Let's talk about this turd.

>dutch angles, dutch angles everywhere
>lensflare, lensflare everywhere, bring your shades
>forget the shades, you won't be able to see anything with how muted and dark everything is, Star Trek has to be MUH GRITTY after all
>everything overdesigned as fuck, especially Klingons
>Klingons are egyptian orcs or some shit
>Klingons speak like they are retarded, slowly stumbling through words which doesn't sound like a fucking language at all
>acting in general is awful by pretty much everyone
>writing is absolute ass
>everyone is a fucking idiot, first and foremost the main character (not to mention her permanent bitch face)
>doesn't fit into any sort of continuity
>Starfleet committing war crimes

I could go on and on about shit like the sign in the sandstorm, talking your way out of prison, Vulcans being able to talk to you across the fucking galaxy, the pointless death of Yeoh's character which makes you feel nothing since she had no character and so on but the space is limited and I don't feel like writing more. Feel free to add to it though.

Are there even any positives aside from the production values and Ensign Daft Punk for the waifu autists? Why do JJ/Orci/Kurtzman hate Star Trek so much?

Other urls found in this thread:

it was so so bad.

I mean objectively it's the strongest trek pilot since TOS.

but still I had to scream at the tv for most of it because it's the worst show I've ever seen.

I guess that speaks more to the source material. You can only elevate it so much.

>I mean objectively it's the strongest trek pilot since TOS
You people keep saying this, but I fail to see how.

He meant to say it's objectively the worst one.

some trek shows don't even get good til 2 seasons in, nevermind having good pilots.

This one was abysmal though.

Joke's on you OP, I thought it was pretty good

I can overlook most flaws, but the lead character is just awful and not likable. More than anything else that will doom the show. It's what happens when you unnecessarily cast someone based on race and gender.

sure thing Seth

>this guy goes into another studio and successfully knocks your flagship franchise better than you ever could
wat do?

I kinda liked it, but they killed off the only two characters I was interested in. Also Im not sure the main characrter being a black human-vulcan transgender woman(male) called Michael.

>Creates 1 good episode, show quickly slides into unsalvageable shit

Okay then

I really liked Michelle Yeoh, they should have kept her in it for a lot longer. I'm not totally behind the MC yet but I'll give it a few more episodes before I give up on her. I'm looking forward to Jason Isaacs showing up, he is always solid.

Hello to Jason Isaacs

>programming an ai responsible for keeping prisoners in jail

>it releases it's prisoner because of muh ethics

Why do we have to wait a week to watch the next episode on Netflix? What is this 2012 bullshit?

"Dutch angles" is literally some Sup Forums meme invented just to disparage this show

The pilot is supposed to be the good one?
Glad I dropped this hot garbage then

No, the pilot is actually pretty meh. Episode 2 and 3 were great though with 3 being the best one so far. It's a promising start that is pointing upwards.

haha this fucking guy

How do you even calculate ethics? What if the released prisoner goes on to kill the entire crew?

it was not a turd
im not offended by production value

I had to turn it off during the intro of the pilot. After the sign in the sand I was done.

It's a complex AI
Not 100% deterministic

>complex AI
>releases prisoner

You're saying the ai is alive and can make judgements based upon ethical decisions?

That's just my guess

Considering the source material it's okay i think.
Have you ever saw a star trek episode?

Klingon speak was to slow, to quiet and to short words. When i hear Klingons i hear loud volume angry warlord like shouting that makes other peoples very afraid. Design though was good, Klingons are an old people and it shows.

Other than that i liked it. It looks a lot more advanced than Enterprise but not as advanced as tng or voyager and no mention of Spock or Kirk so i guess it fits between Enterprise and TOS.

What i have seen so far i really like and i guess the show will evolve and set its own trek standards and memorable characters if it lives on which i hope it does. I cant wait for the next episode :D

>is the AI with explicitly mentioned ethics protocols able to make ethical decisions?

Wouldn't it be unethical to leave the ai to die?


end yourself

The main Klingon guy sounded strange and stunted to me. The others like the white skinned one and the hologram Klingons seemed to speak a lot more fluently with sentences that sounded put together. I don't know anything about how Klingon is supposed to sound but the main guy sounded like Microsoft Sam.

>Implying that it's not a distributed system

>implying humans are not a distributed organism, and releasing the prisoner would be as unethical as not saving the ai.

>muh parents

When will they stop making this kind
of shit?
A 30yo adult still haunted by what happens in her childhood, so much that everytime something goes wrong she burst into flame.
You see this trope in every serie.

