This is reality, I don't get the whole transgender shit

This is reality, I don't get the whole transgender shit.

like what happens if you're at a bar right, you see this 10/10 qt and buy her a drink, this leads to taking her back to your place and maybe doing the deed

>pulls down her pants
>sees weird vagina but pussy is pussy
>have intercourse

The faggot you fucked never disclosed his mental illness to you thus making you a faggot by accident, is that considered rape?

Picture related

>is that considered rape?

It is, and therefore you're allowed to defend yourself and use deadly force if necessary.

>is that considered rape?
Chances are if you tried to explain this it would backfire and you'd be considered the rapist.


Most of the time with trannys you can tell, From their masculine jaw line, their voice, their body hair, their muscle to fat ratio, once you get good at noticing the subtle things that trannys can't change you'll never be duped again. Also

>Implying the average tranny will be able to pull off being an 8 or a 9
Lul. Also OP don't go to clubs. Meet a nice wholesome female. You won't be any of those in clubs.

If you got an erection during it you're gay, and now trying to blame your gayness into rape. You sound like a woman...

trannies are somehow ok in comparison to transgenders who actually chop of their shlong.

There's nothing gay about banging Transwomen. Trust me, been there, done that. Feels no different than hooking up with a girl, except the dick of course.

pretty much this. If you get hard with a transwomen it is not rape nor her fault.

It is your own fault for being close minded.

>pulls down her pants
>sees weird vagina
>on a TRAP
seriously, fagget... fagget, seriously

Say no to weird vagina!

Damn. I want to slam my cock inside of it's tight little holes.

Yeah imagine in 20 years when they have the whole transition thing down to a T.

Just stick them with your blood scanner embeded in your fingertip, the on-screen analysis will show up on your pupil's surface. You'll see if their blood contains XX or YX
If it's YX, just prick them with a lethal supervirus and leave while their lungs dissolve, your HUD should have a mini-map and tell you the fastest way home

yep , voice and sometimes shoulders arms-hands REALLY give it away


implying real girls would go back to your place and do any deeds.

Corey is a fetish of a woman. Corey can still stand up to piss. Corey is s man

No its not fucking rape you retard. If you care you have to ask. Have fun being weird as fuck to ask every woman you sleep with whether or not she was born a man.

>those arms

Permanently assign Corey to gloryhole duties.
Comes with it's own stall, and no one ever has to see it again. No confusion, no problems.

>That chin

Pic related.

That has to be some of the ugliest pussy I've ever seen.

I've seen Islamic, circumcised pussy that looks better than that shit.


It's a taint piercing that got infected and removed
CWC now has a hole there and claims it's a vagina

It's an infected taint on a fucking creepy retard.

His parents should be arrested for submitting a child to hormone therapy.

>Can't do it

I'm fine with you feeding your children nothing but fire, as long as it's on your property and not mine.

I don't care one bit what other people do to or with other people that have nothing to do with me.

Thats because its chris chans infected taint.

Thinking about it, Chrischan had someome do that piercing for him. Someone literally had Chrischan walk into their shop, and pay for an piercing right below his anus.

The guy/girl who did that has seen some shit.

Being a piercer at a tattoo place, and piercing the ugliest trannies genitals.

meanwhile as a 30yo "adult" i can't get test or hgh prescribed because i have normal test levels.


Well excuse me then.

It's a hole in the groin area that has no clit, and someone stuck a pin through it. Looks like the shit trannies would call a vagina.

That is literally just a wound. Only a sick fuck would enter it.

If I got stabbed in my arm would you claim it's a vagina and have sex with it?




30 years ago you'd be given anabolics and sent to gym as a standard. Now they give you estrogen and say your test is too high.

Google thing steroids are legal in the UK. They are banned in 3rd world feminist countries because they want you to be feminised.

>right above his anus

i just tweeted CWC about it, winder if he'll message back

Regardless of whether or not he actually said that, I think I'll always be a fan of The Duke.



I don't understand why anyone would want to use the women's restrooms. The line-ups are hell, it's noisy and they're always crowded.

If I was a woman, I'd want to use the men's restrooms.

>pic unrelated

When it's real xD


I'd love to lick that sweet pussay.


> twisted cister

No, it isn't rape, you're just a faggot.

As a dad, if my daughter needs help using the restroom, I'd probably bring her to the Men's room (i.e. the one I usually use).
I wonder if that's the wrong thing to do. Either way someone's gonna be in the wrong sexed bathroom.

Piss wherever you want, just make sure to flush you little faggot

Imagine being a virgin and licking that without knowing it's fake

Can a fake man-pussy self lubricate as does a real womans?

How advanced is the field of pussy-construction? Is the medical technology such that a talented pussy-maker can construct a passable pussy ?

>Licking pussy


Fucking dudes isn't gay, being fucked is gay. Google buggery

Not supporting trans people, but you should pictures of these things after they have fully healed and they have done some kegel exercises

Civilized people call it "sodomy", or just "anal sex".

Asian trannies are difficult to detect. Just like a woman...with a dick.

Hence why they're the progenitors of trap porn/hentai.

Yes if you actually get tricked you can. Having sex under false pretenses/deception is considered rape.

Stop trying to cheat at sports you niggers.

i don't play sports, just lift and, ride bike when the weather is good. so, if i want to chemically enhance myself it should br fine as im not reassigning my fucking gender before puberty.

Fair dos then. I have no problem with people taking roids responsibly so long as they aren't competing. Lifting for its own sake i.e. not to supplement a sport or for military fitness or something is p. gay tho. Like eating bread every day rather than making an actual sandwich.

>Feels no different than hooking up with a girl, except the dick of course.
>Feels no different than hooking up with a girl, except the dick of course.
>Feels no different than hooking up with a girl, except the dick of course.
>Feels no different than hooking up with a girl, except the dick of course.

anybody else feel dead inside remembering the days when I would laugh at our memes with impact text and nowadays every time I see one they're getting more and more horrific

Both men and women - among other genders - experience penis ownership. It is in no way indicative of a person's gender.

Buying it a drink was the first vicious act of rape you shitlord