Why is she the least popular member of the gaang?

Why is she the least popular member of the gaang?

Because she can say a line like

>"Then maybe you didn't love mom as much as I did."

and get away with it.

I'm kinda surprised you'd say that. I always thought she was one of the most well-rounded of the characters and had the best dynamic with everyone.

Dis rite here.

She can be a bitch and a killjoy.

Her main character trait is being a moralfag

oong was da worst member

Toph is cuter.

Suki doesn't counts?

She's the most popular with the rather big female fanbase, mostly because of self-insert purposes

She was basically Lisa.

More like pre-flanderization Lisa. If TLA had any more seasons Katara would ascend to creator's pet mary sue status just like Lisa did.

She's my fav ATLA girl.


This is the level of Katara fans

Because someone has to be.
She isn't a bad character, only less fun or dramatic than the others.

> waaaah she's unlikeable

she was supposed to be believable which includes flaws

if you don't know who wrote pic related, learn up

you don't even know who Kaziklu is you underage piece of shit

tie between her and Jin, come at me brah

actually came here to post this.

As a kid when I watched TLA, it bothered the fuck out of me and stuck with me.

As a teenager marathoning the series, I saw it again and remembered how much it bothered the fuck out of me.

What a self righteousness opinionated bitch. That's such a fucked up thing to say to your own blood.

Holly shit guys.

You really cant accept a character having flaws, can you? Or a realistic, emotional outburst.

What a bunch of faggots.

Zuko backstabed his uncle for half a season and sent him to shame and prison, but Katara saying mean things to Sokka is TOO far!

Seriously, even Sokka didnt made a scene out of this, because he could understand the pain of his sister and see her side.

You guys deserve Mabel.

>If a character is written to be a cunt you can't dislike them

Zuko was a villain for a lot of the show, or at least neutral, I don't see how him being a shitter a bunch is relevant to Katara.

>Zuko was a villain for a lot of the show

And Katara was blinded by rage and revenge on one episode.

> I don't see how him being a shitter a bunch is relevant to Katara.

Why Katara must be ireedemable for saying a line to Sokka, but Zuko isnt, for backstabbing his uncle?

Both characters doing shitty things for understable reasons. It all goes back to even Sokka could understand her side of the thing.

Why does it bother you autists so much?

Kids have favorites, and so does parents.

>this is a bad character because he is mean spirited.

No one said she's a bad character, you dolt, just why they don't like her.

People feel worse for Zuko because his life was fucking horrible and he's an emotionally broken human being. Katara losing her mom is really bad but then you look at Zuko who has a constant visible reminder of the cluster fuck that is his life. That's why people are more forgiving of Zuko, he's a fucked up person and it's a wonder he hasn't killed himself.

Didn't Sokka pretty much admited that he misses and feel the pain of losing his mother, he barely had any memmories of her, and most of the time viewed Katara on her place - because after the death of their mother Katar HAD to take the spot?

While Katara was a little kid that had to whatch her mother lie and take HER place in being brutaly murdered in front of her?

I mean, Katara had to look her in the eyes while she says that "everything was going to be ok, right before being murdered to protect her daughter.

I think that it is pretty obvious that the death had more impact on Katara.

but he barely had any*


>I don't understand emotions: The Post
They're several reasons why Kattara is the least interesting character yet you choose the stupidest one

There seems to be a large misunderstanding in this thread. She IS a well written character but most people don't have to like her character, even if its good.

Hence why she is the least popular.

I don't think you guys get it. Yes, Katara was way more traumatized than Sokka about the thing. And we can even accept that Sokka knows it's a very sore topic with her and knew she was just lashing out angrily.

It's still on her to apologize and acknowledge that she was in the wrong for saying something like that.

You know. Like Zuko did when he realized he was wrong.

Because she plays the straight man.

Everyone else in the group behaves eccentrically basically acting as foils to her character's idiosyncrasies making her seem dull by comparison -- the more she adheres to social norms the more pedantic she looks in contrast.

Thats not Suki

Yet Zuko can say:

>"I think you are exactly what you seem! A lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother!"

and still be the most popular character of the franchise

Wait isn't he the character that went behind for forgiveness at the end of the series?

It's almost like people like character growth

>I think that it is pretty obvious that the death had more impact on Katara.
Clearly, given that Sokka was still horny after telling the story of how she got brutally murdered.

