Please tell me what you know about vaccines pol. i know very little about them so i don't have an opinion on them...

please tell me what you know about vaccines pol. i know very little about them so i don't have an opinion on them, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if theyre injecting pure degeneracy into us.

Other urls found in this thread:

if you take them you get autism
but if you dont take them you get smallpox and tetanus

Bottom line is basically that you should do your due diligence and take your pick of the ones you think are a good idea and not.

And space them out.

Vaccines are poison to give you autism and salt your pineal to prevent extra consciousness.

Ever wonder why the vaccines you get in school is virtually the only free "medicine" you have access to? Kinda makes you wonder

Also the government has a program that if something goes wrong then you get paid of on the condition you never talk about it.

Same old same old.

isnt it too late for some? havent i already had so many as a baby? and arent certain ones mandatory at certain ages?

Data mining is forbidden and defamatory data mining is a threat. Saged and hidden.

same with flu shots sometimes too.

They cause Autism
They are made by the Jews
They cause short term memory loss.
The pilots of the airplanes on 9/11 were vaccinated. Coincidence?
They are made in labs, the most degenerate of all places.
Hitler was probably vaccinated, but that's okay because when he killed Hitler he redeemed himself.
Children always cry when they get them.
The government FORCES you to get them or you cant go to school.
They cause short term memory loss.
They turn men into faggots.
They are low energy drugs.
They make you feel like shit anyway.
They don;t help improve your gains at all
They cant even cure aids or cancer.
They are made with pigs sometimes which is halal.

It's possible. As with anything, you have to work with what you have.

I was born before the madness, according to my vaccine records. But that didn't stop me from getting some this or that based on needing to travel or whatever when I thought it was a better gamble.

Vaccines are shit and they never change because they aren't subject to free market forces. They stick all kinds of shit that's bad for you in them. It's dinosaur science. Research every disease and vaccine before you allow your kid to be injected. If your kid doesn't have a real chance of contracting the disease or if it's easily curable do not inject them with neurotoxins that will inhibit their development.

tfw your id says RUN. i hope im not permanently messed up because of them.

im pretty sure ive had many vaccinations already.

>They are made with pigs sometimes which is halal.
Tried to sneak it in at the end eh?

All you can do about it is try to make good decisions.

I have worse things to worry about than what my vaccines might have done to me. I have worse things to worry about watching what the medical industry has done and is doing to other family members.

Really, the best you can hope for is reform and improvement.

Sup Forums gave us autism, not vaccines.

Me mum refused to vaccine me but I still got autism

>spread the word that all vaccines have pork products or alcohol in them
>muslims won't touch them at all because haram
>watch muslims worldwide get dreadfully ill and die in your lifetime

> Vaccine autism

Sometimes I forget how fucking stupid this board can be.

Fuck yes.

There's NEVER been a legitimate study that proved that vaccines prevent disease.

All studies that proved that vaccines prevent disease are FRAUDS funded by Big Pharma.

Because Polio is such a fun ride.

Serious answer: Vaccines are handed out free because they are the only thing that keeps the population safe from high-cost diseases and the policies putting that in place are old. That sort of public health policy dates back from decades. In those times you'd have a full medical checkup in school.
Since epidemics can touch the entire population, most countries consider they have the duty to contain those things preventivly. Same as having good water and sewage system, that actually protects you from the plague and cholera, which is also why nations tend to maintain and try to keep those things running.

Tinfoil hat memes. There is no mercury in vaccines, if you eat an apple you get many times more the formaldehyde that they claim is in them. No link found between autism and vaccines. Autism always appears after a period of normal development, child hits developmental milestones in a timely manner, and suddenly doesn't anymore. Since it happens at more or less the same time than vaccines, people blame that, but just because I wore red pants when I crashed my car doesn't mean that red pants crash cars.

Apple seeds have latent jew gas, not formaldehyde. Try again if you like.

Read up on aluminum adjuvants

Get a degree, and not from the school of Sup Forums before you talk to me again.

Aluminium adjuvants are terrible but let me use this aluminium foil on my food though.

Something that is correlated with autism: age of the mother. More and more women have children later in life. How about blaming that and not vaccines?

>please tell me what you know about vaccines pol.
Everything you read on Sup Forums is conspiracy theory tier.
However, you only need vaccines when you're young. When you're older you get them when you cut yourself on rusted metal or get bit by a wild animal.

Vaccines work, on a pretty simple principle. Introducing a pathogen to our immune system, allows it to develop the means to fight it. This is backed up by the effectiveness of vaccines in severely reducing the prevalency of any number of diseases.

Antagonism towards vaccines only comes from the most anti-science folks--usually hardcore young-Earthers, or ditzy celebrities.

I had seizures after my MMR

I also developed autism afterwards (coincidence? You tell me).

Huh ? That's a really powerful statement...

