How can any of you support a candidate that is responsible for this? Makes me sick...*sighs*

How can any of you support a candidate that is responsible for this? Makes me sick...*sighs*

Other urls found in this thread:

>wants to feel safe as a woman in public
>votes for the woman who's going to import more and more Muslims

Wise the fuck up.

lol they would have no problem interrupting someone and saying "excuse me, what you just said is ignorant"

Women need to submit their will to men. They are not wise enough to make their own decisions.

They probably called him a racist cause of a trump hat, and he told them off. They leave things like that out in their sob stories.

>He said stuff which means he would cut our throats right here ;""(


There are so many marks that I don't know who to victimize first.

Why did you censor it?

Further proof that liberals live in a fantasy land. Really gets your noggin joggin

I literally cried reading this. How people can, IN 2016, be so racist, close-minded and bigot is beyond me. I'm literally sick to my stomach to thinking how in the way this vile sexist behaved parallels can be drawn with NAzi Germany, which killed 20 million innocent Jews.... Americans must stop this man

best fanfic ever, after that she was raped by the Alt-KKK while they praised Kek

Filed under "Shit that definitely happened".

thank you

I don't believe her. If that last tweet is genuine, she's a troll or completely fucking delusional. You can't trust a word she says either way.

>this was a wealthy, powerful white man who was extremely angry
So how wet were they?

Nah monkeybro she was praised by the alt-kek after raping the KKK

You're hooked on the shitposting my man. I'm concerned.

>talking shit opinions in a public space
>get called out
>breakdown in tears

and they wonder why folks get tired of crocodile tears when they're unable to defend their views without them.

Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most

Typical white male attitude. :rolleyes:

I'm literally shaking right now. How can other people in the world not share the same opinions as me?

>Stories that never happened, part 2 electric bugaloo
Old rich white dudes, have better things to do. Tell your fan fiction elsewhere.

>that Trump supporters name?
>Albert Einstein

Because it didn't happen. If it did, like any other self-indulgent cunt who demands attention, she'd have put up video for proof. Since that didn't happen, it assures that this twat is hoarding like all the others.

When women don't get their way, they lie and make shit up, it has always been that way, some "feminists" you are, you can't even be honest for one solitary moment of your existence.

>although I wanted to defend myself, more than anything I was terrified that a white man would disagree with a strong young womyn in public

>if he feels safe saying words that disagree with the words of two strangers in public, maybe he'd also be cool with murdering us inside this Thai restaurant

>20 yo political opinions

>Interrupted us to tell us he was a rich white republican male

This is how I start all my conversations, her story checks out.

I prefer to use the line "I noticed there were penises in this conversation. Well, I've got a fat one for you right here."

Flawless icebreaker.

>Things that totes happened, guys! He came up to us and said "I'm a rich, white, republican male" I was LITERALLY shaking!

Holy shit these people are so socially awkward they can't even make a bullshit story sound even somewhat believable.

*were not

You fucking this up and stumbling over your words make it far more believable.


Welcome to the real world fags, you're in for quite a culture shock once you leave your echo chamber uni nursery safe spaces.

Is anyone buying this shit?

What is it with Thai food and politics.
List time I tried to enjoy a nice dinner at a Thai restaurant my meal was virtually ruined by a group at the next table sharing their political views with each other. I made a point to say loudly to my friend that I thought "anyone" with the view they had just expressed was a moron. They shut up.
I don't go out to dinner at nice restaurants to listen to idiotic and offensive liberal opinions all night.

>I-I just want to feel safe!!

A lot of people who grow up in bad neighborhoods or in shitty broken families get the shit beat out of them as a regular occurrence, it's just life for them.

On the other end of the spectrum you have these sheltered little twats who can't even take a god damn verbal criticism without screaming rape. Libs are so far checked out from reality in this world the shouldn't even be allowed to have input on social/political issues.


One testimony:

Yes. I'm sorry for my typos.

I could've made worse mistakes though.

Let's keep this harrowing TRUE STORY bumped.

People need to know the shocking plight of Hillary supporters.

Exactly these types of assholes harass people more than anybody. Sounds like he was just telling them they were hypocrites and they lay it out differently. And since they are not used to someone speaking their minds they pretend to act scared in order to somehow trying to outlaw anyone speaking against them.

You can instantly tell its a fake story as soon as she says 'he interrupted to tell us he was a rich, white, republican man'

Real people dont fucking do that. When would you ever go up to someone and give a list of your demographics like that?

Hillary's entire team is such loathsome lying shit.

fuck you bitch, you prob fuck niggers

These mini maoists as you could call them are the worst. They are ultra authoritarian but pretend not to be. And use manipulative tricks to censor people who disagree with them. Like pretending to act like a victim and use words like scary or dangerous and other fear based words on purpose to paint those who disagree with them as someone to be afraid of / evil and so on. And they are not really afraid but totally do it on purpose, these people are so disgustingly nanipulative and deceptive . Even if the op is fake that is exactly how they do it, and aren't shy of lying to get their way either. They always do the same tricks and when it doesnt work on you and realize you figured out their little game. They get visibly upset as if they are naked and dont know what they do. This is why they fear confidence and try actively to undermine it. Since they cant manipulate you if you have it.