It was supposed to be an easy cash grab



I want to see feigesque biopic of Feig.

Well it ain't no easy grab, they got T

Is there a more archetypical beta male than this guy?

Easy cash crab.

"Hey, I know. Let's make the whole thing controversial by shoehorning the gender debate into it."

At some point, the studio heads deserve blame for not slamming the breaks as soon as this moron started that shit.

>At some point, the studio heads deserve blame for not slamming the breaks as soon as this moron started that shit.
If there is someone to blame it's Amy Pascal, you can see in the e-mails she just says "we're doing female Ghostbusters" and starts mentioning possible actresses names including Amu Schumer and she also forced Feig to make the movie despite him complaining he had no idea how to do it. It is mind boggling to see that there was absolutely no debate among Sony execs about these stupid she-boots.

Ghostbusters should have created new characters from the ground-up, and made it a team of 3 men and 2 women (or vice versa).

Characters. Not agendas. Characters. That's what matters.

daily reminder that the guy who plays the neckbeard has a hot wife with no self-esteem and life isn't fair

Is he in movie jail?

That's why women make terrible executives.
They try to prove a point with their actions and don't think rationally about it's long term effects.
They also hate being called out and make spiteful decisions.

>no agendas

Why women then? They're basically high risk plumbers, women wouldn't sign up for that.

Seems like a chill guy and she looks chubby.

If done right, any woman character can work. If done just to fill a quota, no one will give a shit, case and point Ghostbusters 2016

It would've been fine if they actually wrote some jokes for it, instead of doing that fucking terrible millenial improv that goes on forever with no point. It will be more dated and ebmarrasing than the turn of the centuty slapstick or the 60's Beach Movies.


>she looks chubby
you mean thicc
pregnant with his child

Yup. He broke parole by directing a disaster

what happened to americans to where they find whales attractive?

There was no reason to make this movie with female characters. I heard people said the old guys should have been there and pass the baton to the girls. Why?? Is there a rule somewhere that says every male driven classic has to undergo a sex change surgery? Why aren't they doing it the other way around? Like an Alien film with a male lead?

she's not fat you autist

What's up with this guy? Is he doing anything now?

Will people finally admit that he is shit? Both shows where he's received some acclaim for writing weren't good because him writing but the talent that carried the shows.

>There was no reason to make this movie with female characters.

There was no reason to make this movie period. Ghostbusters is a classic but it never needed a sequel and it needed a reboot even less.

He's made enough money from Brides Maid and other dreck he doesn't have to do shit unless he just wants to.
I doubt Ghostbusters: Answer The Call will be held against him by his main audience.
Not that they gave a shit in the first place.

Feig's Feed & Seed