POL HELP. I'm trying to redpill my mother on Shillary but I'm too drunk. LINKS/REBUTTALS PLEASE


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Dubbs decides if OP sends a dick pic to mommy.

If dubbs do it

I'll help ya but I'll need some info first.

How old is your mother? What is her general political stance? Did she support Sanders in the primary? Are there any issues that she's particularly passionate about?

Your mother is blue pilled as fuck, just cut her off and put her in the worst retirement you can when she's older like most of the people in he generation deserve.

I'll help you :3


Hillary defended a rapist and laughed about it
Hillary laughed about killing Gaddafi
Illegal immigrants are costing this country billions of dollars a year

>The media is protecting Trump
I'm sorry user, she's delusional.

Good lord, your mother is retarded. Call her a retard for me, please.

You won't persuade your mother about politics.

charge your phone OP this triggers me

You're mom is also a dumb sack of shit for thinking tax returns mean shit.

This doesn't fucking help, you complete autists

Bias of media towards Hillary

Why it's trump unfiltered by the media he knows the loopholes and can close them

Tell her you just want to go back inside and be warm again

>the media is protecting Trump

where the fuck do people get these ideas from? seriously it's like saying corn is not a vegetable when everyone is saying that it is. Shit drives me up the fucking wall.


nope, they don't care about any facts they are beyond hope.

Look! Its a redpill for ants!

She is just too far gone man, you might have to give up on her. Her text reads like every CTR post combined. The only thing missing is a "Drumpf."

This isn't something you can fix with a few texts.

The best you can do right now is call her on the media protecting Trump bullshit. Ask if the media ever went after Hillary for the way she ate fried chicken. You might have to meet her halfway though, because there is media bias that goes both ways.

1. Trump is funding his own campaign out of his own pocket. Unlike Hillary who has taken donations from countries like Saudi Arabia.

2. Clothing is too expensive to manufacture in the US every successful clothing company has moved over seas and is never coming back. Trump had to play the game to keep business afloat.

3.trump has given many Americans jobs for every failed business venture he has 5 successful ones. What kind of successful business man doesn't try to broaden his investments? Some win some lose that's the game that entrepreneurs play.

4. The only contractors trump refuses to pay are those who did a terrible job. They then gave turned to Sue him but lose because their quality of work has been incredibly poor. Would you pay a contractor that did terrible work?

repeating digits and you send her a dick pic

Well technically corn is a starch, like potatoes.

Cum in mum pls OP


Watch Hillary the death eater sperm looking creature try and suck the life out of a fellow American. Part 2 our glorious leader Donald save the day.



Women are inherently bluepilled.
Facts and evidence go in one ear and out the other.

The only way to (maybe) get through to them is try to speak their language, i.e. strong appeals to emotion, "please think of the children," shit like that.

And even this won't work because "le modern woman" doesn't like to be told what to think, unless it's from Buzzfeed.

I'll allow it.

Hillary literally says to make sure the donations that are pay to play aren't mixed up.


Hillary lies for 13 minutes

Hillary says she plans on raising taxes on the middle class because the rich are taxed enough
Hope these help
Keep pointing at Hillary corruption it will help make trump look more honest

I would hang her on the day of the rope, honestly.

She believes Charity helps people.

Charity doesn't fucking help people. HELPING people helps people. Charity is for money laundering and brownie points for rich faggots who never lift a finger.

Go charge your phone you stupid burger

Show her this


No, calling her retarded and/or cutting her off would actually help. Would you rather keep her around, despite the fact that she doesn't care enough about you to even listen to your arguments, or agree to disagree? Your mother's a selfish, bluepilled fuck, and she may as well be a millennial.

Here are my responses, since you fucking autists are retarded:

"Well, okay. I guess that's easy for a person to say who isn't under selective service. "Now is not the time to begin." Why? Because Hillary had the "experience" of literally funded the destabilization of Libya and Syria, while concurrently funding "rebels" who turned out to be ISIS to overthrow relatively secular governments like Ghadaffi and Assad? You sound like a neocon warmonger. Yeah, she's so "experienced" that she failed her DC BAR exam and was only appointed Secretary of State by name. Hillary, in her disclosure to the FBI, under oath, said that Powell had no influence on her having classified information distributed on a completely unsecured network. But, I mean, she's lied before. I suppose nothing can stop her now. She admitted to the FBI she didn't know what "C" stood for... but then used it in the context of classified information anyway. And what of Trump's overseas clothing? His entire argument is that current US legislation is the complete antithesis to US values. THAT'S why he's running; to lower the costs manufacturing in the US by renegotiating Globalist trade deals. And his "bankruptcies" in New Jersey? Don't get me started on the differences of the throwaway colloquial definition and the actual financial definition of debt restructuring. Yeah, I'm sure a 2% "failure" rate is absolutely horrible for business. Until you find out that close to 50% of entrepreneurial ventures COMPLETELY DISINTEGRATE by at most the 3rd year.

This is OP

don't respect you; didn't read, lol.

I changed my political leanings because I grew up, and recognized that the new Left wants nothing more than to destroy traditional Western values and transplant it with "non-Western" ideals, simply because Western values are inherently "racist" or "islamophobic" or "misogynistic" based on nothing more than the self-perpetual nonsense seen in modern academia

I think it's time to take her around back and let her go peacefully

Noice user. Glad to have you on trumps side

>for every failed business venture he has 5 successful ones
For every failed business he has approx 120 successful ones.

Thanks. I feel almost triggered talking to my own mother like this.

god your moms fucking retarded, who cares about these old liberals ? she doesn't give a fuck about you, the future generation, nothing. she got hers. now it's time for you to fuck off

Since when has pol become such a vapid board of nondiscussion. literally feels like I'm sharing this thread with 13-year-olds

wow, do hillary supporters really buy this "the media is bias in trumps favor" meme? it seems like everytime i watch the news, they are being very critical of everything he says. although lately, they have been pushing back on hillary a little bit more, but have they not been paying attention for the last year? i need to go sit down for a while.