Cut him some slack, he was 16. You've basically got three modes at that age, hungry, horny, and angsty. If you're lucky, you might get chill.

She didn't get as many comedic moments and because she is the only member of the group who isn't an impulsive retard she gets tagged as playing mommy and ruining everyone's fun. If not for her pushing Aang to take his training seriously then he would have gotten his ass handed too him a lot more than he did.

Katara can be fun too.


Because she stopped having significant character moments in season 2. And unlike Zuko, she was rarely called out on her flaws by other members of the cast.

Does a main character being tied with a one shot character as your fav really speak well for the main character?


Well written character =/= likable character

Fire nation Katara is da best

Well Zuko got the shit kicked out of him, emotionally and physically, on multiple occasions for being an asshole, he feels like a character that really earned his place as a good guy, I don't hate Katara though I just find shes not as likable as the other main cast.

No fun allowed nagger

Also this.

Way too much of everything. Too morally zealous for a child who spends all time with other children. Too nice when she is nice. Too bitchy when she gets bitchy. And then she suddenly becomes the best in the world at waterbending for no reason.

>She didn't get as many comedic moments
The few she had were pretty good:

>Toph: "Who's Zuko?"
>Sokka: "Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world."
>Katara: "What's wrong with ponytails, Ponytail?"
>Sokka: "This is a warrior's wolf tail."
>Katara: "Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky."

Fair, her funny moments were solid but they weren;t enough for people to see past the fact that she is the 'move the plot along' character. She encourages Aang to actively pursue his role as Avatar and she helps to keep him on that track more often than anyone else. Plus other character's fun, comfy tv moments usually get interrupted by her.

She still got three episodes of her own in Book 3 (and even the Toph episode could be considered a Katara episode as well)

Book 3 was probably the worst though to be honest. There were a few comfy episodes but the thing I liked in previous seasons was that it managed to move the plot along and have funny and comfy moments in them. The entire Sokka episode didn't need to happen since he already had an established role in the group so his "I feel useless" thing rang pretty hollow. He was the one with the plan, I felt they forgot that in that ep.

>He was the one with the plan
The gaang acknowledges that in that episode, he just feels bad because he doesn't have magical special snowflake skills.

So he gets a sword but never gets to do anything with it, nor does he become the best swordbender in the world like Katara and Toph became the greatest waterbender and earthbender.

That episode was just retarded. Out of basically nowhere he starts to feel bad about this when he has been basically powerless compared to them for months, if not a year.

No one likes nags

My favorite Katara episodes are the ones that focus on her maternal and level-headed nature. Like where they're stranded in the desert. Sokka's high on cactus juice, Aang's emotionally unstable over losing Appa, and Toph can't sense anything through sand, so Katara does what she can to keep people sane and moving forward.

My least favorite Katara episodes were the ones that show a self-righteous side of her, but don't really paint it as a flaw. Like the Painted Lady, where she lies to the group and delays their mission to help a random town with their issues. It's an interesting premise, debating how much good one can do in the face of delaying the greater good, but I think it was too quick to paint her as being in the right.

Overall, I liked her character. There were just a few episodes I didn't like the execution of.

The retarded thing was Piandao being impressed by all the retarded stuff Sokka did and later telling him that he is going to become a better swordsman than him:

>shoving his face with paint when he is supposed to be practicing calligraphy
>painting a rainbow when he is supposed to be training his memory
>getting comfortable and building a lawn chair when he is supposed to be studying his surroundings.

Not to mention that he only trained with Piandao for a day, the whole thing just reeks of "you are more special than anyone because you are a main character"

I have no problem with flaws. What I have a problem with is someone acting like a shit and no one calls them out on it.

Zuko was an ass, but he didn't get a pass for that, he never got a pass for it. But Katara could be a total bitch and no one really calls her out on it. Not to mention Katara was miraculously a master waterbender with less than a year of self-training and a couple months of ACTUAL training.

>But Katara could be a total bitch and no one really calls her out on it.
The only terrible example I see of it was what she said to Sokka in Southern Raiders which happened while she was over emotional due to her revenge boner.

>Not to mention Katara was miraculously a master waterbender with less than a year of self-training and a couple months of ACTUAL training.
Plot reasons, same why Toph and Azula are better than people that have been training duuring their whole lives while having war experience and why Aang mastered three elements in less than a year.

