Future Religion?

Do you think we'll ever see a future large scale religion?

The three Abrahamic religions have proven to be very resilient.

Christianity, whilst robust, has split into so many splinter groups it would probably take hours to count them all.

But am I the only who thinks a new mainstream religion might be on the horizon?

I can easily imagine a new Pagan religion that takes the organized and even monastic tradition of Christianity and emphasizing harmony with the earth. I think as things get worse, as society collapses, as climate gets more severe and as poverty becomes mainstream, the masses will gravitate towards a new movement that they feel is more on point with the times.

Not that I'm advocating paganism or even supporting this, just hypothesising.

Other urls found in this thread:


Paganism has such shit theology that I consider it to be a 100% certain sign of idiocy if someone endorses it.

It's probably gonna be more like a philosophy desu
It's gonna be globalism


>"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
(This is what globalists actually believe)

I'm not talking literally Paganism as we know it, but taking from that idea.

There's already the Gaia theory, that earth is one whole living entity, and that it all works in unison or whatever.

So it wouldn't be a stretch for people to latch onto that idea and start worshipping "mother Earth" or just "Gaia".

>It's gonna be globalism
Globalism is being turned on really, people are getting fed up of it. I can see people idolizing money for a while and like the Aztecs (or was it Mayans?) in their last days desperately offering up sacrifice after sacrifice to turn their fortunes around, I can see people sacrificing themselves for start ups and new "get rich quick" schemes to desperately hold onto their way of life.

I think if people can latch onto stupid shit like yoga, holistic medicine, veganism and all other new age crap, then a new unified pseudo Pagan religion isn't such a stretch.

the west already practices the most degraded form of paganism: self-worship, as exemplified by its rank narcissism, hedonism, nihilism, and stupidity. these people will die off and heartier people will take their place, mainly christians and muslims.


Okay how does killing off atheism and nihilism and replacing it with Satanism help things? I thought Satanism lapped that shit up?

He's not referring to LaVeyan Satanism

There is only one religion.

It's the divine cybermancy.

What Satanism is he referring to then? I've only read his version.

As for DUDE WEED nah I don't think so. I think it would have a clear focus, not this idea of being idle and peaceful. It would seek to find old world solutions to problems as technology begins to break down. Monasteries where they study organic farming and other old methods etc, pass on the knowledge to the struggling and all that jazz. Basically help repair the world and get society going again when we hit the peak oil and energy crisis.

True, but a new religion would probably understand this and preach that it was these values that brought humanity to the present crisis.

>made up a religion about a green frog who does memes
>ask himself if there are others gods
>made up a god for himself, fiting his bizzare and degenerate habits

Seems legit op, and the fact that you are brittain make it even more hilarious xD

Dont worry about religion, just keep being delusional on everything you do and succes will arrive in no time.

The older kind, the kind practiced by the rich and powerful. What you could call "theistic Satanism."

To me it sounds like you're assuming a collapse is coming, and you know about the Christian monks who preserved the ancient texts, and you're assuming that some new religion (without the theological justifications for preserving ancient knowledge found in Christianity) will emerge and do what Christianity did so long ago. This is mistaken. The age we live in will either involve an authentic rediscovery of God and the Logos, or the permanent destruction of Western civilisation. No alternatives.

You're right that I've looked that stuff up, which is why I thought about a group taking on its methods. But I wouldn't assume they'd succeed, only attempt it.

I do believe a collapse is coming, perhaps not permanent, but certainly long term. The dark ages didn't last forever after all, the world didn't end. But I think we're in for a hard future.

How do you think we'll have an authentic rediscovery of God? That has been tried with all manners of new churches like the LDS.

You did see the bit where I was on about hypothetical right? I haven't invented any God, I was thinking about the possibility that in the future, others would.

We already have enough Wiccans and Harry Potter fans.

Muscular Theophilanthropy.

Lol no, I don't mean stupid shit like the Mormons. We need to find a way to get people back into the same churches they've abandoned. If you believe in God, then you must also believe in Logos and the natural law. If you have this, everything else will fall into place naturally. If you don't, nothing you do can fix your situation. That's why we find ourselves at a very critical point in human history.

So what do you believe to be the true church?

Which god, which churches? :^)

The Catholic church, which you understand more as you look into its philosophy/theology. But any church is better than no church

I already know enough to know that if I went to Christianity I'd go with the Catholic church. It's better to go to the strongest and most unified Church with the most weight behind it. It also has the benefit of going all the way back to Peter.

