Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Adriana since she was a cunt informant for the feds

definitely Adriana, it's not like she was innocent she was doing drugs every other scene she was in

if you can't do the time don't do the crime desu

>she will never release her irritable bowels all over your chest

the whore rat

storyline dragged on way to long.

why didn't she just high tale it to mexico.

> why didn't she just high tale it to mexico.

Even assuming Adriana spoke Spanish, (she didn’t) how the hell is she going to survive in Mexico?

In fact, how the hell would she survive anywhere in the U.S.?

Her "skill set" consisted of being a girlfriend and she had virtually no money, as her and Christopher essentially lived hand-to-mouth off his income.

At best, she could have run off to Podunk Iowa or somewhere and become a hooker.

What, no blame for Chris? He didn't really love her whereas she really loved him, yet he kept leading her on, promising marriage and all that. They broke up several times throughout the series. He should have let her go. I grew up in Essex county NJ (verona), I know both their types.

Being a waitress somewhere > dead in the woods.

Of course they don't think that way. Same deal with Jackie Jr, Mustang Sally and Matthew. They should have just ran as far as they could get to but instead stayed close by and ended up whacked.

Better than getting shot and killed by some mafia guy.

Still think this storyline was teased for almost a whole season ?


> I know both their types.

Yes, my friend’s older sister was like this.

> Start dating a guy in high school
> Stick with him afterward
> Years go by
> Her: “when are we getting married?!”
> Him: “real soon, I’m busy with work.”
> Years go by
> Her: ’I’m leaving you!”
> Him: “ok, here’s an engagement ring.”
> more years go by
> Her: “when are we getting married?!”
> Him: “you’re 40 now and I’m dumping you.”

Then he went and married a broad that was also 40 years old and essentially no different then he chick he’d been dating for years….

She wasn't loyle

Sure, though one can’t survive on waitress wages but I suppose she could have become a titty dancer in Podunk Iowa (and inevitably gone from there to being a hooker).

But then Adrianna literally knew nobody outside of the extended Soprano clan and had no idea how to live on her own.

She deserved it for making fun of Carm in S1.

>one can't survive on waitress wages

Sure, you can. It just involves moving to where the cost of living hasn't dramatically outpaced wages. ie, not a city.

Adrianna was dumb as a stump, how would she get new I.D. and start a new life elsewhere?

If the Soprano crew didn’t find her and kill her, the FBI would have and locked her up.

Pffft fuggin' Verona get outta here, damn town is like two square miles.

>Finn in the port a potty
>Vito in the light
>this is the last time they spoke as co workers
Like poetry

Adriana was a decent looking girl, she could survive anywhere just by finding a beta male to provide for her

Chris would be fucked though, he had no real skills, intelligence or charisma

Feds for overplaying their hands and getting people killed

We're not arguing if Ade could do it, just that it could be done and worth a shot, as opposed to a bullet.

She couldn't really run from the mob. By the time she might have figured out what happened, it was too late.

plenty of people run from the mob man, they are powerless outside of their territory in New York

Not to mention Christopher would have relapsed back to drugs

yeah he probably would have been dead within a year if he ran with Adriana

>that body

Her face looks better with her hair down but man I wish we saw that body more. Chrissy whacked Cosette before he get cucked.

Yes, but what by the time she found out she needed to she was in the car with Silvio.

oh well yeah, Christopher betrayed to save himself

youre fuckin goin


she knew what she was getting into, and silvio was just doing his job

> We're not arguing if Ade could do it, just that it could be done and worth a shot, as opposed to a bullet.

There’s no point in discussing whether you or I could do it, (probably not) we are debating whether Adrianna could have escaped and while she could have packed a suitcase and took a bus to wherever, what happens then?

She’s got very little money and no way of getting new I.D. so any job she manages to acquire (and it’ll be a shit job, because that’s all she can do) will be under her real identity and with the connections the Mob has with the police, they’d eventually track her down and kill her, if the FBI didn’t pick her up first and toss her in prison.

The only way I see her surviving, is if she runs off and becomes a hooker and finds a pimp who can get her new I.D.

she would just die like the guy in the episode "college" when someone recognised her on holiday

man college is a good episode

>a small chance of survival vs a surefire bullet
>well, i might not make it so i guess i'll just accept by double tap