talked down to by this television cartoon huh? It's so upsetting to you to think that these people who like is are smarter than you. It's because they really are

Whatever you're snorting is the real thing, antifa

R&M being "smart" is the best marketing tactic I've seen since "fake news".

Overall I have really enjoyed this season, and I think the backlash against it is way overdone.

Having said that, yeah, this line was pure cringe and probably the worst line in show history so far.

Even worse than making Jerry say he's a sexist racist beta male?

Jerry never said the word beta

Thanks for clearing that up, Dan

that's actually what the show is about, though. I agree that it's generally the most low iq thing in the world to equate character lines to the writer, but rick and morty is legitimately that low iq of a show

I bet you wanted a lot of youse, right? Here is one. Also ur fagget.

>My mother was a witch

Doofus Rick from season 1 fits the description, he was a genuinely nice guy and other Ricks were constantly making fun of him for that. we also had Simple Rick two episodes ago. he loved his family and was an honest man with a fufiling life who gave up his adventures and focused on raising his daughter. he was also kidnapped and kept in coma by other Ricks who used his brain secretions to make waffles that make them feel happier and then blended alive.
there were many good people in the show but almost always they die horrible deaths they didn't deserve, horrible and cynical shit happening to them is a part of the humor. most jokes in R&M are based on making you uncomfortable, the show was never meant to give you any good messages, it's only a dumb stoner humor, lets treat it like that.

>smart is a choice

>this is what redd and mortit fans tell themselves

>worse, you are smart
> When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours.

If Beth is so smart, why was she dumb enough to have a kid at 17 and another at 19?

Dan Harmon literally said the exact same shit, and called it genius.

He's stroking his ego.

>Doofus Rick from season 1 fits the description, he was a genuinely nice guy and other Ricks were constantly making fun of him for that. we also had Simple Rick two episodes ago. he loved his family and was an honest man with a fufiling life who gave up his adventures and focused on raising his daughter. he was also kidnapped and kept in coma by other Ricks who used his brain secretions to make waffles that make them feel happier and then blended alive.
>there were many good people in the show but almost always they die horrible deaths they didn't deserve, horrible and cynical shit happening to them is a part of the humor. most jokes in R&M are based on making you uncomfortable, the show was never meant to give you any good messages, it's only a dumb stoner humor, lets treat it like that.

Well I mean its not just that. From the evidence we have its that even though rick pretends he doesn't need anyone at all they either conglomerate into the citadel by force or by choice.
The only rick that seems to have gotten out of this is one who is willing to do deeply horrible things to stay out of it. Hes not a bad person per se but he will go further than them to do only what he wants.

Is it cynicism to say that good people surrounded by terrible ones are at a disadvantage?

It's old hat. Sup Forums took nihilistic 13 year olds through their "lol dude nothing matters or is sacred in anyway" phase already. Sup Forums isn't an effective audience for nihilistic shock value.

Yea, that speech was kinda retarded. But i guess less so if you assume that being really smart and nyilistic in this universe, allows you to be an interdimensional guy.

she thought she could fix jerry. Then jerry purposefully got a flat tire on the way to the abortion clinic to buy time to trap her.

>Hes not a bad person
Rick is irredeemably evil.

I like the trend of desperately running back to the promise of and intrinsically meaningful universe after even a taste of nihilism.

That's one theme I really like too. Rick is written best as an obvious hypocrite. Praying in to God in his most desperate moments, calling out other for behavior he displays, etc. It at least makes himhuman, even if he's a shitty one.

Him indulging the instinct to find meaning, even when it doesn't work out or his own nature prevents it from getting all the way there, is a much better pro-nihilistic message because it recognizes the whole mortal dealing with the concept angle without being needlessly angsty. But episodes like this seem to want you to take the surface level seriously.

wow shows today really makes you think huh

This is the moment the series died for me

this will be in the next episode

This was kinda homophobic

with only one episode left, where's this season going?

I like R&M but the fucking edgy nihilistic shit gets pretty grating. Espcially when retards take a cartoon seriously and start acting like that.
Xavier did it better anyways

Nihilistic naturalism is literally the thinking man's philosophy.

Sadly, Sup Forums is filled with brainlets who parrot the meme that nihilism is for some reason dumb, never giving a sound argument.

>Hes not a bad person

He murders an innocent kid in a very first episode just because he was inconvenienced and he didn't bat an eye.

Being learned and intelligent are different things the latter helps in attaining the former and the former gives the air of the latter.

Are we talking about the russian nihilist movement here or what exactly?
Nihilist gets thrown about a lot, but it seems most just means someone who thinks nothing matters.

Nihilist that doesn't kill himself is just an attention whore. Sound enough for you?

I feel like the illuminati sees the world this way, this is why they don't care about killing millions of people to get what they want

(assuming they exist)

Nihilism clearly refers to existential nihilism in this context

Not even an argument

It's a philosophy for average IQ cunts. A true genius knows truth is meaningless and embraces the will to power based on his own internalized ethics.

>Not even an argument
Less talking, more killing yourself.

This will never be better than the Harry Potter "No!" pasta. You're washed up, kid. You'll never get the belt.

Only brainlets think Nietzsche is somehow genius material