The exact moment a character became irredeemable in your eyes

The exact moment a character became irredeemable in your eyes.

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stev or gummy worm gal?

That thing's a fucking girl?

As much as a character voiced by Crazy Eyes can be, yes.


i dont get who you think is irredemable desu
either way youre wrong and heres my pic.

>blue speed force
I'm very much so not okay with this

everything's a girl in Steven Universe!

The sloths or Star?

>Steven can stabs hundreds of people with his knife
>but the instant he stabs a Gem suddenly he is irredeemable
Fucking double standards, I tell you.

Except his Dad. The only person who has ever fully killed a gem. With his dick.

>The exact moment a character became irredeemable in your eyes.

Why tho?

when todd discovered he was asexual

This, but honestly, I loathed him way before that.


Bismuth is living proof that the gems are not beholden to the idea that they must be girly.

Don't those idiots understand it's red and gold for a reason?

And Jasper or Ruby weren't...?

Even fucking Peridot is a little androgynous.

>WTF Arthur why ya punched DW

Literally A BUSTAH n his entire class

It is a gem

Steven was already irredeemable because he's such a shitty annoying character who can't keep his tears inside his body for more than 30 seconds.

Jasper is a big musclebabe, and Ruby a little tomboy. But Bismuth is barely feminine at all.

I don't have the page saved, because it actually makes me ill, but the time Emma Frost vindictively erased someone's memory of the only person who ever loved them.

Ken, what a white knight beta cuck

You gotta explain. Is it Steven that's irredeemable? Because he poofed Bismuth instead of shattering her? Because he didn't negotiate better and bring her around? Is Bismuth the irredeemable one? Because she wanted to shatter gems? Because she lost in a fight to Steven?

You can't just post something like that and not explain.

technically she has no gender as she is an asexual rock.

>Peridot is a little androgynous.
Not with those hips.

I will never be able to take the Joker seriously after this.
>AG: Practicing your a8ilities is important, so when it comes down to using them for something that really matters, you know you're ready for prime time.
>AG: I know this first hand.
>AG: I got lots and lots and LOTS of practice with your little guinea pig friend. ::::D
>AG: So really, turns out she wasn't so useless at all! Far from it.

>feminist role model

>that crotch
>the chest plate
>the shoulder pads
>the cables that tie everything

I can't believe it was even possible to make a costume that bad

You know it.

>Bsmith: Hey Rose come check out this new weapon I made? With this we can finally kill all the gems who don't agree with us.
>Rose: uh Bismith, you do know that I don't want to kill them all right?
>Rose: Welp better bubble your ass before you undermine the whole "let's not kill everyone" thing I have going on

Steven should have shattered that crazy smith


>lighting just arches out in random directions, even when he's barely moving at all

Its supposed to emphasize his movement, not just be a bunch of random special effects. I can't believe the fucking CW got this right and a fucking $200 million dollar film can't.

>im a smith, i make weapons and stuff
>that's great, come with us

>hey rose i made a new weapon for us
>dude,what the hell, fuck off

A murder weapon, after she had already shown she was capable of making one that poofed an opponent.

Did they invent bubbling after this? Was Bismuth the first gem who was ever bubbled?

You say that like if a smith making a sword that destroy the immortal soul of the enemy wouldn't be seen as evil as fuck in basically every setting.

Wait the one time Steven gets to man up and resolve a conflict where he DOESN'T emote his way into everyone being happy and its irredeemable?

Its the most adult fucking end in the show.

That always had bubbling
Rose who army came together because she and her comrades bubbled defeated foes and then released them

It seems to be an ability that gems just have. Even Peridot, a Homeworld era 2 gem, was capable of it once they showed her. Though, it's interesting she had to be taught.It's clearly not something current gems on Homeworld typically know about or do. Still, if they invented it during the gem war, you'd think it'd be a little more complicated to teach then "yeah, any gem can do it if they just take a gem and tap the top." Even cluster shards could do it. I think it's something that existed well before the gem war as one of gemkinds natural abilities like fusion and shapeshifting. I'm not sure what practical purpose it's supposed to serve outside of gems fighting with one another, though, and it's odd it exists considering gems are supposed to be a cooperative race.

>Steven gets to man up
No one "mans up" in Steven Universe.

I've always hated Steven so this just made me hate him more.

I am torn between finding Bismuth to be the strongest and best episode of SU, but also the worst for being pretty clearly anti-gun propaganda.

If Steven doesn't regret destroying the Breaking Point, I'm going to hate him forever.





Goddamnit, this is why Steven is the worst part of Steven Universe.

>You're going to pay for everything you've done!

I feel like if they got someone other than Crazy Eyes to voice Bismuth, the resolution would have been different.

Why do Bismuthfags like to pretend that Steven wasn't continuously trying to talk it out WHILE Bismuth was trying to kill him for disagreeing?

How do you know that? When did they show it?

Wow. You're an imbecile, or very good at pretending to be one.

>Steven is the worst part of Steven Universe.

Wrong. We are. You and me and everybody on /sug/ . We are the cancer.


Despite being super fuckable, I can't stand this cunt. Trying to assassinate Kuvira during a cease fire is fucking stupid.

>Wow. You're an imbecile, or very good at pretending to be one.

That's a great contribution to the conversation you have there. Why don't you tell me your thoughts instead of resorting to name-calling like a pussy?


Short attention span. Narrow vision.

>Ruby a little tomboy. But Bismuth is barely feminine at all.

Ruby's no more/less feminine than Bismuth.

>butts into the discusion with nothing but namecalling, lacks any actual arguments
>you are wrong because i said so!
no wonder you like steven so much

Oh, yeah, sure, what a compelling argument he put forth


You know this stupid fucking argument doesn't just magically get better with time, right? EVERYONE who uses it is retarded, unless they've got a legit 1:1 example for how "us killing x is no different than when y kills x".

