Main character sleeps 16 hours a day when he doesn't have class because it's the only time he feels like he isn't stuck...

>main character sleeps 16 hours a day when he doesn't have class because it's the only time he feels like he isn't stuck in a nightmare

that sounds very kafkaesque...

>protagonist's only dreams nightmares about the things that bother him in real life

>Character has gone past the point where he can use his depression as an excuse

due to chronic marijuana use, protaganist disrupts his natural REM cycle and almost never remembers his dreams as anything more than broken fragments

I'm sad.

>character gets drunk every moment he can to stop his brain from functioning

Positively Ayn Randian

>protagonist has seen 3 psychologists, 2 psychiatrists, been on 3 adult anti-depressants, and attempted suicide by the time he graduated highschool
>No end in sight
Man I wish they'd shake it up a bit, the episodes are so formulaic now

>mcs mom buys cookies
>mc has some
>"wow did you just eat 3 cookies? why would you do that? just wow. you ate some cookies i bought. Wow. Imagine the calories. Why would you eat cookies? I'm just saying it would make more sense if you had an apple. I can't believe you ate those cookies."
>MC is convinced she bought them specifically so she could make fun of him for eating them

>Nightmares are now his favorite dreams, because happy ones make him remember the now long past after waking up

>fatty can't stop being fat
>his mom is disappointed by him
isn't there a show about less stupid people?

is this a camoflaged howsithagning thread?

i'm not liking this show mommy make it stop

>main character wakes up with a clear enough mind to realize just how terrible his life is and stays frozen in disbelief

Pathetic response if I'm being honest

>protagonist tries to shake the thoughts of raping a woman he knows in real life

Just wait until you have to desperately look for a job and then when you have to wageslave your life away to eat and have basic commodities.

>character realizes he isn't as fucked up as he could be and thanks you for reminding him

>main character only sleeps 2-4 hours because his antipsychotics cause insomnia and nausea.

>mc rushes home as soon as he can after class to hop on Sup Forums and put off assignments

>your life sucks
>guess what, it will continue to suck and suck more as you grow older
Nice advice

>then he's still tired

>Main character can't fall asleep anymore without consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and food

>mc wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of almost every night to the hum of the fan as he realizes what a loser he is and how he's stuck in a hole that he can't get out no matter how hard he has tried
>mc never gives up but is slowly getting older, losing his edge, opportunities are drying up. friends are moving away
>mc considers every day to tell his family he is going camping and to kill self in the woods

Why are the writers so shit? Seriously who would want to watch this crap? Yet they keep making all these episodes. Also it's pretty unrealistic that the MC hasn't commited suicide yet, I wonder if he will for the series finale.

>character actually uses Sup Forums as a main way of interacting with people despite having a job and going out everyday

hits to close famalamadingong

>main character wakes up at 4 am, heart pounding mind racing, obsessive thoughts about being stuck on an out of control rock hurling through space around a mindbendingly enormous flaming star


>main character is 18 years old
>he is already a man, and still has not raised a family
>time is running out

>main character is 26 and still at home
>main character had dream job, house and woman but fucked it all up
>main character will die by his own hand by the end of the year
i thought this season was a bit dark desu

>MC loses every friend he had over the course of few years
>too apathetic to take care of any relationship despite knowing it will bite him in the ass
>few social skills withering away

>protag has to cry for an hour before falling asleep every night

>character is lgbt
>writers are not your typical SJWs
>character gets treated like shit

>desperately look for a job: The movie
>finally find something
>it's a 13 hours shifts underpaid wagecuckery and you don't know when it starts and ends until the last minute and 95% of coworkers are african immigrants who barely speak your language
I might have liked the unemployed channel more almost.

Fuck I really want to kill myself

I keep seeing that trope

Why are you sad, user?

overused desu

>Character has complete self awareness
>Character understands what others are feeling and thinking
>Character has lost the ability to respond without sounding autistic or massively insecure
Why is this allowed? It's torture porn.

