
Post story predictions.
I just wanted to have a Lackadaisy thread, since BCB suddenly got, like, one thread everyday thanks to its regular update schedule.

I predict Wick will die in a hit. Probably ground up with his precious gravel.

Yeah, Wick will die sooner or later.

Ok, well, I for one predict the ones who'll die (main cast) will be Wick, then Viktor, and finally Mitzi.
From where we're at, I'd say Rocky will gradually become more and more unhinged, but along the way he'll prove to be surpringly effective in dealing with enemies. So much so that Mitzi will regard him (and Freckle) as a valuable hitman / rumrunner for the Lackadaisy.
However, Rocky will find himself at odds with nearly everybody in the Lackadaisy team, and when Viktor dies, he'll be seen as the primary cause for his death, prompting Mordecai to hunt for the guy.
Basically, everyone hates Rocky. Like the present but with more of a killing intent.

Only one's that will live are Freckle and Ivy. Everything else will be consumed by bullets and fire.


I'm thinking there will be a Mordecai and Calvin one on one showdown. At least I'm hoping there will be, I'll be kind of sad if there isn't.

Why do you fucks only read things with animals in it

Only? When was that implied?

Why are you a tripfag?

Don't you have some fans to pander to while passing judgment on them in secret ? Better yet, how about you go back to the BCB general and think about how you and Vero can bring your writing back up to snuff?

Yeah, we only read things that are drawn!!

Yeah! Wait, no. We only read things that are written.

I'd rather have a Mordecai vs Rocky showdown. Don't know why; it's pretty obvious who's the better fighter. But something about the possibility of banter and Rocky driving Morde mad while he somehow dodges all the bullets is just too much fun.

I think Zib will continue to be the best character.

When was the last time this was actually updated?


I tuned out like, 2 years ago

I assume that there've been maybe three updates?

She started a Patreon to do the comic full time.

Well, I hope that works out. Love her art.

She just posted some sketches of pages in progress to Patreon. There has also been at least one mini-comic that she hasn't posted to her main site. Not to mention when she posts reward art and other random stuff like pic related.

I think part of the problem is that while Patreon supporters see near weekly communication of some sort from Tracey, everyone else sees absolutely nothing and loses interest.

I like how she seems to specifically call out CAD for having terrible art.

The ears and other stuff give the art more characterization. Thats pretty much it.

Really? I'm not feeling Wick at all

I think he'll come close to dying, but he seems more clean than everyone else.

My dead pool:
>Bayou Twins
and finally
Leaving Calvin and Ivy to lead better lives

>suitcase is a tripfag
>implies we only read things with animals in it
I don't know for everyone else, but I try to read good things, which is why I dropped your wife's webcomic harder than she dropped any attempt to improve, either as an artist or as a writer.

Maybe while you're leaching off of her success, you can examine how Lackadaisy is superior in every way to BCB except for update schedule.

But what can I say, my bowel movements come more often than my paychecks, which is a pretty apt comparison of BCB and Lackadaisy

>more clean
What, think you gotta be dirty to die? I could see him being inconvenient. That seems like it'd be enough in this setting. I don't think the only ones to get offed will be those that the audience thinks "had it coming."

If that's what you mean.

I mean it'd be like Aunt Nina dying. He seems to be chasing Mitzi, and doesn't really care about the business at all.

Though yeah, maybe to send a message or something. Then his secretary hooks up with Rocky

Between this series and Berserk, I wonder which I'll be waiting for longer? Probably Berserk. Well, they say good things come to those who wait. So when I finally read Lackadaisy again, it's going to be phenomenal.

We will soon have a cartoon of Lackadaisy. But it won't be Lackadaisy.