Non-rewatchable Movies

Tried re-watching this. I almost gagged.

Who knew that Jew Jew Abrams could film cringe at this high of a magnitude.

More detail please

What an original take, you must be a very intersting person with many interesting opinions.

Go fuck yourself.

Unironically fifth best star wars~

It's good until
>I quip first or you quip first
Vomit inducing dialogue, what an absolute piece of shit movie

op "Armageddon" gives me similar levels of cringe.

My theater experience, the sound may have been too loud making it hard to understand, like mumbling noises, like Bane.
Every single time a character said words the audience obediently laughed, went quiet to try to hear the next line. Every line, every time, laughter. I was seething with rage. How are they laughing that it's trying to funny? 100% dialogue laughte, never seen anything like it.

all Transformers movies

You can't rewatch TFA because you are not a child, duh.

this, and all horror movies

the shock factor is gone once you watch it

Horror movies stopped having an effect on me when I was about 15. The only thing that scares me now are cheap jump scares.

"Our cruisers can't repel cringe of that magnitude!"

This and
>I'll show you the darkside
And people said the dialogue in this film was fantastic.

It's not fantastic. It just comes off as more natural than the prequels did.

>the opening crawl font isnt the same as the other 6 opening crawl

>It just comes off as more natural than the prequels did.
>more natural

wish i could unwatch it

>alt right crying and shitting themselves again

yawn. go away.


You must be fun as puke

movies with unexpected plot twists.
The Sixth Sense for example. Once You watch it for 1st time, You wont enjoy it at 2nd try.

I saw TFA in theaters, was so stoked, then massively disappointed.
I dont think ive completely forgotten a movie so quickly before.
Tried watching it again once the bd rips came out, thinking maybe it would somehow be better, couldnt get halfway through.
Its baffling how you could take star wars and create such boring, lifeless, generic protags with awful dialog and writing surrounding a plot that has been done before but somehow fuck it up.
I lost all hope in the franchise as soon as people started raving about how good it was