Is he right?

Great character analysis. Looked this guy up and he mainly does fitness videos, which was surprising. I'm not as sold on CW as he is's good but not great.

>Making fun of Captain Boomerang and Gorilla Grodd.

Fuck this faggot.

>Ask me why you like it.


It's a shitty review. Alex makes some good points and he clearly understands where things didn't work, but his complete and utter lack of respect for other people's opinions is frustrating to say the least. As I type, I can practically hear his voice reading this out loud in the same mocking tone he uses whenever anyone else disagrees with him.

Suicide Squad was bad, but I still enjoyed it. It certainly wasn't the apocalyptic failure he's describing, but that's the problem when you call your YouTube channel I HATE EVERYTHING. People start to expect you to live up to the moniker.

And on a personal note, I'm getting really damn sick of people who don't read comics featuring certain characters mocking them because they seem kinda goofy for easy laughs. That's some high school level shit.

but Croc was one of the only good things.

The movie is shit don't get me wrong. It's like he hates the movie for all the wrong reasons.
>reminder that this is someone who thought Jessica Jones was good
>reminder that this is someone who liked the force awakens

Didn't he do the same thing in his Force Awakens review that he's accusing people who like Suicide Squad of doing?

I'm not giving him views.

Yeah, I get that he's kind of playing a character but some of his reactions are kind of uncalled for, especially considering he shows their usernames and everything.

Best part is is that he says he "encourages discussion" in his comments section, but he seems like he takes differing opinions personally.

He's right.

He's absolutely right but I'm fucking getting tired of him as a whole.

He comes off as desperate for validation, seeing as he did like five fucking videos about him NOT getting involved with YouTube Drama even though literally no one was asking him to,

Yeah, the fuck was up with that? Seemed like he just wanted to read comments praising him for it or something...

What happened?

He was the head of drama with the stupid Cool Cat fiasco

fucking hypocrite

>character is oversexualized that it is distracting.

This guy is funny.

I mean he's right

My brother basically kept saying "Dude, I wanna have SEXUAL INTERCOURSE with her" whenever she was onscreen.

back in my day we called it "sex appeal" or "fan service"


shitting on kite man at 10 minutes


I sympathized with the Cool Cat thing, which is why I hated him the DURR PLANT vid.

He literally did the exact same fucking thing Savage did and bragged about it, literal hypocrite.

I have only watched one other of his videos but kite man shows up in the intro for some reason

I guess hating kite man is a running gag of his or something

What did he do?

Removed several fan videos because he didn't like them and stole the revenue.

Literally the same as Savage except IHE bragged about it.

he also made a series about how he hates "reply videos" and how their creatively bankrupt and just sucks money out of creative projects like his.

this coming from an edgy Nostalgia Critic rehash