Whatever it is is going to run up against the rising tide of Islam and its gradual and deceptive infiltration of the west. The first major battler your future religion or even the religions of today must fight is stuffing Islam back into the middle east if not completely off the face of the planet. While the Jews are sneaky and contriving in their own way they are largely leaving the world's societies in tact. Islam will not tolerate this. Unless there is a concerted effort to resist the culture jihad Islam will snuff out all other religions on the planet. The Crusade needed to start 50 years ago it may already be too late. Deus Vault and good luck kids.

>The Catholic church
>But any church is better than no church
Why can't the same philosophy/theology not be applied to rationalize Brahman?

>The Crusade needed to start 50 years ago it may already be too late
What would the objective be?

Seems like we'd need a holocaust more than a crusade.

Yeah, that's all true. But what really makes you see the greatness of the religion is to look into Thomist philosophy. A good place to start is with Robert Barron:


Or Ed Feser:


This still leaves the problem of how we can get society to accept the Logos once more though, which is critical right now.

Hinduism is polytheistic, which means that Hindus mean something completely different when they say "God" than Christians do. There is no rational argument of any kind that one could make in favour of polytheism let alone build a philosophy on it.

Economics is a future large scale religion. Growth is it's god.

Maybe for the political class and the elites, but for the impoverished masses of the future, they will cease to believe in it. The apathy already manifests itself in the form of political apathy. Politics and economics are increasingly intertwined.

>Hinduism is polytheistic
Those different gods are just different aspects of Brahman. It's not only monotheistic, it's monistic. Monism supports the concept of logos and natural law a lot better than Christianity does.

Kek will rule them all and will drive them even out of the filthy realms of 3d.

How can a God of one nature have multiple aspects?

Pagan Europe was based before Jews jewed their way in through christjewism and made everyone a beta cuck. Islam is just arabjewism. It's Jew 3.0. Religion is over now tho, m8. Magic isn't real. Cat is out of the bag.,

I think Kek may well gain popularity beyond these boards but it will probably be on a Bronie scale. Like a niche thing. Not that I compare Kek followers to Bronies, only the scale of support.

>Politics and economics are increasingly intertwined.

And both are becoming increasingly decreases from reality which is a hallmark of religions.

Same reason why the trinity exists according to your theology :^)

True, but I do think it will be with the elite, as they're the ones that idolize it so much.

I stick with what I said, the masses are just not informed enough to worship it in the same way. The middle class which manages to desperately cling though, perhaps.

The difference is that we don't claim God to be monist. That's why the Trinity is a thing (one God, three aspects).

I'm not being smug or anything, I just want a justification for how God can both be monist and have multiple aspects.

Everyone is going to worship lucifer or you'll be crucified. NWO is coming

Simple, by being everything he also is these different gods.

But if God has one nature (as the Logos) how can God be all these different beings at the same time? Unless you're saying Hinduism is pantheistic?

One god, different aspects :^)

Nope. International communications have thinned out only the most resilient ideologies. In the end Christianity will triumph. Paganism is long dead religion with only Fedora Larpers and a few crazies. From your post I assume you are an atheist. Otherwise you would take religion seriously. This isn't a game, people don't invent religions because it's fun. There is only two types of religions. Those who seek the truth and those who seek to hide it, antagonize it, prevent it. But in the end, truth will win out. DEUS VULT!!!

Trinitarianism is terrible, imo. The whole "godhead" theology is inconsistent and confusing.

The best metaphor I've heard for understanding the nature of the Christian God is this: imagine God is an ocean. From the ocean, you take two buckets and fill them with water. You freeze one, and boil the other, so that one is ice, and one is steam. The "ice" is likened to Christ. He is the diminished corporeal manifestation of God, who "is" God yet is something different from God. The steam is the Holy Spirit. It "is" God yet is something different. These both are from God and shall return to God, back into the greater being of God, which is his ultimate all encompassing nature--which is the ocean.

There is a lot more to it than that but that's the gist.

*tips bucket helmet* M'LORD

Then why did you say that Hinduism is monist? Unless you don't mean this seriously?

I really enjoy the mental gymnastics followers of semitic religions have to come up with.

The truth can't be that fancy.

Why do you think these things are mutually exclusive?

Because a God of a single nature is basically what deists believe: some distant creator that does not interact with humans other than sustaining existence itself.

