Tfw your movie is canceled because you can't quip

>tfw your movie is canceled because you can't quip

Did you make this shit in MS Paint you fucking schlub

>Marvel can't make you quip if you can't talk

>What is the silent straight guy

>hmm, yes Namor?
>I just want you to know that, given the opportunity, I would absolutely destroy your wife.
>I mean sexually.
>... I know Namor, you've told me many, many times. Can we get back to these incursions.

Truly, Namor is the Reggie Mantle of the Marvel universe

Memevel always finds a way

BB doesn't quip. That's why we have Maximeme.

Also, daily reminder that BB is the biggest cuckold in Marvel.
>a skrull
>his FUCKING brother ahahahaha
>Johnny Storm

It's only a matter of time until Namor bones Medusalith


Black Bolt motioning the suicide shot is hilarious.

And then his wife became a complete sociopath bitch that started killing off all the mutants.

>Neon Bolt

>marvel interns in charge of recognizing Sup Forums filenames

You know, as someone who actually likes Black Bolt, I'm glad.

I'd rather see a proper Inhumans movie than a bunch of OCs that are tangentially related.

The Inhumans should be different from the rest of the Marvel universe. Not "Diet X-Men".

>Blacklight Bolt

You know that Black Bolts still responsible for that right?

Medusa will quip for him.

Arguably, Maximus is even more responsible. BB just pulled the trigger (in a justifiable circumstance--even if he would've done it at some point regardless), but Maximeme made it happen. Seriously, Black Bolt can't do shit without Maximus.

I love Maximus.

Hasn't he actually fucked her by now?

The what?

I did.
I'm not OP tho. Thanks OP. :3

>tfw your long-time wife casts you out of your kingdom without even so much as a discussion

>tfw she starts fucking a known lothario half her age behind your back

>tfw she still uses you as a weapon whenever she sees fit

>tfw you go from one of Marvel's most epic and respectable characters to a pathetic cuckold who can barely run a fucking bar and is okay with killing mutants for no reason

Poor BB

Wait, wait... when did Medusa fuck a Skrull?

Well considering that she "shared a bed" with the Skrull impostor for a good damn while.

God fucking damnit. I forgot about that. Good God. Fuck.

Medusa was raped by a skrull, sucked Maximus cock and is now fucking her young sister's ex who's a dumb jock.

but it is okay to kill mutants for no reason

>for no reason
He's just salty about War of Kangz

AoS kind of ruined the Inhumans for me anyway

>Maximus cock
























did Maximus fuck Medusa from behind through the bars in SW? not 100% clear what's happening in the panel

also why did Karnak have a big weird head and now it's normal? and why did Triton speak like a caveman but now he doesn't?

She just goes down on him.

Can we all at least agree that Medusa is the real fucking cunt here?

same reason Namor had a big weird head and now it's normal.

It didn't look cool enough so they changed it.

>Can we all at least agree that Medusa is the real fucking cunt here?
Yes, Soule has managed to write her properly.

Yeah, the problem is that Medusa is balanced out by the rest of the royal family, but particularly Crystal. Too bad Soule side-lined every royal family member except fuck damn TRITON of all people. The entire first volume of Soule's run has Crystal make all of a single non-speaking cameo at the very end of the series.

You don't break up a family dynamic because there's a reason that dynamic is in place. The characters balance each other out. If you just take one of them and surround them with your OC sychophants while the others are lucky to get a cameo, then it's not the fucking inhumans anymore. It's Medusa and Friends and nobody wants that.

Thank God Ewing is coming in to save the day and hopefully make the Inhumans actually feel like the Inhumans again instead of Medusa's fauX-men.


Technically he could quip. It'd just turn into disaster porn every time he did.

Which, thinking it over could be pretty entertaining.

Oh that's what it is, I thought it had something to do with vomit.

>Blackbolt bites into a delicious invisible carrot
>Blackbolt whistles for lockjaw
>Blackbolt smells his finger
>Blackbolt demonstrates how to induce vomitting
>Blackbolt advises local Scottfags

>willing on the first and second T-bomb
>stayed behind while the rest of the illuminati was ship for secret wars 1
I feel like Black Bolt has been trying to kill himself for years

Blackbolt indicates that his wife was sucking on his brother's pecker