Spider-Man 2099 Storytime Part 3

Part 2
Issue 21















Thank you both

You welcome










Issue 22



He's looking a bit like Robocop here.


Or a really butchered Cyclops







Weird. I don't have page 9.












Issue 23















Am I the only one who reads Miguel's lines in a Spanish accent?


You might be. How thick do you imagine it?



Antonio Banderas thick.




Huh. It could work.

Issue 24


















Doesn't his suit have a voice modulator?

There have an awfully amount of spider threads, the halloween one, the rhino & lizzard, spider-island, now this? any way, you doin gods work user


That's the first time I've ever heard of it.
No problem.



Guess I just kind of assumed since it's so high tech.