I don't see how you can logically have this while also having all sorts of other beings like Greek gods that are supposed to be part of this single-nature God. Either God has multiple natures or you're not being serious

And then on to the book of revelation. If you like happenings, you're gonna love this shit.

Yes I am an atheist, but I've recently come round to the way of thinking that the only thing that keeps society together is a homogeneous culture, and religion tends to do this better than anything else.

If the church can fill that role, how do you think it will manage it now that people have abandoned it in droves?

>Because a God of a single nature is basically what deists believe: some distant creator that does not interact with humans other than sustaining existence itself.
Here's where you're mistaken, since deists seperate the universe from god while under monism the universe is god.

Looking at how we can see that the universe is there the proof of monism is literally "look around you".

Good luck doing the same shit with YHW.

Your water theory is nice. But the triune is not three different types types of water. You can't compare the Godhead to water. Using your water theory imagine your ocean being steam water and ice at same time while maintaining their individuality.

The trinity is full of holes .God made jesus our god ,he became the son of man . And no one will go trough the father but by him . The holy spirit is just a atribute both the son and the father have , the holy spirit is not a person like jesus or the father

So what, are you a pantheist or are you just confused?

If God is the universe, and the universe is large though still finite, are you saying that God is not infinite?

Jesus is 100% god and 100% man your 100% human mind needs to comprehend that

Yeshua is God. Call on His name and believe he died for you and your trespasses against others and against God. So that you will not die in your sins and be unclean before God and not receive eternal life.

It never says God is the universe. It says he created it.

Yes, just not in our lifetimes. I guarantee you it'll descend, even if not 100% directly from some little sect that preaches on corners today and nobody cares about beyond making ocassional fun of them when they pass them by.

see He's in a Hindu phase

The universe is all there is. Pantheism is monism.

Why do things have to be so complicated for you when they're so simple and self-evident?

I'm sure your a scholar on Hinduism and Christianity than.

There's more than one heaven. It says God created the heavens and the earth some theorize that there are three heavens. The sky we see, outer space, and his realm.

The idea is for a religion to fit the westerners stage of philosophy/theology, basically the fringes of what a post enlightened person can believe. Religion in the west will only be convincing if smart people believe it, so it needs a relatively advanced theology. At the moment, the impression most people have is that the intelligent are atheist, which whether true or not, the less intelligent will just defer cognition.

I'm thinking something between Gnostic Christianity and Hindu Brahminism, like partial pantheism. If you abandon many characteristics of the omni God and attempt to argue for a more cosmic deity that may or may not be directly aware of humanity, I think you reach something distantly believable even by the most cynical, sceptical atheist.

I'm confused, what exactly do you think God is then? An essential aspect of that which would be called God is to be infinite, and if God is the universe and then universe is finite, then God is not infinite. Therefore Hindus would not believe in God in the classical sense.

Just read the Austrian's posts, you need the context

It says in the first part of Genesis

So a leaf blaming an Austrian for his shitty posts?

>Religion in the west will only be convincing if smart people believe it
This is why I speculated that the gaia theory would be used and manipulated. The idea that the earth is one living entity. That would mean that the earth is the ultimate provider, and a life in its own right that must be protected.

Hippies and liberals would lap that shit up.

What is so fancy about being one thing that is able to take three forms? Water does it just fine, that was my point.

Are you saying God can't be aware of more than one thing at the same time? How's that for omnipresence? He can represent three aspects of his personality in three different forms. His power, his forgiveness, and his love (God, his son, and the Holy Spirit)

The godhead also does not account for the fact that Ruarch Qodesh (translated as the Holy Spirit) is a feminine noun. Is God multi gendered or what? The Holy Spirit is an "Aspect" or "form" of God, much like how steam is a form of water. The Holy Spirit is our guiding mother, to lead us to wisdom and nurture us on our path to God, who, when taking corporeal form, identifies as a Masculine figure (Jesus)

Why would that be true?

>An essential aspect of that which would be called God is to be infinite
>then universe is finite
The universe is all there is - if we ever find "more" then we'll just include that in the quantity of the universe, but things would essentially stay the same.

He is our god he is not god as in the trinity

>5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not a thing to be grasped to be equal with God:

>7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

>8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

9Therefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

>10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

1>1And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
>9Therefore God also has highly exalted him,

>What is so fancy about being one thing that is able to take three forms?

The assumption that it has to take three forms and that these three forms have very specific yet unverifiable functions.

That's the problem when you start with a conclusion and then try to make sense of it - it doesn't make sense.