Forgot pic

>Klingon orcs
>vulcans can telepath
>ugly uniforms w no indication of rank (unless I missed something)
>admiral "you just roasted 10 of our ships let's talk)
>"don't kill him and make a martyr" then kills him
>110 lb women holding their own against trained warrior class soldiers that weigh 150 lbs more than them
Could list things all day
Hopefully it's just a shot 2 part pilot and it gets decent soon. The Klingon ship with the coffins was pretty cool I guess

I do not see how she could have saved the prison cell but whatever

>I do not see how she could have saved the prison cell but whatever

typical bio, not all ai look alike

>why didn't the ai save the banana

see how it feels?

I'll give you the dutch angles and lens flare but I liked everything else. Especially the Klingons, despite their wonky design. It's really not as bad as you fags made it out to be.

Since you're obviously not a writer or a screenwriter, a producer, a director, an actor or even a lowly production staff lackey, why should we pay any attention to your incredibly moronic opinions. Nobody really cares what you think, so please, do everybody a favor and SHUT THE FRACK UP!

>Since you're obviously not a writer or a screenwriter, a producer, a director, an actor or even a lowly production staff lackey, why should we pay any attention to your incredibly moronic opinions. Nobody really cares what you think, so please, do everybody a favor and SHUT THE FRACK UP

You seem to do.

Fuck off nerd

JJ pls

>Show gets a dark and gritty look to it
>Crewmembers die left and right
>Captain is brutally killed in an attempt to unfuck the situation

>Yet in all this, they think it's a good idea to attack the Klingon ship without a single security officer as backup

In any other Star Trek this would fly, but in any other show you wouldn't expect an action scene followed by the sudden death of a major character. Then they look like retards going in without backups.

sending in your very least disposable people right into the fray was always a bit of a ST thing. But even then, just two of them, that's it?

at least they actually had the weapons drawn, that's something


but it's established they're both suicidal. michael would rather die than put anyone else in the way of the klingons. gook-captain wanted to kamikaze as soon as the admiral on the other ship was rammed to death.

It's true that it doesn't necessarily feel like a Trek show as much as the others because they're clearly trying to update designs of tech and alien races, but I like it. I said yesterday that they seem to be pulling inspiration from other scifi franchises like Mass Effect. Starfleet ships have energy shields that are immediately activated when pieces of the ship are blown away. That's similar to kinetic barriers in ME. Overall, the artistic direction is beautiful. The technology in trek has always seemed somewhat more practical and designed to appear somewhat low tech. Think about the giant screen display that trek always uses as their main form of communication between ships. That shit needs updating. Scifi in general has always been morphing regarding the projection of new technologies that might exist in the future with Star trek having been one of the main series to first conceptualize touch screens before they existed. The series should keep to its roots and continue to be ahead of the curve in this regard instead of primarily trying to keep to some perceived canon involving its tech.

I'm all for re-imaginings with a series as old as Star Trek. Creators deal themselves a disservice when all these other scifi franchises are trying to conceptualize futuristic technology based on currently existing tech. Star trek was behind that curve before. Now, it's starting to catch up.
>human augmentation
These should all become staples in current scifi unless it's explained away somehow that this isn't the direction humanity moved in though it's or current trajectory.

It's a great show. So far, I'm loving every second of it including the lensflares. I even like Starfleet ships a bit more. They have a very somewhat compact/more compartmentalized design. They keep with the form factor of your typical starfleet ship, but they expand on it a bit with more geometric shapes. Honestly, it's beautiful. Star trek needs this desperately.

>>Klingons speak like they are retarded, slowly stumbling through words which doesn't sound like a fucking language at all

They were just copying Kirkr's speech pattern

For all of you haters, please understand that DSC is the closest thing we've seen to fulfilling Roddenberry's vision for the future, and the greatest cinematic achievement Star Trek has ever produced. First off, the bridge is no longer a boy's club, where women are relegated to being eye candy and answering phones. They are strong, have differing opinions, and are willing to take REAL ACTION. The fact that an Asian woman and a STRONG BLACK WOMAN are in positions of power attests to the progress that humans have made in the future. They aren't anyone's bitch, even each others.

The aliens represent real world political issues, like the alien Saru, who shows that even members of a former slave race can become strong members of society, and move beyond being prey for dominant powers. The Klingons are no longer thinly veiled "others' and represent a real faction of American society that is too afraid of change to move beyond their archaic traditions.

The visuals were gorgeous. The lighting was moody and added a dynamic and tense atmosphere that highlighted the show's central tensions, as well as mirroring the blackness of space. Not like the garish colors and overly bright sets of prior Trek shows like TOS and TNG that looked like they were filmed in an open field with the midday sun shining directly overhead. The experimental angles helped contrast the detailed sets and futuristic tech with the primitive and current tensions between the crew of the USS Shenzhou. And FINALLY, we have sci-fi tech that ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE SCI-FI TECH and not some cheesy wooden props that look like repainted furniture someone found at a flea market.

