Would you live in a completely globalist world if it meant no more war?

Would you live in a completely globalist world if it meant no more war?

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civil wars will still happen no matter what

and no, not at this point in time. maybe some time in the far future will globalism be something I support

I bet you jerk of to tranny porn. Fuck off

that was fucking retarded

and there will always be war because people are greedy animals

>Would you give up your freedom for safety?


shit holes
>south america

No, I don't want to lower my living standards to pay for a bunch of fucking lazy communists to sit around doing drugs and raping babies to avoid AIDS.

Fuck you.


Yeah, probably.

We already give up a lot of our natural freedom in exchange for security under the federal government. Why is a global government somehow a bad thing?

nah man

Globalism is not for plebians, it is only for the elite.

How do you intend to alter human nature, OP?

"If you redraw the lines on a map to group people together than they won't fight!"

I has worked out so well for the middle east


This idea that Earth will one day be a utopia free of borders, racism and war is stupid and dangerous.

If by globalist you mean the British empire wiping out shitskins left right and center then by all means.

Obviously women are always the primary victims of war.

Absolutely not.
I love my country and my people. Subjecting them to globalism is eradicating everything that makes us Brazilian.
Everything that makes us human, in fact

Fucking saved that was awsome.

You cant experience freedoms when youre dead now can you?

>getting passively out bred by people with an IQ lower than koko the gorilla

That isn't peace, it's mental hell.

It's strange how the world works. Throughout history, countries have always waged war for more power. But when the white race finally united and achieved complete domination, with the power to rule over all other races, we decided to give it up voluntarily. And now it's too late to take it back, because we gave the savages the atomic bomb.

no war =/= good living conditions


Becuase once all that power is consolidated things can really only go wrong once.


No, maybe they would call every war civil war. But this is only terminology, war is the ultimative human expression of dissent and conflicting interrests. It is Part of the conditiona humanis.



No. Globalism is built on imperial warfare, as the victim populations tend to oppose being robbed, unless you are propagandized enough to want to pay taxes to kill foreigners.

I call this my horse and cart analogy.

Imagine you were a travelling merchant with a caravan of horses.

Some horses are strong, others are weak.

You saddle up all the strong horses with extra weight that the weak horses can't carry.

On the long journey, many horses die. But at the end the survivors breed.

Ultimately you wind up with more and more weak horses, and saddling up the strong horses with more weight. In the end, you saddle up your last strong horse with all the weight and it dies.

Genetic violence is still violence. Artificial selection of the weak and inept is immoral.

No, war is essential for male competition, that's how we advance humanity, by culling weak men and letting the strongest/smartest reproduce with all of the leftover women.