
Playing poker with Riker edition

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>by the time lien comes back to voyager 3 seasons later, her arms are flabby, costumes are baggy, her face is fat, makeup is heavy

i wish i was talking about her future-old self. i know what she looks like after all these years but at least they nailed her going down hill real fast as part of the story

Tea, Iced Tea, Cold


Why are there no prominent transgender Star Trek characters?

I'm staying up all night exercising because it's just one of those nights.

Give me a Star trek Episode or movie to watch tonight while I pump iron, /trek/ or I will facefuck Bashirfaggot.

Because you wouldn't be able tell.
They have the tech to completely rewrite your DNA and give you XX chromosomes.

Watching through TNG for the first time. I didn't realize Wesley would be such an important character, but I'm still only halfway through S1 so that may change. Momma Crusher is hot. Worf is great. The episodes are kind of silly at this point. You'd think after inviting so many people on their ship only to have the captain or someone start acting weird they'd prepare for it in any way. Oh yeah, also blonde security chief is a QT

I hear it gets good when Ryker gets his beard. Is that true?

How did a gardener (paki barry chuckle) and his wife afford to genetically enhance their son bashir?
How was a gardener resourceful enough to provide a false identity for bashir when he got back to earth and enrolled in another school>

Commie Utopia

>not playing 'poke-her' with crusher :)

I remember there be weak early episodes with bearded Riker, so a bit after that.

I don't understand the point of that last episode she was featured in, old and angry, why not just end it with the one where she push them away and that's it? Why add such a needless closure?

Or maybe I am missing something.

> no response.
At least give me a TOS or TNG or DS9 episode to watch, please.....

But they travelled to Adigeon Prime to give bashir the treatments, they would've had to have paid right?

With what?
Janitors get the same money someone important gets: none

Data's day for comfort. Any Enterprise episode with Shran. the Voyager sort of mirror universe episode with the Doctor telling how things really went.

Spock's brain

Data's Day to see the first appearance of the being only known as Keiko. A Fistful of Datas for the western cozyness.

Take me out to the Holosuite. Or any Worf episode from TNG/DS9.

Alexander is easily worse than Keiko

the resolution makes no sense since its the same as the beginning of the ep. she's still old and seemingly frail, dying maybe. but a hologram of herself stopped her. what about personal logs, or maybe seeing neelix for more than 2 seconds? odd episode even for voyager

DS9: Civil Defense

maybe, but Alexander was alright in a Fistul of Datas.

Drinkin Kanar with Damar

Damar did the best he could in the situation he was in. But I guess all the subtlety had to be taken out of Dukat's character to keep it even or something.

Attention Bajoran workers, I just spilled cummies all over my pants.

Dukat out.

Is Damar elite?

Nice try Odo, but everyone can tell it's not the real Dukat.

Some good suggestions.

Do you wish me roid rage?

If you were forced to watch it on loop for 24 hours, would you have to watch space pikeys from VOY or space hippies from TOS?

space hippies.
I have never managed to watch that VOY episode fully without skipping.

Wesley gets dropped halfway through the series and only makes a couple cameos. That ep with him back on earth is a really good one imo.

Momma Crusher IS hot. You'll get some good scenes with her. That ep about her family history is....well, you'll either love it or hate it.

Worf just gets better. If you really take a shine to him then consider diving into DS9 afterwards. I think it takes him a season or two to show up but he just continues his upwards trend (until near the end where he just kinda evens out).

Blond QT is Tasha Yar and...well, stuff. :(

Riker in that image reminds me of the primus big brown beaver video

Is wanting to fuck dax gay?

perhaps it's just the lighting

They do look very phallic

Worf joins in season 4. You don't notice it takes him so long because DS9 is so good.

only if the host body is male

do troy ever show vageen?

There's an entire episode about aliens struggling with gender issues. Riker, naturally, fucks xir so hard schle turns irreparably female (actually I forget the exact ending, it was probably "I must maintain the status quo for my people").

>With what?
Obviously they were paid in equal part Stembolts and Tuleberries.

Commodities still have value, energy isn't free, and the Federation keeps careful track of all its energy / matter expenditures (but doesn't charge anyone for it), it's a plot point when Sisko threatens to have the Federation charge Quark for the cost of replicating food etc for his bar.

DS9 is Bajoran not Federation, so different rules apply.

No, you're thinking of a recent episode of The Orville.

She got brainwashed by their government basically and no longer thought she was a girl. I remember it being a pretty sad ending.

Riker, his stomach heavy
His uniform ill-fitting

its always that way though. it always ends sadly, thats the trek way. that ep where paris learns the alien chick thing is basically a slave, so he tries to teach her about stuff, and she kills herself in the end realizing she'll never have that freedom is similar.

That was actually an Enterprise episode. And it was Trip.

this is what i get for re-binging all the franchises all at once. same thing though, a lot of eps end up with the same feeling. is there a total count for character falls in love but by the end of the episode their lover dies or must go away for some reason? i felt like the orville ep was trying to get that out of the way while they're trying to do some character development.

ikr remember the ep were picard has a nice comfy life with kiddies and flute hobbies etc only to find out later it was a lie

Literally my favourite episode, have a congratulatory (you).

the inner light
It was the memory of some scientist of a dying civilization, were he tries to fix the dying sun only to fail aswell good ep.