Yeah, I thought Katara's skills had more of a sense of progression than the usual prodigies.

They at least took the time to emphasize that she started from the ground up, teaching herself what she could and not having much control at the start.

>Aang mastered three elements in less than a year
actually while he'd near mastered water they explicitly said his firebending wasn't that good and his earthbending 'needed work' according to Toph

Still, he was better at each element than 99% of their respective benders

>And Katara was blinded by rage and revenge on one episode
That was actually far more understandable than being a shit to someone who was your only family for a good chunk of your life

>Aang mastered three elements in less than a year.
Did Aang ever do anything more impressive than the rock machine gun thing he did in the final battle? Or the rock armor in the Azula fight where he "died"? Toph made that look like weak shit with her sand Ba Sing Se and metal armor. Not to mention his fire bending wasn't that great even after "learning the secret" behind it or some shit with fucking dragons.

>least popular
I don't follow

Not to mention that it's clear that the audience isn't supposed to sympathize with Katara at that moment.

If anything the moment is to show how much of a terrible person Katara has become due to her obsession with getting revenge.

She gets away with it because 1) She's not ugly 2) Men don't mind being insulted, abused, castrated, killed, etc. by cute girls.

This is how shit like giving women rights which they use to destroy men's rights got so bad. Men have always been the enablers of women's worst behavior, like cuckolding. After all, men are sooo stupid that they made it culturally unacceptable to ever treat a bitch like how she should be treated.

A real man would have written Sokka to punch her in the face for that insult.

>1) She's not ugly 2) Men don't mind being insulted, abused, castrated, killed, etc. by cute girls.
Azula is not ugly and yet she ended up being shipped to a nuthouse for all her evil shit.

>You really cant accept a character having flaws

Female characters can always have flaws, but it's illegal to have them suffer actual consequences for said flaws. This is how dumb female characters like Dee Dee nonsensically avoid getting set on fire, electrocuted, etc. You can blame the twats and white knight faggots writing this junk.

As far as Katara goes, if the creators of Avatar weren't such self-hating MALE FEMINISTS, you can bet Katara would have gotten decked in the face at one or multiple points in the series.

And a male villain actually goes to PRISON, Ozai. She had the stupid insanity excuse. Not to mention that because she was fighting Zuko at the end it was politically incorrect for Zuko to crush his psycho bitch sister. So Katara had to beat her for him so that everything was politically correct.

Oh and the comics explained that Azula escaped the nut house and she's free to do as she pleases now. Ah the privileges of having a vagina.

Don't forget, Azula despite being more dangerous than Ozai given she fires Blue Fire which is stronger than regular fire? Kept her bending while Ozai got his removed. Privileged female.


>Illegalized bloodbending, a perfectly legit form of bending, when she became the Waterbending Authority or whatever, just because she had a bad experience. Because that's wrong, while freezing people, crushing others to death with rocks, creating tornadoes, burning guys alive and all other kinds of ways to fuck with nature and kill people with it, is A-OKAY.

>The Painted Lady

I mean, Toph's blind, and learned from the badger moles. She needs Earthbending to see, so it's understandable she would be practising constantly, especially considering she had literally nothing else to do. Azula was a princess, and stated to have a natural talent for firebending, along with having the best teachers possible - I doubt Ozai, for all his flaws, would cripple the development of his favoured child.

Like, it takes lessons and practise to become a skilled bender. Toph would have practised constantly, and learned straight from badger moles, and Azula was the princess of the Fire Nation, she had resources no-one else had.

As for Aang, he's the Avatar. It's likely that he has a knack for learning them, due to that.

As for them being better than most, it's pretty likely that a lot of benders just wouldn't bother trying to learn past the basics, or at least not undergo the devotion most would need to become a master.

That's kinda why Katara's feels cheap - she went from zero experience to a master capable of fighting Zuko who, while not as powerful as Azula, would have had similar teachers by proxy of being a prince, along with Iroh's teachings.

>would have gotten decked in the face at one or multiple points in the series

Why? How is some stupid overemotional outburst worse than Toph scamming people for money, Aang intentionally trying to keep Sokka and Katara from meeting their father or Zuko burning down innocent villages and stealing from peasants.

