It's a weight gain episode

>It's a weight gain episode
>It's a mind control episode
>It's a shrinking episode
>It's main character turns into a different creature episode

How did this show manage to get away with all of this and more?


>it's a reality alteration episode

>reality alteration episode

The best kind of episode.

Still salt Clover didn't mention about being a cat girl before when it was happening to Alex.

>you can wish for anything in the universe
>wish for a husband and kids
This bitch must be desperate

Clover transformed so many times you could almost make an Omnitrix out of all her different forms.

That's actually a good question. Why DIDN'T she bring that up?


The plots were just good fun if it's not your fetish. The censors must have had very pure minds.


That's bullshit.


Because there's nothing sexually explicit about those elements you listed.

>all of these things are happening to attractive teenage girls from Los Angeles, epicenter of west coast degeneracy
>all of it is made by the French
C'mon user. It's tongue-in-cheek levels of intent, at the very least.

>tfw your gif wasn't saved right

Dude they almost NEVER make reference to any of their other episodes.

There's one episode where they use spicy gum to get real sweaty to escape from bonds (I'm serious) and it doesn't work for Sam cause "she likes spicy food" but then like NEXT SEASON they use the same damn gadget and she breaks out there with sweat... BECAUSE???

Because only you pathetisch neckbeards See these things as a fetish


>Character is underwater
>Surrounds ENTIRE BODY in an air bubble
>Character is able to float or swim like it's still water

How has no one questioned this? I know it's magic and all but air doesn't take gravity away.

Funny thing that, the definition of fetish specifies things that AREN'T inherently sexual in nature often become the catalyst of sexual gratification.

So yeah.

...she stopped eating spicy food?

Yeah, It's pretty stupid.


Nah bro, obscure science fact: lasers actually move at 25 cm a second.

>How did this show manage to get away with all of this and more?
There were less SJWs than now.

Jerry is by far one of the most badass men in the cartoon.

Dude, Alex even mentioned she was allergic to cats when Clover turned into one. So what, she was allergic to herself when she turned???
Fuggin writers man...

Because those things aren't inherently fetishistic and you only think of them as so because you know about these deviant fetishes as a 20 something year old on Sup Forums.