>mc still lives with his parents
>main character lied to his parents about taking class this semester and instead goes to parking lots and looks at his tablet

i think i've seen this one before. it ends with the mc having crippling social anxiety yet also a keen empathy that people perceive as almost psychopathic in its sensitivity to what others think and feel.

>Main character had an anxiety attack in class last October and life never felt the same since, with constant looming depression and general anxiety.

>main character lives alone in a one bedroom apartment
>main character has no friends, no gf, no job
>main character is 5'4 and ugly
>main character hasn't had a meaningful conversation with anyone in years
>main character gets laughed at in the street
>main character only gets looks of disgust from women
>main character still maintains delusions that life will somehow get better in his 30's
I don't know how this show made it past the pilot

>character has unrequited crush
>"Oh well you can't expect EVERYONE to like you..."

>season one
>main character is made fun of for being a nerd
>season two
>those that made fun of the character become new "nerds"
>main character is still neglected

what country broadcasts this episode?

>Character is too snobby to be friends with the autists and too autistic to be friends the the normals

boring trope

Yall ever have a part 2 of a dream you have years ago? I swear some of my dreams take place in places that I've been before only in dreams. I wish I could harness this power

>Character is being gaslighted by various narcicisstic family members and their enablers
>Characters suffers from nigh-daily nightmares
>All the joy is being taken away from the character's life slowly and step by step from all sides over the span of the last half a decade

>main character looks at the camera and begs for the show to end

I don't think I ever did but that sounds like fun. I wish I could control my dreams as well, but maybe it wouldn't be fun, I mean it would be like writing your own book just so you can read it, right? Not sure.
Lucid dreaming scares me a bit because of how some say it can go wrong and lead to hallucinations that scare the shit out of you while you can't move. But idk maybe it's fun and worth it. Idk much about it though.

>character regrets not going on a killing spree that ended with his suicide just because he's too autistic and lazy to do anything and thinks that he just came to a big realization that his environment is causing his brain to be chemically predisposed to this and there's no way out
Seriously why don't they just write him out of the show?

>main character looks directly at the camera

>main character cries alone on the bus because everything he tried to do to make life better is failing
pretty weird episode today

Italy. Subtitles are recommended.

>main character has made a few mistakes in his life, moved on, regularly works out and has decent looks and charm and retains a good relation with people he meets, and has good amd reachable goals and ambitions
Liking this flick quite a bit desu

kek I saw an episode with that trope a few days ago, made me think about it for a while

>character is ugly as fuck
>sees people around entering relationships and flirting while he remains shunned and unwanted
>'There is someone for everyone'

Teach me your ways. Please.

why doesn't the MC just trying being himself?

What flick?!


>main character gets relegated to a side character on his own show

really makes me think

They use that trope a lot in FANTASY movies

Did anyone else catch this one?
>Mc picked throughout high school
>Finally makes friends
>'Friends' were actually just tricking them
>He get invited to a party where people throw him in a pool because he told his friends about his hydrophobia
>Still has a recurring nightmare where he drowns whilst they laugh at him
Honestly the weirdest one I've seen desu

>main character starts thinking 10 years of browsing an imageboard has irreparably harmed his mental faculties

>mc is well adjusted and happy despite bad things happening in his life, makes the best of his situations and ends up making good money and having a fulfilling life
Nice, nice

at least Mc is 1st world country

>girl is heroine in main character's show
>girl gets own spin off
>guy is not even a side character in her show

how does mc shower like this

>it's it can't get any worse and let's face it if it was going to get better it would've long time so might as well not give a fuck episode

this hits way too close

>MC struggles ever day but still pushes through with the support of his family and friends and manages to succeed
Really enjoying this flick honestly


They cry a lot
It's a weird show user

>main character failed to go to college after high school and instead just neeted the year away
>when he got in college he was too socially crippled to function properly, the world outside his room was torturous
>dropped after 3 semesters
>got to the big two oh with no friends, never had a girlfriend, no skills and no experience but still has delusions of grandeur
>is so used to this that sometimes has to remind himself that normal people have relationships, self esteem, goals, feel a range of emotions and excitement instead of just boredom and apathy
>so mentally fucked he cant think of any good future scenario, just wants to be someone else

Sounds like some normie shit, would never watch

same, but 12-14 hours

Never liked these sci-fi/supernatural flicks...