Trek has finally entered the realm of true art, and no amount of racist, reactionary vitriol can change the great accomplishments we've already seen from this show.

I loved the first two episodes.
A lot of action, amazing visuals, design(Klingon space suit), and breathtaking views of space.
Acting and writing were a bit wooden and there was a bit of SJW propaganda, but I can forgive that in view of other aspects of the show.

I give it solid 7/10.

Also I can only laugh at nerds who cry show doesn't look like TOS.
Nobody wants to watch that today retards.

The updated tech is not the problem, in fact it's one of the best parts of the show(where the fuck are my phaser arrays though).

The problems so far is the missuse of the canon, in ways that did not need to be updated. Since its a prequel, the Klingons needed to be different some ways from TNG and DS9. They could have gone with the more hardcore warrior culture. Instead they seem to have changed them entirely. Making them into religious fanatics to look more relateable as a bad guy for modern day youths. Butcherning an already well-established language for what reason, to make them sound more evil and alien?

And the hamfisted political connections is annoying. Now don't get me wrong, Star Trek has always had plenty of those. But they made the Klingons, an empier that had been in a cold war for over a hundred years with the Federation, suddenly start getting bothered about the Federations liberal ways, to the extent where they are spouting make Klingons great again? Comeon.

Thankfully that white skinned Klingon that looks to be taking over the dead guy's leadership can speak 'humanese' so we wont have to hear much Klingon I suspect.

I tried to have an open mind, not listening to the usual Sup Forums anti-hype that comes with pretty much everything being announced every, or not readign too much about it, not watching trailers and so on

>straight up confrontation with Klingons, back to the roots and basics
>main character being put on trial and sentenced for doing shit, not just hand-weaved away (may drastically change with the next episode tho)
>ships look a bit more practical, I guess?

>federation boobytrapping the dead body? After the combat stopped on top of that? Seriously? Even most of modern militarizes would have serious issues with that.
>lightning and angles
>African tribesman Klingons who sound like shit
>le grrl power face
>why the fuck is Sarek even in it
>and why is he suddenly a telepath, what the fuck
>a minor point, but the opening is boring and tedious as hell

It could have been worse, but I'm not exactly blown away here

>suddenly start getting bothered about the Federations liberal ways, to the extent where they are spouting make Klingons great again?

Well obviously, given the state of our current political affairs, tensions can exist and do exist under the surface where political leaders, whether they are federation or klingon, are caught unawares. Cold wars are especially tense in that sort of way except in this instance, the Klingons were on the brink of initiating full blown war, though even they seemed to be waiting for something or someone like Michael to serve as an excuse or catalyst for their violent objectives.

It makes perfect sense. And as you say, Trump is a mere piece of a larger trend in the West forming against liberal democracies. This presents is a significant shift and it should engender criticisms and thought provoking discussions as to where this trend could lead.

I get that the Klingons are supremacists and anti-liberal federations, but they have their own, internal class struggles highlighted in the show as well. It's not simply "Make Klingons Great Again" as you say with their opposition being only the federation. It seems a bit more nuance than that.

>the opening is boring and tedious as hell

get yourself a better entertainment setup, bro. the opener was hardly boring at all.

Universally reviled into darkness is 90% on RT. This shit show sits at 64%.



just to be sure we're on the same page here, what I meant was the opening credits

>more nuance

The writers literally stated that "remain klingon" was inspired by "make america great again".

>not liking the opening credits

it's the best opening credits sequence in all of star trek!

I'm not saying that it wasn't inspired by that, I'm saying that their take on it is more complex. The pale Klingon and his treatment sort of alludes to this, I think.

Literally ever other OP is better, even ENT. Even with that stupid song.

unfortunately i know lots of normies like this.

one of the people i know aged 40+ sold a company and is a multi millionaire with a new company doing quite well and still has major daddy issues even though his dad was in his life, didnt beat him, etc.

>Follow my footsteps, Michael, even lines.
>Why? Captain, where are we going? It's your turn to trust me, Number One.
>But now we're really lost.
>We're far too small to be seen with the naked eye.
>And you can't set a course without a star.

>Despite the risks of our mission, I remain optimistic. It's hard not to be in the face of such beauty – in this case, a binary star system. Around these two suns, ice, dust, and gasses collide to form planets future generations will call home

>I assume the timing of the call was not coincidental.
>The quadrant reports a new star in the sky.

