Zombies don't want to infect the dying, they only want to infect healthy people - who then die

>Zombies don't want to infect the dying, they only want to infect healthy people - who then die.

This is hands down the most retarded plot device I have ever seen.

Other urls found in this thread:


Test audiences wanted a happy end.

Did the test audiences comprise of Americans, by any chance?

left me wondering how anyone could take the movie seriously. Also that retarded bit where he injects himself with aids instead of getting the fags to just indicate which was safe with the camera.

Why do Americans have such shit taste?


I just picture some plebeian American starting to sweat profusely and shake when anything that doesn't pander to their simple taste is shown to them.

It doesn't kill people it infects them
The virus spreads through living creatures so why would it attach itself to dying organisms

Oh God thank you for reminding me of this shit fucking movie.

Because they're still alive, and since their only real strategy is 'zerg rush', leaving people because they're not healthy enough is fucking retarded.

Literally the most realistic zombie infection.

>Why would a virus,parasite what to necro restart canerous bodies that will die.

I really liked the book and this was the most disappointing thing I've ever seen.

>sentient virus

>Why would a virus that's soul purpose is to kill people and then reanimate them not kill sick people?

How do you even manage to feed yourself?

you mean the people who are constantly in close proximity to other sick and healthy caregivers? Yeah why would a virus """""want""""" that easy transmission vector

In terms of raping the source material, this is up there with the two Silent Hill movies.

I couldn't possibly speculate.
I just know the original ending had him crash in Russia, get press-ganged into their army, and the movie ends with his group stranded and surrounded on Moscow's Red Square, fighting off zombies Stalingrad-style (one gun per 5 soldiers). This was also supposed to be a sequel hook, and the second movie would cover the rest of the war. This was even filmed, but then scrapped, and replaced by the retarded "zombies are afraid of catching a cold" ending we have now.

Where does it stop? Can diabetics be infected? They die pretty quickly without their insulin.

We saw some homesless drunk who had probably fucked his liver get spared, and some kid with cancer. And Brad Pitt injects himself with Ebola, so where does it end? If you have a cold are you spared? What about Flu? That shit will fuck you up pretty bad.

Such a stupid fucking deus ex machina.

pitt also gets cucked in original story

>source book was already in a format that would have fit a movie very well (documentary with narrated 'flashbacks' ala forrest gump)
>is somehow raped and destroyed into an awful summer flick with brad pit and legitimately the worst ending I have ever seen in a movie
This is exactly why if you're an author you don't write away the rights to your book unless you get to oversee shit

That... that sounds so much better than what we ended up with.

infection = power + privilege

The prerogative of the virus is mutate, get stronger and multiply

Yeah, by Jack from Lost. His character got completely written out, he's in the movie for like 30 seconds when the helicopter lands on the room. Feel bad for him.

Zombies are the most retarded thing ever, no mater how you look at it, no matter how they infect its stupid as fuck.

I liked the 28 days later rendition


>mfw I realize the original monkeys were supposed to have been infected by literal rage via the violent tv images they were showing them in some type of weird ass pro-censorship propaganda bullshit and the rage virus was a retcon by the sequel.

that is the dumbest fucking theory I have ever heard

A virus isn't sentient though, if it was a parasite that rationalisation would make sense
i haven't even seen this shit i was just passing by

so, are they still making the sequel? there were rumors that David Fincher will direct it

not really, cause theres no sequel. so you'd have le epig final battle that goes nowhere.

This actually happens, it is sad.

the only zombie movie that actually kinda makes sense is 28 days later, everything else is borderline fantasy that disregards science as we know it.

They actually have the monkeys watching tv with violence on it at the start of the movie. If it was supposed to be a virus they'd be violent without stimuli, it makes no sense.

very strange they had such a fierce bid war for the rights to the movie and then literally didnt even use the source material

The virus never makes a conscious decision and the movie never treats it like that. It has to explain shit in layman's terms. I'm sure they could've asspulled some pseudo-scientific explanation as to how the virus could recognize dying or sickly individuals, but that would've just bogged the movie down.

>I'm going to pay millions for the rights to a franchise I will completely disregard

They could have just made the exact same movie and called it something else. They're literally retarded.

yeah maybe the doctor man who shot himself in the head a la planet terror could've explained that the virus magically evolved to be sensitive to literally every single other disease that can cripple humans.