Your twisting my words and looking like a faggot doing it. You can't comprehend your own faggot steam theory? You sound like a desperate nigger begging for. a hit of crack you leaf shit posing athirst faggot

If God is not infinite, then God has potentiality (and therefore can be flawed) and thus there must be something greater than what you call "God" which is the actual God.

If you're a Hindu it makes perfect sense that you'd believe this :^)

Jeez bro relax. Why are you so fucking mad. Sorry your shit theory is garbage and not even biblically supported.

Try arguing next time.

It's not an assumption bro it's literally what it says in the text.

I'm not re-inventing the wheel here.

>If God is not infinite, then God has potentiality (and therefore can be flawed)
Why would the universe contain flaws just because it's not infinite? Why would it have to be infinite when its existence "is" self-evidently there?

You're trying to make more of it as there is, my guess would be because you want there to be more.

ITT certain people who haven't read WLC defense of the trinity


I'm honestly really confused by what you actually believe or even if you know what you're talking about, since you seem to be jumping all over the place.

The trinity is catholic and its pagan thats all i needed to know

There are rational arguments for polytheism, but they're easily defeated. In some ways, the arguments themselves contain counter arguments, then again so does atheism.

Some forms of monotheism sometimes don't.

You're mistaken in thinking Hinduism is one cohesive religion. There's polytheistic Hinduism, monadic Hinduism, pantheistic Hinduism and even straight monotheistic Hinduism like Smartism.

Despite liking Trinitarianism, it's plausible this was a play at making the definition of God too vague to argue against. It's like when feminists talk about patriarchy.

Despite this, if God is pantheistic then compartmentalizing it via Trinitarian or some other process (Smartism does it in 5, kind of like GRRM way of the seven in 7), isn't too incorrect.

I only have an intermediate knowledge of Christianity, but Hinduism is impossible.

Yeah, the Gaia shit might work if you got a sophist, beatnik, lefty faggot hipster stoned, but it wouldn't convince a rational intelligent person, nor would even the faggot believe the next morning. In the end, what you tried to convince people was that the earth itself is conscious of individual humans and thus deserves worship. I can't imagine that working.

Gaianism could work if you argued two points
>that the universe is an extremely interconnected system
>that the self or the individual is a delusion
In doing so, you could attempt to convince people of Gnostic belief in a deity that exists within them and as them, as well as all things.

The useful here is that Christians and Jews can be made to STFU by mentioning exodus 3.14, which kind of alludes to this personal relationship with God (as both the self and everything). Muslims on the other hand have a Quran passage prescribing death to anyone with a false oneness to God. Thanks Muslims.

I think you are right, the jew would have to dismantle christianity to get people to be slaves to them. I think you are right about the pagan religion.

Secular society always devolves to paganism, so they are probably planning a kind of organized paganism to control the masses.

Its possible that they even do it in such a way that it involves becoming an "atheist" (atheism as a belief system without a god)

Not really. Universe = god. Universe = all there exists. If there exists infinity, then it's part of the universe, thus it's part of god and therefore god is infinite and your whole argument falls flat; which it does in the first place since you presume infinity as requirement when you can't prove that it's required.

I can prove that monistic understanding of god is true simply by proving you that the universe exists: look around you.

>You're mistaken in thinking Hinduism is one cohesive religion.
You're mistaken in thinking that I'm thinking Hinduism is one cohesive religion. I understand that Hinduism has different groups. What I'm talking about here is Advaida Vedanta stuff.

>Muslims on the other hand have a Quran passage prescribing death to anyone with a false oneness to God. Thanks Muslims.
Do you think this is why they're too stubborn to go down?

Seems like they'd the the ones to last out of the three.

The cult of kek will be the next major religion.

>mfw living in a technocratic utopia in 2050 where practicing a religion is punishable by death

you're spewing a bunch of incoherent shit that really only makes sense to the deluded.
Magic isn't real,
you colossal faggot.

Also, the god YOU define so far, is either incompetent, or idiotic. Happy to justify that statement.

Eternal life is totally a believable concept however. Will I be able to change my tattoos?
Oh, I don't... keep...my body?
You don't actually know what life means, do you?

>living in an existential wasteland where everyone is basically a robot trying not to think about it

what a weird fucking game that was. woof.

>Despite liking Trinitarianism, it's plausible this was a play at making the definition of God too vague to argue against. It's like when feminists talk about patriarchy.
>Despite this, if God is pantheistic then compartmentalizing it via Trinitarian or some other process (Smartism does it in 5, kind of like GRRM way of the seven in 7), isn't too incorrect.