..i kind of want to take a garden hose to mc now not in a mean way sorry

>need to go get job at age 20
>only qualified for basic warehouse work
>make almost twice the minimum wage
>buy cool car, learn a 5 speed
>make friends at my job
>rent a cheap apartment
>get gf, met through my friends
>learn about hard work and how to use lots of material handling devices
>get promoted in my second year of work
>make a friend that convinces me to take some classes at the community college

Working was the best thing that ever happened to me, I'm glad you depressed faggots are such assholes otherwise I might have been ok with being like you

>Main character has beautiful dreams where he's a normal human being who responds to things with wit and grace
>He wakes up and he's a fucking mess

Also this

>show is not set in the 80's

>main character is in a metaphysical turmoil during the darkest point of depression and almost kills himself
>bounces back and starts a journey back to finding faith in Christ and lifting weights
This movie is getting good desu.


the character killed all his aspirations for a desk job because that is what it takes to survive and he even lost the urge to question whether it is even worth surviving this way, he just numbly awaits death now

MCs usually don't have friends. Not realistic.

protagonist considers the fact that, should he somehow make the incredible effort required to fix his life, a task which would be more difficult than anything he has ever accomplished, that he would probably be back at square one before long, as years of isolation have given him disgusting, bizarre, and off-putting habits that are essentially involuntary at this point and would quickly lead others to turn against him in a situation where he'd otherwise have to do everything perfectly to make up for his many deficiencies

You've never done anything hard so fixing your life would be relatively easy

those episodes are pretty kino

Dubs of truth

>Character was bullied mercilessly in high school
>Character didn't improve social skills afterwards but trained himself up to be strong and fit
>Character is so embittered at his high school experience that whenever he sees one of the bullies irl he is consumed by hatred and fury and begins to beat them up
>Bad jail record as a result of it
>Feels a surprising amount of guilt from his violence for some reason
Quite a unique show, cathartic at times but headed for complete tragedy

>Character has been a prepper for many years
>All the character's favorite and most important online services except for steam have been either outright shut down or supressed in the last couple of years
>Character is eagerly looking forward to world war three and various catacylsmic events of global proportions as a means of breaking the current downward spiraling stalemate
>Character fully embraces fausto-spenglerian thought and the waning age of Kali Yuga in an attempt to stay on top of the dying tiger

At least post something true you fag, we're getting to feel, not tell stories

>it's a drug abuse episode
>main character accidentally goes cold turkey on xanax and literally almost dies (twice) as a result
>is now burdened with regular panic attacks and anxiety from the experience, constantly anticipating the worst possibilities
>this goes on for the entire month and shows no signs of abating as regular withdrawal symptoms start to set it
>none of the protag's friends or family really care and would probably be happier if he had died
i just want to see episodes with a different theme desu, this shit has been on repeat way too long never fuck with benzos lad, ever

>character is killed in drive by shooting from a motorcycle gang the moment he ventures outside
Kino ending

>character got bullied a lot in high school
>did not have a comfy group of fellow loser friends that would get bullied with him
Pretty weird that they subverted that trope.

I liked the episode where the character already had loose contacts to other like-minded pro-white characters and joined a folkish tribe as soon as the apocalypse happened and where they then went on to build a self-sufficient folkish post-TEOTWAWKI settlement innawoods and thrived much better desu

>MC is 27, entry level job, no car/license, living in home with parents
>MC only feels 'joy' the weekends and at the end of the month because paycheck
>MC cant connect with anyone, specially women
>MC doesnt want to die, just to have never existed.