Why even bother? I'd love to see a reboot that is actually faithful to the book but I see absolutely nowhere for the brad pitt movie canon to go. In the books there's no vaccine, everyone just adjusts to the zombies and kills them by adjusting their strategies, eventually overcoming them and leaving them a tedious threat to sometimes deal with. In the movie everyone is basically invisible to them forever. What's the point? Where can you go from there? How can you make a sequel when it would just be a bunch of guys trotting past zombies that ignore them?

It was likely just testing. Seeing if they could become more agitated through stimuli or something.

yea fast zombies are better, but still its just a mindless dude runing.

Remind me, once Brad Pitt injected himself and was cured was he still invisible? Cos of some weird antibody response, or was he just invisible for the duration he was sick?

scientist dude says they're infected with rage to the hippy retards, instead of 'a highly contagious virus' or rabies or something. WWZ has a dumber story, so it's possible the bad writing was just obscured well

I don't remember but I doubt it mattered anyways since if it DID wear off he would have been back on the carrier and got the permanent vaccine anyways

Normally I'd question how you managed to have any positive expectations, but to every fan's credit, the sheer lack of regard to the source material truly was astounding.

Have you considered that it's a metaphor?

is the metaphor that you should have watched something else?

It was a virus that affected neurotransmitters. Made monkeys very angry so they could try out drugs designed to supress it. They massively underestimated it's power, and realised it could spread to humans.

Pathogens which alter host behaviour exist in real life, Toxoplasma Gondii, a cat parasite, uses mice as a vector. It changes their flight or fight response and makes them attracted to cat urine. They go near it, makes them more likely to be eaten by cats - parasite finds it's natural host. It effects people to an extent to, makes them less cautious. There have been several studies linking Toxoplasma infection to increased risk of car crashes, just because people take more risks while driving.

It's a metaphor for why food analogies are the thinking mans choice in enlightment.


can you explain what the metaphor was here?

>so you mean a virus wants a healthy host?
really makes me think

cool fanfic bro

No, but that's not bad advice. The movie is about poverty and migration looking like the apocalypse from the viewpoint of middle class americans, alright as a concept but the movie is poorly made.

Pepsi cured Bradd Pitt of his illness. Not only that, the vending machine attracted the zombie hoard (a metaphor for communism). It basically shows that capitalism (represented by the Pepsi Corps primary product) is the antidote to Marxism.

Pretty deep stuff, when you think about it.


i wonder why he played a small part. How was he suppose to cuck him?

It's legit.


something about them getting thrown off the boat if she didnt suck his dick because they found a cure or something

Think of it this way. Take a bite out of an apple. That was the first act of the movie, and it was both delicious and nutritious. Take a second bite; that's the second act, and it too is delicious and nutritious. This goes on and on, and as you keep taking bites of the apple you start to see the core of the apple. We'll call the core our overarching theme of the movie, or maybe a moral to the story. It's only when you've eaten every possible bite of the apple that you can really appreciate the core of the movie.

>wanting anything

His wife shacks up with him in some kinda refugee camp.

So if I understand this thread, the fact that this movie was about zombies didn't make the movie stupid. The movie wasn't stupid because the zombies were running/jumping around like Olympic athletes. The movie (about athletic dead people) was stupid because the zombies were selective in who they infected. That is what made the movie unwatchable.

Everyone already knows about t gondii man, if you want to share what you were just reading on wikipedia you don't have to pretend it's relevant to the film discussion.

Now that the dust has settled, what movie/show/book/game/other media portrays zombies the best in your opinion?


>tfw no Israeli wife

old RE for claustrophobic and dotd remake for scary infectious runners

Are there even any american movies where consumerism isn't a positive force?

>28 months later will NEVER happen

how do you figure that? brad pitt wasnt even middle class in the movie, he was some rich wunder[whatever make believe job he had]

Consumerism is the biggest equalising force in history. The upward mobility that capitalism provides is unparalleled in any other social system.

Get fucked commie faggot.

Consumerism and capitalism aren't synonyms, user.

>The movie is about poverty and migration looking like the apocalypse from the viewpoint of middle class americans

I wish they wouldn't make films for people like that. They need to learn to grow.