It's not really difficult to understand the Trinity. There are basically three forms of God that we have; God the father, which acts as the Logos and is responsible for, and sustains, all that exists; God the Son, Jesus Christ, who bridges the gap between the infinite Logos and finite human beings by becoming an incarnate of Logos in the flesh; and God the Holy Spirit, which acts as an intermediary between God and man (responsible for St. Paul's vision on the road to Damascus and many other incidents)

Sure, it's complicated, but it's clear enough. At least that's present understanding of it.

*my present understanding of it

I've once thought about a religion that fuses islam with lutherian christianity recognizing both Muhammed and Jesus as prophets with different interpretations of Allah's will, but I think the whole making your own religion thing is pretty edgy.

It's already here. Hare Krishna, Neo Eastern mysticism, and law of attraction cults. The religion of the future will be shallow self centered bullshit or remixes of eastern spiritualism that throws away everythjng of value or that demands a certian lifestyle. There won't be any shared canon because that would infringe on the ego of others, but they'll still worship together and pretend that what they're doing makes sense. Just look at shit like Agapě and other new age multifaith churches. Also you'll see more overt technology woreship as artificial intelligence improves and approaches godlike cognative ability. Any improvement in sumulations and virtual reality will only speed up and cement these convictions. The cults of the future will be cults of humanistic self worship or self exhalting idealogies that work only to improve the lives of their adherents by satisfying their desires. No restraint or temperance will be asked of them.

Magic happens every single day on Sup Forums, yet you still deny what is in front of your very eyes.

As above, so below.

>recognizing both Muhammed and Jesus as prophets with different interpretations of Allah's will

The muzzies do rever Jesus as prophet. There's even an empty coffin next to Mohammad's in his tomb under the green dome in Mecca for when Jesus returns.

Shit like that is why so many Christians end up converting. Semitic religions are sneaky like that, using established thought to create some feelgood shit to spread influence.

Praise Kek for those quads.

This is hard to belief because god is greater in power then jesus . jesus even says this , i go to the father who is greater then me . God is all knowing , jesus is not . jesus is not equal in power there for he cannot be god

During the end times in 2025 the new dawned pope of the age will connect all splinter groups of Christianity by threat of purge. He will then cast out Islam and all heretics from the west. He will call on all trained and untrained christ believing men to march on the holy land. In 2027 after two years of fighting endless mudslime and hewbrew tribes, and bonding over spilled blood, Jerusalem will be ours. Heretics and enemies of the west have been warned. Devote now to the christian god and be put into slavery or die. DUES VULT

There will never be another widespread religion with an anthropomorphized god.

The 20th century saw the religions of communism, capitalism, nationalism, anti-communism, globalism and neoliberalism, etc.

The next one is clearly anarchy

Hinduism is basically what happens if you try to amalgamate enough religions that you essentially have to say believe whatever you want. I suspect they had religious turmoil some time before 300bc and their religious caste eventually decided an open religion was better.

It's thus impossible. There's specks of gold in shit, you can pick out the gold but you still got shit everywhere.

Islam isn't purely a religion.

It's a sociopolitical system with religiousness incorporated. Because of this it even has acts of engagement for military action, especially jihad. Due to the completedness (but not necessarily perfection) of Islam, they've got a line for everything they can use to justify everything.

Islam is only welcome to play new age religion if it sorts its theology out from its legislation. No one in the west wants shariah law.

I see it as analogous to mind, body and soul. The logos of the universe could be equated to the laws of the universe itself, which some physicists believe weren't even set in stone within the first 100,000 years of existence as the universe was too hot. Body is us (and connecting it to "the son" could be about oneness with God), soul or the holy spirit is something else and seems to be where the confusion sets in.

Again, I can't see much place for any religion in the west that does not incorporate some Gnosticism. If we are to convince atheists then we must convince them of something they could potentially feel and experience, or not at all.

There's a few Canadian atheists who are notoriously hard to convince. I wouldn't go public until I had something that'd at least make them think.

>Hare Krishna
Please no.

I'd prefer Bahai to that.

That's sneaky.

Imagine for a second you were the risen, resurrected Christ.. How would you feel if you learned that the Muslims have a grave for you? I'd interpret that as a threat. Or how Muslims still use crucifixion? I doubt they respect Jesus.

I hate not understand maymays nigga. :^(