If there's a chance I can make an allusion so blatant, that my American audience will understand it...

If there's a chance I can make an allusion so blatant, that my American audience will understand it, shouldn't I take it?

>saved earth
Can someone explain?

Jesus saved human souls though. He didn't save the world. The world is material and meaningless.

Subtlety is pretentious.

The whole point of Jesus dying on the cross was to redeem mankind (ie Earth)

Being Christlike != literally being Jesus

Leave it to the braindead plebs to so completely misunderstand Snyder.

And even then this scene flew way over the heads of many people.

Just show more images of StatusQuo Man floating in a cross position in space. Maybe they will get it then.

>by turning myself in
that's the part you should pay attention to, it's about martyrdom
so to OP, apparently it wasn't blatant enough

jesus didn't save anyone by 'turning himself in,' that implies that the ones who killed him had power over him

he demonstrated that someone has to solve the really big problems, and that's going to be God, not a human

and he did so by executing and resurrecting himself: superman cannot be a god, he exists within the context that he's saving

wasnt blatant until one guy posted it in every thread and everyone started to pretend they noticed it

Allusion literally does not mean literally.

It was blatent even in the cartoon series. Also General Zod is the best superman. Gods and Monsters was great.

t. Christlet

Literally none of that is correct

but they achieved different things, how is it a parallel?

>Snyder haters are butthurt edgy atheists.

The pickle rick audience.

Do I hate DC because im an atheist? Superman really bugs me.


If there's a chance I can make an allusion so blatant, that my Japanese audience will understand it, shouldn't I take it?

To this very day. To be fair, it took me seeing BvS to fully understand it. I've never seen this sort of depth in a blockbuster before, let alone a comic book movie.

That shot is from the priest's PoV you dumdum.

What's even better, we get the priest framed with the cross, symbolic of Clark's awareness of the burden he's dropping on this simple parish priest, not that you'll ever hear any "critics" mention that bit.

Three years later, that priest is still carrying that burden, still keeping Clark's secret.

In Prometheus David washes Weyland's feet as if he were Jesus. 20 minutes later Jesus stomps their shit.

My Baptist friend says that the reason Jesus had to die on the cross was so that humans would no longer have to sacrifice animals to god anymore.
It's as good of an explanation as any of the other dumb explanations I've heard. The story makes less sense than Batman vs Superman and that's saying a lot.

I never really understood that. God thought that mankind needed to be punished for its sins, but because God is good he just punished a human manifestation of himself?


He's an idiot.

Here's the thing:

Before Christ, there was no permanent salvation. The best either the righteous or the sinner could hope for was a remittance of sin through ritual sacrifice. The afterlife was something more akin to the Greek concept of Hades, with an "Elysian Fields" and a "Gehenna" where you went based totally off your deeds. Neither of these places was Heaven and both were, technically "He'll," a place known in Hebrew as Sheol.

Christ's death on the cross and resurrection was something that had never been - a perfect sacrifice, good for all who had lived or ever would live. Before this moment, no mortal soul had ever sat foot in Heaven and in a real sense, Heaven did not yet exist, hence why among Christ's last words, he says, "I go now to prepare a place for you," a place that did not yet exist, because no mortal soul had yet existed in oneness with the Father.

That the Cliff's notes, anyway.

>drawing a parallel between god and a shitty comic book character is theism
It's blasphemy, but you neo-Christians wouldn't know.

Is that guy the bank manager from The Dark Knight son?

He could be. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance.

It's not. Snyder just loves the fuck out of Jesus.

>reason Jesus had to die

Why would an all powerful God have to do anything. Why not just send an angel down to tell us to knock that shit off?

Man, Christian lore is really weak. Greek and Roman mythology always seemed cooler.

God works in mysterious ways, aka not a single Christian can explain the most important moment in Christianity.

Yes, you will be hailed as a genius by normies and they will give you money.
