I'm a classical liberal

>I'm a classical liberal
How do you respond Sup Forums?


classical liberal = lolbertarian

As the founding fathers?


good choice

Youtube intellectuals detected

Does classical liberal mean you love freedom but hate brown people?



We would exchange fedora tips

>mfw "debating" with my sister
>"I guess I'd just call myself a 'capitalist'"
>"Ok, but what does that mean?"
>"Well, I suppose it's analogous to being a 'classical liberal' before the term 'liberal' was stolen by progressives."
>, "So, what does 'capitalism' mean?"

Yes, classical liberals are usually cucks. That's the appropriate response when someone says they're classical liberal.

Also, build it.

How old are you? 14?

You're aware those quotes about small government don't represent classical liberal beliefs right? Dumb spic.

>minimal government =/= classical liberalism
no, you are the dumb spic


I'm actually watching a Sargon vid right now wearing a fedora. You got me. I hate classical liberalism now.

You should. Constitutionalism is objectively superior.

That's an old document that doesn't hold up in modern times. I mean, it's 2016

>it's 2016
Yes, it really is.

It has ALWAYS been the current year.

Rob him
