What RUINED...Disney Channel?


What the hell happened Sup Forums?

What the fuck am I watching

This video is shit

literally who is this guy

>2 posters

>What the hell happened Sup Forums?
Lizzie Macguire fucked everything


Hey Saberspark, can you get me on Bronies React?

>no mention of Avengers:EMH
Well fuck you too buddy.

>bronies react
those videos are shit though.

I find them quite enjoyable and I want to date Nowacking, she will learn to love me

Banana Fontana

That's Disney XD

You must be 18 or older to call

Disney XD is the channel.

In my opinion it was the addition of outdated Live Action shows and the "lol so random" humor put into them. Disney is hit and miss right now.

are you six? do you think pokemon XD is a real game to?

Mr. Enter has better production value than this guy.

Not even joking, the guy recently upped his game. His reviews are still the same quality, but his production is much better.

I think Sup Forums can make a better youtube chanel than this guy.

I'm going to call your bluff.

How can Sup Forums make a Youtube channel? Not me, not you, but a channel that is Sup Forums itself. I want to see this. Let's make it happen.

They and all the similar channels started producing live action shit that shits all over boys, and black people.

Was actually amazed that that Mech-X4 show got made.

>Youtuber has avatar that occasionally changes position/expressions

>used to have a wide variety of content including cartoons and live action shows for all audiences
>now only has sitcoms geared towards girls and only girls while all the other content is on what used to be Toon Disney, a non-basic channel
There, I saved you 30 minutes.

>All that dicksucking towards Gravity Falls
>That vĂ­deo when he overly praises it.
>Season 2 happened.

>some loser complaining about a children's channel for half an hour

The dude skipped a shit load of info on the type of programing Disney channel used to air during the actual 90s but he makes a few very good points.

why can't he say Disney "Channel" ?

He says Disney "Chanoow"

I like how he ignores that people loved shows like Lilo & Stitch and Dave the Barbarian because HE PERSONALLY didn't find anything interesting in them. It wasn't even subtle, he openly admitted he was passing off his opinions as a fact.

I couldn't finish watching. This guy just talks way too slow.

>I like how he ignores that people loved shows like Lilo & Stitch and Dave the Barbarian
Not everybody was born in the mid 90s or 2000s.

You can keep your early 2000 Doodlebops gayshit