>That's kinda why Katara's feels cheap
It is cheap but she had to become strong for plot reasons otherwise she would be completely useless in the ragtag gang of heroes, and they couldn't pull the "she is a legendary prodigy with uber genes" from the start like with Azula because then she would have overshadowed Aang during the first episodes of the series. And once Toph joined the gaang she had to be bumped up to "best waterbender in the world" instead of just "talented fighter".

I still find that the worst thing in the show regarding powerlevels are Mai and Ty Lee being capable of taking down elite benders by themselves despite being just some rich teenagers with no war experience.

>Illegalized bloodbending, a perfectly legit form of bending, when she became the Waterbending Authority or whatever, just because she had a bad experience. Because that's wrong, while freezing people, crushing others to death with rocks, creating tornadoes, burning guys alive and all other kinds of ways to fuck with nature and kill people with it, is A-OKAY.

Of course none of that shit is okay. The thing is that basic bending has tons of practical application. Just like knife can be used to kill people, they'll never be illegal because they're super useful in other regards.

Bloodbending's sole purpose is to rob people of their free will and control over their bodies. There is no reason why it should be legal.

The only way that could be explained is that, as Azula's playmates, they were subjected by heavy training by her. But on that topic, it is pretty dumb that they could take out elite benders just like that. They're skilled to the point of being unbelievable, which has always made them kinda iffy on me.

>they were subjected by heavy training by her.

The canon explanation for Mai's skills is that she got bored a lot so she started throwing knives at her bedroom walls. Which is ridiculously stupid for a show set during a hundred year war.

>Bloodbending's sole purpose is to rob people of their free will and control over their bodies. There is no reason why it should be legal.
Consensual human puppet shows?

I actually didn't mind that episode as much as others seem to. People seem to take issue with the fact that Sokka didn't need to feel validated, since he was always "the man with the plan". Keep in mind though that he'd kinda taken a backseat to the all the benders in terms of relevance up to that point since the Drill and Serpent's Pass.

It was a good episode to "bring Sokka back in the party again" and put the spotlight on him before he started to play a bigger part in Day of the Black Sun and the Boiling Rock.

Who let /r9k/ in

My problem is using the training montage to show Sokka doing goofy stuff that has nothing to do with the training and being praised for it for no reason.

Nobody likes the team mom. It's annoying.

I agree with you there, but I guess you could see it as building up to the overall message that Sokka is good at thinking outside the box, which re-validates his worth as a tactician.

It could have been handled in a less tacky way, much like the massive missed opportunity that was that sweet meteorite sword, but I take no real issue with the episode itself.

I really like her character because those moments where she's supporting the other members of the Gaang highlight how important she was in keeping them all together.
The reason that so many of her best moments are spent helping others mean that the aggravating moments she spents at the fore front stay in people's mind more clearly.

>And once Toph joined the gaang she had to be bumped up to "best waterbender in the world" instead of just "talented fighter".

Katara isnt on the same level of White Lotus, niga.

In the same way that Sokka isnt on the same level of Piandao.

It was actually pretty clever though.
It was demonstrating how Sokka thought out of the box and was adaptive.
It culminated in the space sword which was a physical manifestation of what made him work, it was something unique and inventive that worked better because it was unconventional, which sums up Sokka pretty well.

>least popular member of the gaang?
According to who?
Sup Forums doesn't represent the general consensus and even then, she might be more popular than Aang.

>I will never ever turn my back on people who need me

Said Katara while she turned her back on the whole world so she could help a town of 100 people

That was a dumb episode.
They stressed how pressed they were for time and yet Sokka spent a day sword training, Toph became a scam artist, Aang enrolled in Fire Nation school and Zuko took everyone on team building exercizes

Weren't they just waiting around for the Eclipse to roll by? Can't exactly rush that.

thetoptens.com rank is Zuko Iroh Toph Aang Sokka and Katara in this order, and that site is as normie as it gets

That's not all in the same episode.

The first episode of season one is when Aang enrolls in the fire nation school.

>People seem to take issue with the fact that Sokka didn't need to feel validated
No, people take issue with the fact that Sokka never gets to do anything with the sword.

Maybe Sokka made the schedule wrong and wrote days instead of weeks until the time of the eclipse.

He used it throughout the Day of Black Sun.

Why does wolf armor Sokka always give me an erection?

I'm betting a lot of them are only children or sociopaths. Siblings say and do things that you forgive that other people can't get away with.

>creator's pet mary sue

Oh for


No character has to be "likeable", you clot.