Why did the animation for this show go to complete shit when it made the switch to HD?

Why did the animation for this show go to complete shit when it made the switch to HD?

Even the SD zombie episodes didn't look half as bad.

Because rigged puppet cgi in disguise of 2d.


Its at its worst, but for a show like this its perfectly fine. Still godlike compared to Family Guy. You can see the puppet shit super easily in every slowly animated scene in it now and it looks terrifying. Towards the end of the newest episode where Peter takes a dive to save the reporter is a good example.

what animation teams don't understand is that smooth movement, clean lines, and bright colors =/= good animation. the movement is "smooth", when they move theres no jumps or awkward cuts, but thats because the way they "move" is so basic that they never move in an actually expressive way since that means more effort and a greater chance that they wont be able to animate it perfectly smoothly.

its easier to use the pre-made models and their pre-made poses and their pre-made animation cycles.

>Bob is chasing them through the middle of town
>Bob jumps and lands in front of them
>they're suddenly standing in the middle of a dam miles away from town
What the fuck were they thinking

HD is an ugly thing.

bcuz HD and 4k make pretty much anything filmed near the 29.97 fps look like crap.

It's not an ugly thing, it's just a trick we haven't quite nailed yet.

Was that a storyboarding/animating error, or was it meant to be a joke about offscreen teleportation?

Probably had one more scene in the middle but they cut it out because it wasn't good enough.

The show is just awful.

It's called a joke.

>that mouth animation

>Why did the animation for this show go to complete shit

The VAs renegotiated their contracts to $440,000 per episode (they eventually got talked down to a "meager" $200,000 per episode a few years later).

When you spend nearly $500k per actor, per episode, you don't have any money leftover to make the fuckin cartoon.

The HD animation is awful. It's slick, plastic, and completely lifeless. Just like the writing, voice acting, and...pretty much everything else about Zombie Simpsons.

Do we even know what the animation budget actually is?

>It's not a mistake, it's a feature!

Yes. Most of it seems not spenf on the actual animation.

Remind me again why does it take 11 months to animated one of these shows?

Consideting the use of rigged puppet animation.

Compared yo say. And old episode of Card Captor Sakura?

>comparing zombie Simpsons to Madhouse in their prime

And they work on multiple episodes at once, so this not like they're spending 11 months on one thing.

In short it's because Rough Draft started to outsource most of their episodes to Vietnam, Singapore and North Korea's Studio SEK and only keeping 1 or 2 episodes at the most per season in Seoul, let alone in house.

Akom however still keeps their episodes in in house and are now the "good looking" episodes of the show.
They still use paper to animate, not flash.
Animation is always shot at 24FPS, the remaing 5.97FPS is left as some sort of buffer.

Plus not HDTVs/4K TVs have a 24htz mode.
Still light years better then what Mir is doing.
Very little, otherwise Titmouse would be animating it

Simpsons takes 8 months to animate, not 11.

Simpsons still uses paper.

More like The Great Piggy Bank Robbery.

Simpsons is the Hanna Barbera of our time. Family friendly cartoons that bring nothing new to the table, cheap as dirt to produce, millions will watch it regardless, it writes itself and profits with little effort until it has ran for at least 30 years.

It is nothing like Hanna Barbera, it's more like Columbia's cartoon studio before UPA took it over, some merit and a budget but far from the best.

Also $5-8 million per episode is not cheap.
It should be added that many Mappa staff members went back to Madhouse to work on the CCS reboot when Mappa became a fujo hut and all their male staff that was left went to Studio M2 (not related to the emulation company).

>comparing zombie Simpsons to Madhouse in their prime
Anime episodes seem to generally spend 6-9 months in production.