Star Trek Discovery


Isn’t that a man’s name Sup Forums?


is a /m/an's name
>Michael is a girl's name and I'm a girl!

>that KANGZ face

In every picture

Isn't that question the plot to Eurotrip?

Written and directed by bioware.

It's a Bryan Fuller thing.

How is the mood in Trek forums?

Let me get this straight, Klingons want to start a war because they are terrified the Federation wants to force them to race mix?

Species mix.

They'll turn them into Humgons, atom by atom, cell by cell!

High quality writing from the SJW crowd as usual, yes.

doesn't make it ok

>Don't kill the klingon guy because then you make him a martyr
>Please, let me fly the suicide bomber and kill him myself
What did she mean by this?

>boldly go where no woman has gone before

>klingons already had stable cloak tech between ent and tng
>klingon language harmonics are completely different
>death rituals almost completely changed
>entire aesthetics completely and utterly changed, from clothing and architecture to actual genetic appearance and speech rhythm
>vulcans love every race now
>klingons are supposed to be white supremacists but they hate white skin except they don't???
>Mrs. KANGS is racist but it's OK because KANGS wuz KANGS n SHIEEEEET
>muh feelz > logic
>sarek thinks it's OK and even gives Mrs Kangs state secret WMDs

don't forget she mutanied and assaulted her captain in the first place TO fire on them

she doesn't have logic, she's just being constantly contrarian, like any black person who has probably with authority..

and this is why Sup Forums relates to her so muchh

STD is a huge disappointment already but maybe it was just a hastily written two hour pilot, it has to get better from here r-right?!

>human physically capable of doing a vulcan grip

Depends. There are some places where any negative comments are snuffed out. Others, generally, are mixed to negative about the show.

Expect it to get worse. Fuller has less impact as the story goes on.

That was one of the more confusing parts. They didn't really explain the motivations of the Klingons very well. It's been however many years of separate houses and 100 with limited federation contact and now this black asshole says the federation doesn't come in peace and want to assimilate them without providing any proof whatsoever and suddenly everyone united. I get the white light has significance to their people and all that but why? What's the trigger to unite for a war?

ree ree reeee reee

The nerve pinch has nothing to do with being Vulcan, why do you think Spock tried to teach Kirk how to do it?

I don't even like this show, and this thread has still convinced me some of you literally don't like it because you're racist.

Like these two faggots:
There's enough not to like without proving the liberal shill media right about your disdain for black women.

Is that really what their going with? Jesus I literally hate everything about this.

Because it was funny to see a human fail so hard. Melding is not the pinch and the pinch is supposed to require telepathic powers to be usable. The fact that picard did it was just shit writing as well, but it can be excused in the cases of odo, data (mimicry through electric shock), or 7o9 (has telepathic abilities) to a lesser extent.

>this black asshole says the federation doesn't come in peace and want to assimilate them without providing any proof whatsoever

He directly says "The Federation will say [x] and actually do [y] because they're secretly conquerers"

The Federation then says exactly what he says they will, and warps in a battle fleet while the leaders of the houses, proving the guy right in their eyes.

It doesn't matter that the Federations motives aren't what he says they are. He's a fanatic who wants war and set up the situation to get it.

The Vulcans and Burnham were right, if the Shenzou had opened fire before he could pull his posturing bullshit the situation would have been defused. But the Federation didn't respect another races culture and beliefs and instead assumed their own were superior.

Yes. The female equivalent would be Michelle.

I think the point is that it's not a fair criticism. It's just autistic screeching. I'd be more worried about why Vulcans are now capable of Astral projection all of a sudden.

>data (mimicry through electric shock), or 7o9 (has telepathic abilities

Yes, I too disregard canon in favor of my fanfic explainations

7o9 has telepathic abilities so it is fair that it can be explained away even though it's been stretched quite a bit.
Gene wanted it to be the equivalent of sending a shock through the nerves, basically, but using telepathy in the case of vulcans.

Yeah I agree with you. They put the big emphasis on "we come in peace" and all that and I get that. I was just expecting more of an egregious act on the part of the Federation to provoke/justify the attack and sudden bringing together of the houses.

>tfw no stronk crazy black gf to force me to join section 31 with her

No, but user is a girl's name.

I'm not a huge Trek fan so pardon me if I get anything wrong, but I believe their culture is based around different types of eugenics to breed strong, pure warriors, which is why they look so dramatically different in different periods of time.

I got the impression that to the Klingons, the Federation is basically The Borg. An assimilator of several different species with a supposedly peaceful purpose that will attack you if you don't comply with them. They're not exactly wrong. The way they see it, the Federation is either envious of or otherwise wants to dilute the genetic strength of the Klingon houses with their soft colonialism.

>Astral projection
I actually got the impression he basically implanted a strong impression into her mind to control her. Like planting a tulpa of himself. That's my head canon about it anyway, because I don't think Vulcans were ever able to do that shit before.

SMGreen is a 9/10, would fuck.


You are wrong.

Klingons want to be isolationist and don't believe in joining any kind of "federation" because they believe that shit's weak and below them.

ONE ship had such tech !


Klingons change appearances because they've at times decided to reinvent them. That's really all there is too it.

In the original series they are shifty, untrustworthy schemers who use dirty tricks and sabotage against their enemies.

The Star Trek The Motion Picture, their visual appearance is completely changed (because they now had a high budget) and from that point on their personalities and traits were completely changed - they were swapped with the Romulans, who in the original series were isolationist, proud warriors who valued honor and nobility and used Birds of Preys that could cloak as their ship types.

The Romulans likewise were switched to be what the Klingons used to be - secretive, treacherous, based around political machinations and sabotage.

>They don't want their actors mentioning "God" because apparently religion and referencing it is all but extinct in the futuristic human culture of Star Trek
>Michael literally means "he who is like God"
What did the writers mean by this?

Isn’t the villains motivations the same as the guy in Star Trek Beyond?

It means we are fine with the God we have like Kirk said to Apollo

Georgia was the best girl of any fuller show.

literally my exwife

No, situations aren't the same. The guy in Beyond was a pre-Federation soldier who couldn't cope with peace time and resents the Federation for it.