If you know the right people, you can get the clean versions of said vaccines. The problem is all of us on this board are plebs and deserve nothing but the worst.

Fucking. Genius.

Goddamn you Australia, every single time I get to seriously hating you assholes you go and come up with something brilliant like this. Nice.

>what was it like grandpa having Muslims around before smallpox and measles and polio wiped them out?
>horrible and dangerous, thank God vaccines are made from pigs

I have a degree, dick. It turns out most places that want to hire me because of it are places I don't really want to work for.

Do you inject your aluminum foil straight into your blood stream? Regardless, aluminum foil has been associated with neurological diseases as well, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

meant to reply to Shouldn't have wrapped my food in aluminum last night.

Because 'aging' is caused by delta of toxins in the body. People age at a different rate, one 40 year old woman will result in autism, one 20 year old woman will result in autism, what's the common denominator? Age is just a fucking number and doesn't do JACKSHIT to explain the root cause of autism.

1 in every 50,000 is laced with a. Drug that causes sterilization and autism

Fuck off Canadian. Seriously, why don't you leafs get off the site once and for all.

If you don't vaccinate your children you should lose custody and go to prison.

The Japs get double the recommended serving of mercury every day.
You get an injection every year and think a trace amount of another toxic metal is worse.

Really made me think.


heres your (you)

Get HPV and Tetanus shots.

Don't get flu shots. They never work anyway.

I'm getting a flu shot this year

wtf I hate america now

I'm saying that the vaccines you have gotten into you don't account for the aluminium you've gotten in contact with. Main culprit in the US afaik is drinking water.
I mentioned aluminium foil because a lot of people keep using that for everything.

And while it's not bang on the same, I assure you your body absorbs it from your digestive track too.

Idk, anti vax conspiracies always make me laugh. If you ever need a surgery you'll get put under so many narcotics (stuff like ketamine and morphine which are also hard drugs) and cut open with surgical steel and come in contact with gauze and iodine and tons and tons of other products yet nobody seems to say surgeries cause autism or that they're trying to poison you.
The anti vaccine crap is just fueled by celebrities who know little of how an immune system works. I'd say the problem will take care of itself but since you rely on everyone being vaccinated to assure herd immunity, you're basically a shitty human being not doing its part when you don't vaccinate.

And to finish my little rant, if you don't want to vaccinate for cervix cancer, the flu, pneumococcus sp. or other "adult-tier" vaccinations, that's not the point. Those ARE pushed by big pharma. But the ones against polio and all the others you get early in life, they've changed the face of childhood mortality forever.

>don't vaccinate your kid
>they get sick
>blame the jews

This thread leaves a bad taste in my mouth
People are dumb as shit
I want to get off this ride

Aging is caused by telomerase loss, changes in collagen, diminishing self-healing capacities, between others. The science of aging is pretty strange. "Toxins" are a buzzword made to sell detox diets who do nothing but enrich your pee.

The flu killed 50-100 million people in 1918. I'm getting a shot.

The difference is a developed brain vs an undeveloped brain. I'm not arguing the effectiveness of vaccines, they work. I'm arguing that more research is needed in order to make them safe.

They're safe. They're even removing the little bit of mercury that was safe to begin with.

man, you're bringing the heat tonight
sometimes Sup Forums can remind you that not all poster are dumb

>please tell me what you know about vaccines pol

fuck vaccines and the jews who sell them

Only take lifelong vaccines and those required for high risk actions (e.g. travel)
They're good but still filled with jew (e.g. flu vaccines for healthy adults, tetanus for routine checkups, rubella for adult males...)
About the autism thing
10000 children
Yes vac = 9900 alive and 99 autism
No vac = 9500 alive and 95 autism
So yay, less autists =.=

Congratz youre post is now featured as an example of dumbassery. youre welcome

>The government FORCES you to get them or you cant go to school.

fuck the school vaccines, opt out on those but get the good ones when you enlist

Only take lifelong vaccines and those required for high risk actions (e.g. travel)
They're good but still filled with jew (e.g. flu vaccines for healthy adults, tetanus for routine checkups, rubella for adult males...), research youself
About the autism thing
10000 children
Yes vac = 9900 alive and 99 autism
No vac = 9500 alive and 95 autism
So yay, less autists =.=


vaccines created the autism that made Sup Forums possible

they give you the same ones. If you show up to MEPS saying I never got the ones I should have gotten, they'll give them to you.

>Because Polio is such a fun ride.

nobody ever got polio but idiots who ate shit because they didn't wash their hands

Please stop.

Get them for your kids, but not anywhere near on the schedule the CDC puts out. No vaccines at all until at least 5 years old.

the shots you get in basic are fucking hardcore and yes if you get that panel you will never need another one, found out when I went on vacation overseas, wife needed shots, docs said I was good thanks to Army service shots

>The anti vaccine crap is just fueled by celebrities who know little of how an immune system works.

sure whatever but applying skepticism to jewish sales tactics is always a good thing

if a few negros get polio is an acceptable cost of doing business


nah, just let em go until they get to enlist, little fuckers die just have more, makin em the fun part anyway!