>SARU (ON COMMS): Captain to the bridge.
>Status? Massive photonic activity on the Klingon object, Captain.
>Output is over one billion lumens per square meter.
>GEORGIOU: Is that a weapon? It seems to be some sort of signal emitter.

its following a usual trope that star trek used in the recent movies.

we'll lock you up oh wait now were at war and we need you.

>traumatic issues haunt people for their entire lives
>why can't people be less human

look at this vulcan over here.


How long till first sweaty lebo scene is aired?

Why do the Klingons on DIS look indistinguishable from the Klingon from Into Darkness?

because the show was supposed to play in the Kelvin Timeline but they feared that the Fans would chimp out so they went we wuz main universe n shiet

the Klingons=Trump supporters was just something done for media attention

Klingons actually represent traditional Star Trek fans who want to keep Star Trek pure from innovation and keep Star Trek stuck in the past. The writers show how really the traditional Star Trek fans and new Star Trek fans and creators are the same as each other by having them flash a super powerful lens flare at the new Federation/new Star Trek fans which is something similar to what Abrams did in his new movies.

>stupid song
fuck off faith of the heart is great

>judging star trek by 2 eps
>usually takes 40 to get good

shouldn't you be writing that musical episode, seth?

Ironically 2 episodes in and it's already better than the first 2 seasons of TNG and Enterprise.

>Klingons actually represent traditional Boko Haram/ISIS who want to keep the Middle East pure from Westerners/Shia and keep their people stuck in the past.

They're all traditionalists that fear progress and the integration of different ethnic groups.. Either narrative is interchangeable at this point.


>Star Trek: Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green pointedly kneeled for an Instagram post along with the CBS show’s executive producer Akiva Goldsman and several other members of the cast (such as Anthony Rapp, Michelle Yeoh, Mary Wiseman, Mary Chieffo and Shazad Latif). The image included the hashtags #StarTrekDiscovery #takeaknee. The post went live a few hours after the world premiere of Discovery on CBS.

>Later, Martin-Green added: “Thank you. All of you. CBS, writers, producers, directors, crew and cast. For your gifts and fervor. And thank you, those watching. For tuning in. For your passion, support, and love. I. Do. NOT take it lightly. I thank God for you. And I’m excited to take this journey with you.”

>Previously Discovery made some waves after the show’s producer Aaron Harberts discussed with EW the political allegory being explored in the show’s first season storyline, noting the writing process “began as a commentary on our own divided nation — in terms of Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters …The Klingons are going to help us really look at certain sides of ourselves and our country. Isolationism is a big theme. Racial purity is a big theme.

Just like the Thundercats reboot.

>other series early episodes are shit
>these are shit too, therefore WE CAN AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME they will definitely be good later on

You're kidding, right? I don't think anyone involved in this show was involved with the 80's/90's Trek. You can't expect a completely different crew to somehow follow that convention. At most you can say it needs to find its footing, but it easily never might. I'm betting on the latter.

>successfully knocks your flagship franchise better than you ever could
No, Orville is shit. At least STD has some ambition and direction, even if the acting, writing and visuals all need some serious tightening up.
Orville is aimless, derivative and juvenile.

I think ENT is better but he's right. The other ones were pretty campy and full of space magic.

I actually really enjoyed it, but I wasn't looking to hate it from the get-go like most people here.

New Klingons are fucking awesome.

It's just damage control after STD ended up being politically neutral and good and Orville ended up being SJW and garbage, even though Sup Forums expected the opposite. These entire threads are damage control. Most people don't watch star trek in the first place and half of them didn't even watch STD that criticize it.

>tfw The Orville is better Trek than STD's.

Yeah why the fuck is she called Michael?

She was male at birth. The Vulcans reassigned her as part of an experiment into human gender roles.

What is this image trying to convey?

listen faggots, STD is staying

Stop making me try to give Orville a shot. I mean, I'll eventually w-watch the series. I-I know it's not going to be better than DSC.

My neighbor is a harcdore Trekkie and he hates STD. He even thinks The Boreville is a better Trek successor.

So, exactly how edgy is it? I haven't given it a chance yet and don't know if I will.

The Klangonz are pretty damn edgy.

Just how edgy are we talking here m8?

Well he's dead now so it shouldn't be a problem anymore

Just look at their clothes. That should give you a good indication. Looks ridiculous.

Holy kek

>full of space magic.
And the show where the protagonist walks off melting flesh, fatal radiation and severe headtrauma in the course of 5 minutes isn't?
I mean I guess it's the purely bullshit kind, as opposed to the Q/nigh-Q levels in TNG/DS9 and Voyager, but that shouldn't make it better.