Fucking liberal hippies, I swear to God...

I don't get it.

Korra should have joined the Earth Empire and steered Kuvira away from the crazier shit.

Would also give us a hotter lesbo ship.

I thought it was really weird that SU took such a strong stance against the Black Lives Matter movement and staunchly rejected the idea that oppressors should be violently overthrown. I understand that it meshes with the overall messages of the show better, but they really don't understand their audience right now.

Calm down Andy.

Or a lesbo three-way.

>Don't those idiots understand it's red and gold for a reason?
Not to confuse with Shazam?

This is why liberals are going to be corralled and crushed by the minorities and other victims they've tried to co-opt and control for their own agendas.

So Flash outran a vague concept to non-existence? That's pretty stupid. Was it literally death?

Because Sugar is a closet conservative.

This kind of conspiracy theory belongs on /x/ or Sup Forums. Please spew hate about fictional characters here.

in the Dc universe (from what i understand) death comes to people if different forms. for speedsters it comes in the form of the black flash with was created to match their speed. flash outran it.

But Bolin isn't a lady?

Man. I usually love the various Flash characters in most DC cartoons, even though I know his powers get freakishly OP when the plot demands it. But that's just next-level Sue.

What does he even get from outrunning death, does he just run back in time again and never die henceforth?

He sure can take a strap-on in the ass like one.

I didn't really see it as a Black Lives Matter thing.

It's more like Rose was Martin Luther King while Bismuth was trying to be Malcolm X.
Only in this regard, King fucking ganked Malcolm before he could get a strong following.

I mean, unless Korra can Chi-Bend to make Kuvira preggers, they'll need raw material from somewhere to make a proper heir for Glorious Leader.

>I want to free the slaves Rose!
>Even if I have to kill every slave to do it!
Rose was right to bubble "her". Bitch was crazy. Going on and on about how gems only follow orders and never consider any alternatives, and wanting to free said gems from the evil diamonds, and resolving to kill said gems when they get in her way despite them not knowing any better.

Stupid as fuck.

Why should they pander to their audience in such a manner?

Because white guilt is responsible for their ratings.

Korra has pulled new powers out of her delicious brown ass before...

>a sword that destroy the immortal soul of the enemy
But user, Gems don't have souls .

Bubbling is useful in any conflict or emergency, not just fighting other gems.

Bubbling a gem basically gives it a shield. It makes it harder for that gem to be cracked until the bubble is popped first, and gives them a safe place to regain energy. Bubbled gems, when freed, reform immediately, so we know they don't go into complete stasis even if they are unconscious in there.

More importantly, bubbled gems can be teleported "home". In basically any situation where a gem has just been poofed, getting that gem the fuck out of there is a very useful ability. Imagine being able to, in a matter of seconds, teleport any wounded ally back to a hospital far away from the crises. Thats useful in a battle, but just as useful in a starship about to explode or an avalanche or anything else.

Really, it only sucks that gems can't bubble and teleport themselves. Someone always has to stay behind and go down with the ship.

We need to find a writefag. Now!

>Really, it only sucks that gems can't bubble and teleport themselves. Someone always has to stay behind and go down with the ship.

Well, unless they're Rose or Steven. He may not be able to teleport (yet?), but he can bubble himself with his shield bubble, and even stay conscious in there and unbubble himself. It seems to be the only reason Rose, Pearl, and Garnet survived the end of the war.

I don't remember exactly what happened, but I THINK it just bought him more time. No one can really beat death forever, and since that version of death is connected to the Flash's powers, it eventually pops back up.

When you try to kill the other party for disagreeing you don't really get to claim they're the unreaaonable ones.

BLM doesn't say that oppressors need to be violently overthrown.

Oh wait, this whole thread is bait.

>BLM doesn't say that oppressors need to be violently overthrown

>the fandom precious baby Karkat allowed this and told her and his friends to troll Jade

Rose can do a lot of shit that the other gems don't seem to be able to. Eyeball Ruby seemed to treat Rose's healing ability as an unconfirmed myth. So that means that not only do there not seem to be other Rose Quartz's, but but the healing ability isn't something any other class of Gem can do.

I think Rose was an experiment in creating a new kind of defense-oriented gem soldier. Like a Jasper, but specially designed to bodyguard diamonds and serve as healtanks in battle.

We know the Gems are made, and the details of their abilities can very based on implementation and intent (Homeworld is currently producing 'lower quality' gems because of its resource issues, and making up the difference with tech like the limb enhancers).

In terms of function, Rose was a success. She managed to lead a successful rebellion and drive Homeworld off Earth, and she was apparently a beast in combat. But, from homeworld's perspective, she would be considered flawed. After all, she went renegade instead of being loyal to the Diamonds.

Which might have to do with the fact that she was the only one of her kind. All of the other homeworld gems are one of many. They know, from birth, that they are just cogs in a vast machine. Rose was unique and (while that was eventually going to change) she identified as an individual, not a cog. That might explained why she identified with humans so much (a race of unique individuals), and her specially designed protective instincts kicked in to defend them and the Earth, since she is a defense-specced Gem.

So she could try to kill her too? Plus there really wasn't time as she was trying to murder the shit out of Steven, same way she tried to kill Rose.

>Homeworld is currently producing 'lower quality' gems because of its resource issues

I wonder how much in resources it took for them to create a single Rose Quartz. I suspect that's another big part of the reason there aren't any more.

Interesting question. Might explain why she was on Earth in the first place. An unspoiled colony like Earth would have abundant resources for building expensive prototypes.