I think vaccines are somewhat effective but modern plumbing and hygiene are probably just as much of a factor in a lot of these diseases being eradicated.

I'd vaccine that girl if you know what I mean.

This guy actually knows what he's talking about, I'm especially surprised that someone with biology knowledge is on pol.

>this argument again

Kids, bottom line: anything that isn't the dead/inert virus itself is labeled a toxin. Toxin =/= toxic. Water is a toxin in vaccines.

The soccer mom's of the world want you to buy into their paranoia because they think blogging about shit they don't understand makes them good parents

>b-but it says there is mercury in this!

Less amount than in fish. Your point?

>it's MUH RIGHT not to vaccinate

Okay. But it's society's right to say fuck you and your kid, you're not getting into school. Many kids are too sick and have compromised immune systems. They can't get vaccines. But if your kid gets Measles because you think you're edgy, my kid will die. Not yours.

We didn't come this far to be fucked up by soccer mom's and retards who have zero medical credibility.

Plumbing and such do a lot for diseases that are carried by faeces or animals such as rats. The Plague, cholera and hep A are doing better since plumbing and such. But for things that are transmitted through air, saliva (coughing), blood or direct contact, plumbing doesn't help shit. Not all pathogens are the same.

>Aging is caused by telomerase loss, changes in collagen, diminishing self-healing capacities, between others
Yes but what causes the above changes? Toxins.

>enrich your pee.

so if I have rich pee and I go to India will I be a loo billionaire and get all the fine women? are there any fine women in India?

I'll always wonder what was in all those shots, they aren't exactly transparent about what you're getting.

Actually, oxygen is one of the big culprits. I propose you stop breathing user.

>Less amount than in fish. Your point?
Sadly, I didn't save it. But during the H1N1 hoax they had some bitch at the CFR with no medical qualifications try to explain that the best way to get the goyim to be more good would be to sell them on the idea that eating it and injecting it were the same thing.

I haven't seen sufficient evidence to believe that they're bad, but politically I don't care. As long as vaccines aren't mandatory I'll be content. Parents should have the choice not to inject mystery fluids into their kids.

>When the edgy teen in the back of the class gets online.

What is the natural process of DNA replication?
Oh right. That's what causes telomerase loss.

Not the point. Point is many substances are naturally occurring and not harmful in small doses. Nice job totally missing the H2O part.

If oxygen is the culprit then how do you explain this 70 year old being much healthier than the average 70 year old? This 70 year old is a raw foodist vegan and it SHOWS on her face that she's healthier than any other 70 year old meat-eater.


Tell us about the H2O part. I'm big on the water thing.

From this post I would think that poo in the loos would be the leaders in polio

seriously man the Army panel is no joke, don't they give you 6 hours to recover after you get that shot which is a lot of time during basic, you ain't getting sick anywhere if it can be prevented once you've had that shot

it's good shit, once you're old enough to enlist you're old enough to handle it so I say let people get their shots during basic and jews who want to sell you whatever can fuck off, if it was necessary you would get it in the army shot panel until then who cares you aren't important yet anyway

Shut the fuck up burger, he is clearly open to discussion and you just making yourself look stupid. Please hang yourself.

Because companies would charge $700 for a vaccine

Someone please answer this, provide an explanation of why vaccines are safe for children with undeveloped brains.

shut up shitposter that river automatically removes all shit because it's holy like cow shit

ikr, t b h sometimes a break of the idiocy is welcome
ok cool man

Canadians are vermin and should be drowned. I don't even say that about niggers.

(Pakistan and Afghanistan)

confirms what I was saying pretty hard doesn't it?

literally shit eaters with bad diets who get that

Nobody has answered this.



My parents opted out, not because muh autism or hippies, but because my pediatrician insisted. Turns out hospitals, while usually free, tend to order a bunch of vaccines and studies, especially on gullible people, like first-time mothers and their babies.
Add to that the fact that some vaccines back then were defective since the techniques and protocols were not that good.
And finally because of jewism like He said that 90% of the time you should avoid pre-emptive vaccinations since they don't do shit and usually use older bacterial growths that are not currently spreading. Vaccines to treat diseases are okay tho, I was usually pretty healthy and got a few shots on a surgery

??? I think that's clear from my original post. Anything that's not a virus is considered a toxin.

Everything is bad in high dosages moron for shits sake you want to drink gallons of water in one sitting you can liquify your glands.

I can't break it down any further.

This one, single person is a proof that my theory is valid across all of the board guys?

>what is anecdotal evidence?
>what is peer reviewed science?
>what is meta-analysis?
I think it's time you killed yourself.