On a scale of 1 to autism, how much autism was it?

on a scale of 1 to autism, how much autism was it?

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So do people like the movie or the the popular music Wright uses in them?

full blown

>bothering to see a 20-year-old behind the wheel, that seasoned, hardened criminals seemingly trust with their money and their lives
>bothering to defend the idiot that made such dreck and expected people to believe it could ever be reality

Hello, millennial. The lead in this so-called "film" (a dishonest one, at that) is completely devoid of anything resembling "character". As you also possess none, allow me to explain.

Character is what's developed over a multitude of years, whether it be from working a shift at an abattoir and having some gruesomely-hilarious stories to tell your coworkers and/or friends, to being a getaway driver who's honed one's craft ALSO over a multitude of years, and probably has some hilarious stories to tell as well. You know - the stories one acquires from having actually lived life, as opposed to primping one's self in an upper-class cocoon one calls "home" and remaining blemish-free for the majority of one's entire 20 years.

Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes. Lines that, should another person see them, they would automatically associate those lines with "I bet that person has some stories to tell." In this case, "Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has NO experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma. He is Gumby behind a steering wheel. One's immersion is ruined before one even decides to brave such a film, and one is left immeasurably-disappointed by the experience.

Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

THAT, user, is what I'm talking about. Character. Do YOU have any?

is this some pasta?

His face is even more irritating when covered with those glasses

>It's a metaphor, you see. You put the cigarette in your mouth and smoke it, and live your life like there's no tomorrow. Same as if I ripped those tubes out of your nose. For you, there really WOULD be no tomorrow. Are you even LISTENING to me, you stupid cunt?

He was a bit of a jerk even before this film, to be honest.

imagine watching this shit


Imagine having to READ this bullshit.

Fuck Eng Lit for making have to study this worthless shit.

any other movies featuring autists with qts?

Wait, did he really say that?

Is that the Han Solo prequel?

Yes, he told a terminally ill girl that

It's a 8/10 pasta that needs refinement, but it's mostly true. It was made for young people, so I guess that's understandable.

Autism means he's slow, is he slow?

this is a pretty dumb pasta but the fact that they had a baby-faced little faggot as the main character would've been fine if they also didn't try to make him "cool" and "charming". I'm willing to believe that an early-20s dude is a really capable getaway driver, there are young stunt drivers, but I'm less willing to believe that he's also really smart, playful, suave, charming, the strong silent type that always knows exactly what to say when he DOES talk, etc., all at like 23 years old. If they played up his naivete and ignorance it would've been better.

spot on.

the character wasn't supposed to be "cool" or "charming". most of the alpha criminal dudes make fun of him and several literally ask if he's retarded due to the extent of his autism. he hardly ever talks and he's super awkward in his interactions with everyone, including the waitress chick.

>he's super awkward in his interactions with everyone, including the waitress chick.
No he wasn't. That was the Hollywood "I'm so quirky and awkward but stumble I'll somehow stumble my way through charming you anyway". It appears to the lowest common denominator, everything about the writing and acting in these moments feels so forced and manufactured.

>saying the word autism is funny XD

If the thread isn't talking about the fucking movie mods do your jobs

>not afraid to talk to a girl
lmao I give him 0/10 on autistic scale.

99% of you faggots couldn't be even half as straighforward as he was with the waitress.
So if he's autistic, what the hell are you?

He has Aspergers at least or at the max full blown autism

the webm that made me not see this flick

except that thats not how it works in real life unless you are a super 10/10 handsome boi.

Regardless, he did that.

Is this an Armond White review?

He has savant syndrome. It's caused from trauma to the left frontal lobe hence the scars on his left side. It gives him incredible memory and spatial awareness.

Simple Jack tier

me? cahracter? No I dont have character. Im the most generic faggot out there desu.

How would you know how it works in real life? Fuck off, faggot.

it's autistic to think he's autistic. he was actually really smooth with debora as soon as the awkward first 30 seconds was outta the way

you sure showed me fuckboi

>watches drive once

virgins are always so salty. Must be the pent-up frustration.

this shit is literally disney musical tier, how can people compare it to Drive

>says the one who visits virgin imageboard

>strawmanning because he has no argument

This isn't your private club, faggot. Just because you and a lot of users are subhuman trash who can't even look a chick in the eyes, doesn't mean everyone else is. Not every single board is Sup Forums.

hey user sorry I insulted your favourite 2017 movie thats actually super shit. You sound like the fucking stereotype Chad.

>not fucking whores makes you subhuman trash
man kids these days have their morals fucked up

No. If he had great spatial awareness he wouldn't have needed the child to tell him what was where in the bank. He can lip read from looking after his foster parent Joe which explains how he knew what Doc was saying at the table of the first heist.

>I like to go on really nice dates. I've made some money, but I don't spend it on anything besides my rent. But I go to nice dinners. And I like to go with a girl. I prefer being with a girlfriend longterm. I prefer to be with someone I can trust. I'm more into that. I think I could say this: If you like someone and the sex is really good and you enjoy spending time together, why wouldn't you make that person your girlfriend? Why go around dating random girls and having terrible sex when you can be with someone you really like?
>But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend.


>who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours
ahahaha never ever unless you have 10 fucking million dollars in your account lmao

Telling personal shit like that on interviews for everyone to read always makes me cringe.


yeah but he had total recall of everything doc said. also when he was channel surfing and watched little rascals, fight club, monsters inc.. he used every one of those lines later on in the movie. he clearly had a perfect memory

look up savant syndrome. it's caused by car accidents and shit, specifically to the left side which is what happened to him. it's what he had. Yes.

oh and he also repeated word for word what darling said to buddy in the elevator. he used that line on debora as well, verbatim

(raps the shit out of it)


Nobody mentioned whores. You're the one with your morals fucked up, assuming all women are whore. back to /r9k/ with you.

Again with the strawman. No wonder nobody wants you people around.

how tf does looking after a deaf guy teach you read lips? it's the deaf guy that needs to read lips, dummy. and they spoke in sign language the whole time

It's basically a dumbed down, action-oriented Drive to be honest. And don't come with that "THERE WERE MOVIES BEFORE DRIVE" shit, Refn clearly made a style that was influential on its own.

>main character is mostly silent, yet everyone is used to it/talks around him
>main character has a signature jacket he always wears on jobs
>main character falls in love with an innocent-looking blonde
>main character is a getaway criminal driver who has reservations about being a bad guy
>main character sees blonde as his redemption ticket
>she ends up getting involved in nasty business, everything goes bad
>no matter how much he tries to escape, guy gets sucked into that world again
>when the time comes, he becomes a badass killer

It's pretty much two different directors tackling the same concept, and while I enjoyed Baby Driver, it just made me appreciate Drive's subtlety much more. I hated the constant expositional dialogue in Baby.

Also, the entire final act could've been avoided if Baby simply finished killing Jhon Hamm after already shooting him once and having him on the floor bleeding. He would've escaped with the girl and gotten away.

For some reason he doesn't hesitate at all brutally killing Jamie Foxx but only incapacitates Hamm in order to allow the ending to happen.

autism at its finest
im 27 brah i don't care anymore.

I downloaded the movie not knowing what I was in for and got hit full blast in the face with this faggy scene. You lucked out cowboy.

none, both were terrible. This movie was hyped up crap for autistic millenials