Was it rape?

yes would you fuck a xyrillian

Only if she had yabbos like this space bitch.

They weaseled their way to brain-center and then had babby-Julian figure it out for them.

Would you, an android?

>Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to ops on Monday.

Maybe not that one, because she'd probably be terrible in bed.

tfw no qt autistic robot waifu



>My planet has no food chain
>We have predator and prey, my people are prey
>Oh, by the way, I eat plants
Nigga, that IS a food chain.
This show was written by retards. Fuck CBS.

Was there anything in this galaxy that Trip didn't try to stick his dick into?

Computerify this.

how does intelligent prey get to be prey? isnt intelligence usually associated with predators instead? shit bugs me


Mice are probably more intelligent than a hawk

>as livestock we became very intelligent and can magically sense death

It's Trek. If you evolve for long enough you become a salamander.

For all of you haters, please understand that DSC (not STD, you oh-so-clever TROLLS) is the closest thing we've seen to fulfilling Roddenberry's vision for the future, and the greatest cinematic achievement Star Trek has ever produced. First off, the bridge is no longer a boy's club, where women are relegated to being eye candy and answering phones. They are strong, have differing opinions, and are willing to take REAL ACTION. The fact that an Asian woman and a STRONG BLACK WOMAN are in positions of power attests to the progress that humans have made in the future. They aren't anyone's bitch, even each others.

The aliens represent real world political issues, like the alien Saru, who shows that even members of a former slave race can become strong members of society, and move beyond being prey for dominant powers. The Klingons are no longer thinly veiled "others' and represent a real faction of American society that is too afraid of change to move beyond their archaic traditions.

The visuals were gorgeous. The lighting was moody and added a dynamic and tense atmosphere that highlighted the show's central tensions, as well as mirroring the blackness of space. Not like the garish colors and overly bright sets of prior Trek shows like TOS and TNG that looked like they were filmed in an open field with the midday sun shining directly overhead. The experimental angles helped contrast the detailed sets and futuristic tech with the primitive and current tensions between the crew of the USS Shenzhou. And FINALLY, we have sci-fi tech that ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE SCI-FI TECH and not some cheesy wooden props that look like repainted furniture someone found at a flea market.

Trek has finally entered the realm of true art, and no amount of racist, reactionary vitriol can change the great accomplishments we've already seen from this show.

High protein content has been shown to correlate to higher intelligence.

High protein plants exist

please let this be pasta


Spicy pasta.

"We have information that the primary difference between animal and plant proteins is their amino acid profiles and it is those profiles that direct the rates at which the absorbed amino acids are put to use within the body. Animal based proteins, of course, are much more similar to our proteins, thus are used more readily and rapidly than plant proteins. That is, ‘substrate’ amino acids derived from animal based proteins are more readily available for our own protein synthesizing reactions which allows them to operate at full tilt. Plant proteins are somewhat compromised by their limitation of one or more amino acids. When we restore the relatively deficient amino acid in a plant protein, we get a response rate equivalent to animal proteins. My own lab produced experimental data to support this view–and of course, similar observations of years past in other laboratories can also be interpreted in this way"

Not all protein is alike.

Phlox's wife.


Mama Mia!

All these retards who ACTUALLY think the 90s trek is better than STD


It honestly looks like the best Sci-fi TV show in ages the budget seems great and the effects and makeup for the klingons seem really good.

Fuck the canonfags desu this is really good probably will be better than The Expanse. This is someone who isn't an autistic trekkie spaz who gets all worked up about the "tradition".

Trip was a gentlemen.

Maybe they're omnivores, like chickens, but they only eat grubs and insects.

I haven't finished ent s1 yet, but didn't that guy have like 12 wives

>this isn't your grampa star trek war's!

Debobulan relationship structure is intentionally an incomprehensible tangle to the audience. Phlox totally supported Trip having a go, but Trip was weirded out too much.

Discovery is literally taking a dump on 50 years of tradition and an extremely developed universe.

This is the same kind of reboot crap we hate because it is lazy and stupid.

It would be like if they did a Dr Who prequel where the Dalleks are redesigned as menacing flying drones and the Sonic Screwdriver has wifi and the Dr is a trans disabled person of color.

>T...the special effects look good!

>Dr Who
They've changed stuff all the time
>Jenna coleman is a dalek

Are you implying the old trek had better effects?

>Discovery is literally taking a dump on 50 years of tradition
Is the dump deliberate or accidental? Which is worse?

Transformers movies have better effects than Wrath of Khan. I guess that means Transformers movies are better?

Enjoy your paycheck now, CBS is going to stop paying you when they realize STD can't save their shit streaming service.

little'a comlumn a, little'a comlumn b

fuck this shit

Is it gay to want to fuck Riker?

What kind of weapon was this anyways?


>Discovery premier drew in 10million viewers when it was free to watch
>CBS seriously expects 80% of them to start paying for the privilege to see the rest of the show.

It's dead, Jim.

It's a Pha'luvx, a nu-Klingon weapon representing their patriarchal, oppressive and fascist society.

Might be a new design of mek'leth? They redid the bat'leth (and god was is it ever a horrible design) so this might be a new take on the mek'leth (that's like the short sword thing that Worf uses a lot in ds9). If it is, I honestly don't mind this redesign much.

>CBS seriously expects 80% of them
Where is that figure from?