Moral question: if a woman is high and goes to a party and is raped and beaten half to death...

Moral question: if a woman is high and goes to a party and is raped and beaten half to death, is it her fault or her rapist?

Well, that depends. Was she asking for it?

Rapist fault.

What feminist mess up is that it's a good idea to act slutty in risky places.

If I walk around the ghetto holding a big bag of cash and I get robbed, it's still the robbers fault, but what I was doing was a stupid idea.

It's always a rapists fault but you have to be situationally aware and mindful of avoiding dangerous situations.

If I go to a known drug dealing ally, and get shot or attacked, I'm not at fault for the assault but I'm a complete moron

Both, definitely both

Rapist's fault
woman partially to blame

If you have to ask that, then you will probably be next one spending time incarcerated.

But what if the person is a minor. How can we expect them to be mindful?

We had the same answer and similar analogies.


Depends if the rapist was drunk, if they were drunk, then the woman actually is the rapist, because you can't give consent when drunk


If you jump off a cliff and break your legs, is it the cliffs fault?

The woman is a fucking idiot. Punish the guy, blame the woman

You think the minor would then be at fault for getting sexually assaulted? I think my answer still stands.

A minor should still know dangerous situations. Also, the parents then bear responsibility.

Also, this is a logical fallacy by moving the goal posts.

Rapist's fault, even though she did something stupid she didn't ask for the crime to happen and didn't do anything for it to happen even though she's vulnerable.

If she was raped by a fucking white male, his fault, even if he didn't actually touch her. If she was raped by anyone else, she was asking for it.


Arrest them both, the woman did the drugs and the men nearly killed her. (The woman was most likely asking for it)

What the woman did was wrong.
What the man did was wrong.
The man should be punished because he made the free choice to rape.

As far as "fault" is concerned, I'd say the woman's actions were necessary to her getting raped but were not sufficient (the man still had to do the raping after all).

Her fault. It never would have happened if she stayed in the kitchen where she belongs instead of going to be a drunken whore.

The more I think about this question, I have to ask what was the drug? Because, if she intentionally took a date-rape drug, then the accused might stand a chance of arguing against fault for the alleged rape.

Couldn't any drug be considered a "Date rape" drug? As they would severely impair a persons decision making.

If a man got "high", went to a certain "party" and is raped or killed, is it his own fault

you could word your question a lot better.

implies they know the situation and consequences, which is left out of OP's question
Here's my question, intoxicating your self and promiscuity are so normalized now that none perceive the fact that any action have a consequence?


More like

> section 8
> section 8

> section 8
> section 8

> section 8
> section 8

> """raped"""
Her fault
> beaten half to death
Her rapist's

In a perfect world she would not get raped, it's not a perfect world. It's he rapist fault but People need to understand that the world ain't pretty and you need to watch out for yourself.

Both their faults.

Are you fucking retarded?
>whose fault is it when a crime is committed, the criminal or the victim?

It's her fault, but the rapist is to blame.

It's only the attacker's fault if he is a fucking white male. If he is colored, then all men are to blame but not him specifically.

would you care to define your semantics?

her fault if the "rapist" is white
the rapists fault if the rapist isn't white

This, exactly this
Feminists seem to think we're "blaming" them for being attacked. We're just telling them they have to look after themselves because there are always going to be bad people out there.

All their retarded fucking ad campaigns are so telling that they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Yeah, Jimmy down the street is the one you need to target for your anti-rape advertisements, because otherwise how would he know?? Jeeze, what did we do before all this targeted marketing?

Do they honestly think that actual rapists see their stupid posters and gay little tv spots and think "oh gee, this is true, I shouldn't rape so much"?

if she consented then there's no rape
>beaten half to death
the dude's fault

Both, but far more the fault of her rapist.

It's the girls fault because she's stupid to have put herself into that situation, but the event wasn't initiated by her, so the rapist is to blame.

Both are to blame. Personal responsibility is a thing, but that isn't excusing the violent rapist.

Cliffs are not a consciously acting third party
Try again

It's not rape if she's underage

Pretty much all crime victims invite the crime in some way or another, however an innocent rapey kinda dude doesn't just trip on a rock and end up with penis in vagoo while clubbing a bitch like a seal because she lost track of her mates.

The rape is the fault of the rapist, the fact that the woman was the one raped as opposed to a different woman is down to a bit of wrong place, wrong time.

If a child rapes a drunk woman who was the victim

If the majority of women in a country want rapefugees and they get raped, is it their fault?

Are drunk women just a schrodingers cat probability of rape that collapses in itself depending on if regret is observed or not?

fuck man I was turned into a genuine consentist after all of these posters

can a drunk woman rape a man, or if a drunk woman rapes a man, did he actually rape her?

Would the rape have happened if she hadn't compromised her safety? Probably not. And so he committed a crime of opportunity that she provided the opportunity for.

>Lock your fucking car doors
>don't pretend to be suprised when your stereo is stolen