>Ya but that's not REAL capitalism

>implying capitalism isn't the lack of a system
>implying that won't just lead to power consolidation and new kings

Just like it does in every single communist society

>capitalism is good because communism is bad

its more like
>sad depressing slow death of entire human species is not an enjoyable event to watch
now go cry about murricka some more, faggots
maybe if your sad fucking countries produced art of its own, you wouldnt be so preoccupied crying about our country, you're literally leeching niggers crying about free hand outs

I have waited almost a decade for this movie to be made.

Of only there was some kind of... third position...if you will...

Constitutional Monarchy is the best system of government.

A capitalist system can lead to a consumerist society, but it doesn't have to. Consumerism is an ideology that can emerge as long as there is a surplus, and surpluses aren't unique to capitalism.

So I am no expert but how would a zombie apocalypse be a threat to any modern nation?
The infected are easy to spot, you can only get infected by being bitten and if you had a tank you can mow them down by the hundreds.

I haven't seen world war Z but David Fincher is one of my favourite directors and hes working on the sequel, maybe this is just done as a favour towards brad pitt or hes doing a deal with the studio so he can get more finance for his next few projects but I hope the sequel feels like a stand alone film and a great addition to his filmography and not throwaway.

Any zombie apocalypse would be incredibly short lived. Zombies are never depicted performing any kind of life preserving behavior. They don't seek shelter from the elements, they don't drink water, and they only sporadically eat. Infected individuals could only survive a few days, a week tops.

It would be a fairly simple matter to cordon off any outbreaks and just wait them out until they die of starvation/dehydration/the elements.

>scientist dude says they're infected with rage to the hippy retards, instead of 'a highly contagious virus' or rabies or something
yea that part of the movie pissed me off

A lot of zombie media just bypasses this with the setting. Some of them, such as The Walking Dead, establish within the canon that 'zombies' never happened within pop culture. Nobody expected them. The Walking Dead also establishes that ANYBODY that dies around the outbreak and afterwards returns as a zombie as long as their brain is intact. I think the Romero movies do this too? This easily explains the government quickly becoming overwhelmed.

It's how War Z explained the massive losses the world ended up taking. As zombies were never a thing before the outbreak, cultural or otherwise, nobody was expecting them and had no idea how to fight them. Governments would send soldiers with artillery and tanks to fight a horde that would quickly overwhelm them. Every casualty was another enemy on the other side. Soldiers had to be completely retrained to aim for the head instead of center of mass. Helmets altogether was useless. Guns overall were largely abandoned for smaller-scale cleanup in favor of quieter spear-like weaponry, with actual firearms largely being reserved for massive operations in which the military would corral hordes into the desert and just mow them down for days. The entire art of war had to be rewritten for an enemy that nearly wiped out the human race anyways.

Zombies are somewhat novel to us and largely dull now that the fad has faded, but keep in mind that for them to suddenly actually appear in a world with no instance of them before, they'd be hell on earth.

Runners, maybe. It worked in 28 Days Later, the world just collectively said 'fuck the uk' and let all the infected there starve before trying to reclaim it.

Generic shamblers are another matter entirely however and usually just handwaved as still able to perform motor function despite little to no fluids/ingestion.

What did you expect from a "zombie" rated PG-13?



I just checked this. What the fuck.

Supernatural zombies work.

They were planning a sequel.

waiting for the insecure american to deny this

>wtf my bait didn't work and people discussed a bunch of stuff in this thread
>better reply to myself to attempt to kickstart some replies

Brad P. Looked really cool in the movie though.

>didn't realize silent hill was based on a novel
>look it up
>it's actually some video game shit

hahahahaha you have to go back
Get the fuck off my board.

>boy I sure love movies and television
>video games? fuck no do I look like some dumb kid to you I am a matured adjusted ADULT please respect me and my condescending attitude

The Silent Hill games were GOAT. The first movie was bad, but OK.

The second movie was probably the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.

>inept manchild butthurt yet again
>posts pure projections about his latent insecurities
>refuses to go to the board he'll be welcomed

get out.

By that logic surely you should fuck off back to /lgbt/

fucking owned

What? No, the original script ended up with the Red Army getting buttblasted, Brad deserting and fighting his way to the coast to get a boat back to America to save his wife and child from Dark Jack.